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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Why don't the UN just kick Russia out of the UN. They have lied to the chamber on numerous occasions they can't be trusted and now there threatening the General of the United Nations. A precision strike on the factory in Iran and its stockpile will stop the supply of these Iranian drones if there aiding Russia and violating UN Resolution.
  2. Rats leaving HMS Kremlin before they get there <deleted> kicked by a comedian.
  3. I will Answer you Plus7. I asked MEMBERS not Member the Question. Maybe you have not understood the question I asked all members not an individual.
  4. A question to our members. Some appeasers on here are questioning holding talks to end the War between Ukrainian Forces and Russian Forces. My question is Would you sit around and talk to a liar? or who you know cannot be trusted?.
  5. I'd be waiting for " This is an attack perpetrated by Ukraine " and a further excuse warranted for further retaliatory strikes on Ukrainian cities.
  6. Iran must be Punished Sanctions will not work. H,owever what Iran is doing is what the west is doing against Russia. So the only action is to keep shooting them down. Or if the Russians attack a delivery to Ukraine outside Ukraine then the west can attack the shipments on Route to Russia from Iran.
  7. Laughs ?? wathing his once mighty army being defeated by this Comedian ?? I think you will find its Zolensky smiling.
  8. The old Thumbs on in his left hand and the Smile as he takes a selfie cracked me up.
  9. Can £50 Notes still be exchanged in Thailand? I have heard in the UK soon these notes will be stopped and not produced ?
  10. Easy to answer send a Cpl of Divers down to locate the wreckage of the boat should be easy to locate. Just another lie from Putin. Negotiate my <deleted> how can you look at a face and believe what he is saying. More likely Putin knows its game over and wants a get out of jail card.
  11. Why do we never see a TIT spokesman mention European tourists? what happened to the Saudi drive to bring tourism from Saudi? kind of Sheik there Pockets.
  12. Don't forget the Sunday Dinner Redwood1, the free peanuts on the bar.
  13. Probably asking for a second-hand Diesel Engine for the Enginless Submarine they just Acquired or maybe even ask for 1 free from a scrapper.
  14. Didn't the Thai government roll over and let the Japanese walk into Thailand? during WW2.
  15. Someone posted Earlier that Ukraine was running out of Equipment, well thanks to the inept Russian military Ukraine is using Russian Armour and Tanks seized or repaired that were left by Putin's thugs. They are gaining more armor than the west is giving them. Except for Air defense systems.
  16. Or does the usual dig a hole in the sand stick your head in wait a while then pull your head out.
  17. Putin is still blaming Ukraine and saying the damage to the bridge was an act of Terrorism. So what are you committing Putin when you are targeting civilians and infrastructure? even if it was Ukraine behind the attack it was a legitimate target as it is being used for materials being used against UKRAINE.
  18. No just a member that is murdering and Raping, after stealing land in another Country. ThaiBeach, Oh and lying to your fellow members. Would sit round a Table and have Tea and Biscuits with this member?
  19. What i can't understand is why Russia is still allowed on the Security Council or whatever there allowed to stay at the UN table that idiot keeps denying everything including refusing to Acknowledge their troops are raping, looting, and committing war crimes just kick them out of the building. Other news Kamikaze drones supplied by Iran are causing death and destruction in Ukraine, this is a sighn of weakness because Putins thugs are being sent packing so like Hitler with the V1s and V2s in WW2 Putin is using the same Tactic.
  20. Take the Teachers hands little one's they will guide to you to meet the Angels.
  21. Others have questioned how does a serving officer afford over 25 luxury cars such as Lambos and Ferrari's, and a Mansion complete with the Maid. Are they on Huge Incentives to live this lifestyle that money One More Farang??
  22. Stoltenberg has just given a press conference where he stated any attacks against Ukrainian infrastructure will be dealt with, Lukashenko is in Nato sights if he colludes with Putin.
  23. Not correct im sorry the Entrance fee to walk around Westminster Abbey is £25 that's 1,052 TBT. Haven't looked at the prices of other Tourist places like the Tower of London and other historic tourist attractions.
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