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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Maybe they've been warned of the potential attitudes that they could have to face from some anti-Thai forum members, and, before anyone starts, obviously, I'm not referring to this forum!
  2. Isolation doesn't need to be in a hospital..Other possibilities are as good. If you are very sick you go to hospital Perhaps he needed treatment!
  3. There are hundreds of EV charging stations in Thailand, more than enough to cope with the current demand.
  4. Yawn... You mean the case in which the wanted man is not in Thailand, not subject to RTP jurisdiction and not wanted in any other country? What do you expect the Thai police to be able do about that?
  5. Look up the Dynamic Currency Conversion for an explanation of how the ATM owner gave him the choice! It didn't force him to make the "wrong" choice if, indeed, that is what happened.
  6. Why not get it from the horse's mouth? +66 02-614-4000...I'm sure that they would tell you rather than relying on a lot of maybes, used-to-bes and guesses!
  7. If being infected with Covid is confirmed it doesn't matter whether symptoms are displayed or not, the patient still has Covid. It's about isolating the infected, not just the money.
  8. With the same sentiment that you showed there, I'm happy as long as you're not one of them as you seem to have left your sense of humour somewhere! Have a great '22.
  9. Your best wishes are reciprocated by your fans. Both of them. HNY anyway. Two fans are better than none!
  10. Wouldn't the advice from your American bank have indicated a withdrawal in dollars, not THB10,000? You still haven't explained how, after you had walked away from the ATM, you knew the man was saying "let's get out of here" to the woman he was with. Did he shout it, was he speaking in English or Thai? You were close enough to, allegedly, hear exactly what he said to the woman but you didn't see them remove the dispenser cover nor did you see them take your cash? How come? Have you reported it to the bank that owns the ATM yet using the number displayed on every ATM in case of problems with the machine?
  11. My best wishes for 2022 to all my legions of fans and admirers here, I hope we can continue with the tremendous rapport that has been built up over the past 12 months. Cheers!
  12. Clearly they would only be suspects. Clearly, that's garbage. Owning the same type of helmet as you had does not make the owner a suspect in the theft of yours!
  13. They're open with the new SHA restaurant licences. Cowboy is (was) 95% go-go bars.
  14. Unless, of course, that's the way he wants to do it. What's it got to do with anyone else to decide whether it is "smart" or how he chooses to access his cash?
  15. As a generalisation, what you've allegedly been told is nonsense, banks' sole purpose is to provide banking facilities (bank accounts) so there's no reason for them to stop that business and refuse to open a new account "because of the pandemic"! If it's nothing to do with your being American and any financial ramifications of that, go to a different branch or bank.
  16. Are you seriously suggesting that a typical Western country will have the same proportion of women being forced into prostitution? Are you seriously suggesting that you have any factual stats to the contrary?! I'm actually suggesting that you shouldn't be so liberal with your slurs against Thai families.
  17. There are plenty of countries where women feel no pressure from their families to enter sex work and where families do not view their daughters as a revenue stream. There are millions of women in Thailand who do not feel that pressure also, just like women in those other countries! Neither do millions of families feel that pressure to pimp their children. It's an insult and a slur to suggest that it is considered normal practice for Thai families to be unconcerned that they condone their children prostituting themselves to benefit the family as a generality.
  18. Jesus... There's a country in which women are not a commodity in the context of your post, i.e. prostitution?
  19. I always thought that there was no jury in a Thai trial just a judge ? You're right but I was commenting on the Maxwell trial that I always thought that was being held in the US!
  20. The buyer in the OP is probably asking the bank to finance it as opposed to obtaining a (probably unsecured) personal loan as your purchaser likely did. That would explain the bank's interest in the car as it would be taking the title.
  21. Yes, clearly, that's the only reference that there was but the mod I was responding to about speculation claimed to have seen it somewhere. Hope she didn't mind my asking.
  22. Funny how so many illogical ranters never come back to their own threads!
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