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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. He was not Mentally ILL that's the response from higher command in the RTP blame it on his mental ability he wasn't mentally ill when he was a drug addict wearing the Uniform was he ? He was in Court the day before for drug offenses Neeranam why was he allowed to walk from the court if he was locked up there would have been no massacre of kids. It might be hard for you to understand this but it's your court system that allowed this to happen.
  2. As i think you are Thai does this ex RTP officer deserve to be given a Buddhist funeral and given a blessing from the Monks at a temple? he should just be burned in a field and let his ashes fertilize the soil.
  3. Is that why we see dead bodies that have jumped from Condos on Patayya news or other local papers and TV news Neeranam? also thai's have already passed photos from the incident to friends via Line. Most will remember the High Ranking RTP officer who walked into Makro in Udon Thani and shot his wife dead believing she was having an affair at the meat counter in full view of customers and another member in uniform.
  4. Well Chelseafan Yaba or Meth is a Hallucinogenic these drugs make you think you can fly off a building or walk on water because your induced in Hallicinations same as Acid, you certainly won't be able to concentrate driving. Sadly there will be no Psychological explanation why this guy did this he wasn't mentally ill I'm not defending his actions no 1 will know why he did this. People will just say he was high on drugs myself i believe he just had a total thought meltdown and flipped.
  5. Another Civilian apartment was blasted by a Russian missile in the city of Zaporizhia today in Retaliation for their losses in the last few days. If I was Zelenski I would tell his commanders to get as near as they can with a long-range missile and target an apartment block inside Russia to see how their civilians like it.
  6. The difference is Neeranam the people with mental illnesses do not carry guns and deliberately kill toddlers sleeping in a school.
  7. Sorry Neeranam this attack was caused by a EX Member of the RTP the last 1 only 2 tears ago was caused by a serving Army guy a bit of a coincidence? both able to legally carry fire arms.
  8. This Creature for want of another word was not drugged up he wouldn't have been able to drive for starters. I live in the North of England not far from the last mass shooting in the UK. A local called Derek Bird shot and killed 12 he was not a junkie or crazy he simply flipped driving around shooting people on the street for no reason no loss of face or drug-induced mindset he just simply flipped like most he topped himself in the end.
  9. he stabbed most of the Toddlers while they were sleeping.
  10. Wait for it in the next few days TAT will roll out a Spokesman saying thanks to the Conde Nast survey we are expecting 2 Million visitors before December.
  11. From 1 - 10 who has heard of this Condo company. TAT should stick to trip advisor for publicity, not a company no 1 knows has heard of.
  12. Big if but if this train carrying Nuclear equipment has been tracked you can bet your <deleted> it's being watched closely by Satalite tracking and will be located. My bet is special forces will, or may already be on the ground observing such as the British SAS destroying the mobile Scud launches during the gulf war, and will take them out before there used. News crews around Lyman filmed dead Russian Soldiers on the roads around the town left by their own troops too busy running away to recover them. The Ukrainians were seen placing them into body bags and removing them. That's the reality facing these conscripts from Russia. Its little wonder why there scurrying away and avoiding the Draft.
  13. Start worrying when you start spraying de-icer on your windscreens or scrape the frost off them.
  14. your in the wrong thread what's this got to do with Thailand's Economy
  15. Thailand doing its best ?? Their answer is simply to take a Shovel and dig a hole in the sand, then stick your head in said hole and get a friend to shovel the sand back into the hole covering your head. Wait 3-4 days uncover your head and hey presto everything is ok once more.
  16. S,000 Russian Troops were encircled in Lynum they simply ran away leaving the Ukrainian army to Raise their flag on the main civic building.
  17. I just seen the news of the Attack on civvies by the murderers how is Lavrov explain this away?? or were they a legitimate target because the didn't vote in the sham election so were targeted?
  18. Cannon Fodder. Wonder what the Ukraine Army will do once MadDog has announced his latest takeover will they attack them and carry on? Putins troops well trainees have not been able to defend their positions now so what full force will Putin use?
  19. Those Cheeky Russians have Sabotaged their own Gas pipeline. The Nord Stream Gasline between Russia and Germany was damaged in 3 places spewing gas to the surface. Of course, they denied it saying it was a seismic fault but the fingers are being pointed at Russia trying to destable the west by forcing Germany to come to the table and demand help to avoid them having no gas running up to Winter. Is it a coincidence that Germany is the biggest customer for Russian Gas. So Putin is trying to drive a wedge to the countries that are supporting Ukrains war.
  20. Its not about the fee it's pittance its the principle same as using an ATM you are charged nearly this entrance fee to use an ATM machine in Thailand.
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