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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. It's part of showing they're more Thai than you ........ even though it's the only Thai word they know. It's part of showing [they think that] they're more Thai than you ........ even though it's the only Thai word [they think] that they know!
  2. You think that every Thai has immediate access to a gun that they'll use? You're hanging round with the wrong type of person.
  3. "Ferlung"? What I can't understand is why some foreigners insist on using gratuitously strange spellings for the word "farang". Who on earth ever pronounces the word as "fer-lung".
  4. You might have your own Definition. However, it doesn't meet international Standards I wasn't offering my definition of "third world" but how would you ever know what my definition of it is? I'm going on generally accepted current descriptions of the term and Thailand does not fit into the category of "third world", a term for which there are no "International Standards". There can be no dispute about the definition or existence of the "Cold War", it simply does not exist now.
  5. And Ploy--Goong-Noi-Nok-Aoy-Nok-Lek-Pooh-Pookie-Goop-Poo-Jum-LJim-Jam-Juum No, I didn't know them.
  6. Technically, you are right. My comment was not "technically right", it was 100% accurate.
  7. According to the Alfred Sauvy definition, Thailand would be classified as Third World." The Cold War ended a long time ago along with, obviously, that definition.
  8. No, she wasn't. She was removed from office by the Constitutional Court for abuse of power and a temporary PM installed well before the coup.
  9. Sorry, I didn't know that you do Research in Facebook only 5555. Even you might Not believe but honestly there are more reliable sources. Never give up learning It looks as though you, sadly, know much more about Facebook than I do. Can't imagine that anyone (except you, thanks to your admission) does research through Facebook (and possibly the great minds of Asean Now posters). Thailand is not a third world country no matter how much you want to disparage it. Never give up trying to learn.
  10. Thailand not a third world country? in your dreams ???? My dreams have nothing to do with the reality that Thailand is not third world.
  11. Since when? Do you own research, Thailand is not considered to be a third world country.
  12. "If you keep it [gold] at a bank then they are as likely to steal it". What evidence do you have that that fatuous assertion has any basis in fact?
  13. Third world country? This robbery was in Thailand which is not third world.
  14. "...that is irrelevant to what I am suggesting..." What you are accusing them of is the most irrelevant and unjustified part of this thread.
  15. Yes, those secure plastic boxes are the way to go to keep B10m worth of valuables.
  16. What exactly are you "just saying"? Why don't you read the full article including the link that explains the origin of the stolen items? Did you not see that the robbery has been reported to the police?
  17. This must be one of the stupidest posts I have read on Asean Now. The "stupidest"? Really? Someone, don't know who, posted a link to a confirmed paedophile rapist's video, I'd say that takes the prize.
  18. "Another modified agricultural utility vehicle involved". A pickup that apparently wasn't the cause of the accident.
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