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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. It sure is, and many have been charged with murder for causing deaths. Ok then, quote specifically just one instance of a drunk driver who caused a death being charged with "murder" when there was no intent.
  2. Some sober idiot on a phone runs into me. ...when you drunkenly thought that you were on the right side of the road and not speeding, but drunk! You seem to be suggesting, bizarrely, that drunk driving is a preferable state to using a phone.
  3. Hundreds of my friends over the years have also done it You have hundreds of friends? I'd bet an awful lot against that!
  4. Maybe you should join the tourist Police? you can then report on people all day long That would be a much better plan than your mindset.
  5. Sorry to hear that. What were the circumstances? Was he speeding, ran a red light ? The alcohol doesn’t kill you, it is the driving mistake. Perhaps he was killed by a self-aggrandising drunk driver who ineptly thought he was conforming to the road rules?
  6. The reality is, being drunk, that's what you think you do!
  7. I think you know what I meant Lou. Yes, what you meant is that three times a week you're a self-righteous, irresponsible drunk driver bragging about your self-perceived drunk driving "abilities".
  8. You're, clearly, the world's greatest drunk driver but the next time may be your 901st (?, maths), and last, time. Hope you don't take anyone else out with you.
  9. Ah! WBG to the rescue...putting the world to rights.....555.....where would AN be without you?
  10. "...not ... following the road rules as deligently as I do after drinking". So your drunk driving is, somehow, "diligently following the law"? Are you drunk?
  11. That is not a fact, it is the fatuous opinion of a drunk driver.
  12. That has to be a wind up. Not a wind up, look who the author is!
  13. So drinking three beers and driving is ok, is it? Your own drinking and driving rules to suit your social circumstances!
  14. Just as your post admonishes him for "contributing nothing", your admonishment contributes exactly the same, nothing, also!
  15. Okay, then, would you please tell me the definition of the word "gaol." You've just looked it up and posted about it, why do you need me to define "gaol"?
  16. This is the best site I found which promises to tell the difference between "jail" and "gaol," but I didn't see any difference cited in it. Difference Between Jail and Gaol | Difference Between Please tell me what you think is the difference between those two terms. Thanks... I know what the words mean but you're confusing spellings and meanings. You started this by posting about different spellings; now you're on about meanings!
  17. "Bold" and "Bald" are not slang words, neither are they abbreviations.
  18. Prune juice may help that.
  19. The way I, and most of the English-speaking world, now spell it is "jailed." "Jailed" would be the spelling of "Jailed", not an alternative for "Gaoled", just as "Imprisoned" is not an alternative spelling of "Gaoled". Perhaps you're confusing spellings with meanings?
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