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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. No, it's news because it was apparently a deliberate act, not an accident that the majority of the 65 to which you refer are.
  2. What was your thought process that enabled you to come up with that gem...anything logical or rational?
  3. What fact is there that the foreigner did anything to be blamed for? In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, how about rephrasing your comment to: "The fact that a Thai girl this time did it, should not make a difference"?
  4. Vice News I wasn't referring to that video but I'll include it now. Who decides on it's credibility or is your opinion enough?
  5. It a discussion site. Videos are subject to editing and the bias of those who do the editing. I know this is a public forum, thanks. You're not trying to claim that the comments posted here by members are not subject to bias or permitted opinion?
  6. I already said it was not from "a credible news media source or a government agency". Specifically, which news media source are you saying is not seen as credible?
  7. Never saw blood in any streets, nor rivers, no signs of civil war, no signs of immigrants showing the ‘whip hand’. You're not familiar with the Brixton riots in London, the Toxteth riots in Liverpool, the Handsworth riots in Birmingham, the Chapeltown riots in Leeds, and the Moss Side riots in Manchester?
  8. I posted the rule. How does that video comply with that rule? Do you think it's a credible source? It isn't. I don't see any contravention of that rule. You're the one who claimed that it violated the rule and was forbidden, so you explain why. Just posting the rule that you assert has been broken isn't an explanation.
  9. It's whatever any poster decides that it is in the context of his comments and the rules do not forbid videos. Unless you've just bought the site, of course.
  10. Oh look! Here's Johnny come Lately. You're skipping classes. We wrapped up the "intelligence debate" around page 12 already but we're happy to doggy paddle for a spell so that some other members can keep up. It's a public forum, you do not "wrap up" any part of any threads, nor do you ("we"?) speak for anyone else on the forum apart from yourself. Doggy paddle? What? In your arrogant admonishment of my comment for not fitting into your timing of the progress of the thread, I assume by "doggy paddle" you meant "tread water"!
  11. The forum ignore list. The last redoubt of the feeble. So true. The ignore list is the only "punishment" in which the only person affected by it, in any way, is the one (who thinks he is) doing the punishing!
  12. Really? Wow. I dont know about a Turbo you should fit a sense of humour it would be a worthy addition. If you made a humourous comment it would be a worthy addition and then I'd be able to exercise my sense of humour.
  13. Likely to be much safer than the bikes the OP says they use now.
  14. Easy, use two elastic bands for the drive and you have the Turbo version My comment was a question, not a statement.
  15. What? What has your non sequitur, "Caucasians" in Thailand, got to do with this?
  16. So much of a racist that he wanted to be posted to, and remain in India, and, later, learned Urdu (one of fourteen foreign languages that he spoke) in order to be able to speak to his Indian-born constituents in their own language.
  17. Jesus...you're a Moderator now? Congratulations. The thread is about Enoch Powell and, obviously, anything associated to him or his views. Your interpretation of the OP is not the only valid one.
  18. He was an admirable genius and the majority of the UK at the time agreed with him.
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