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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Let's not forget Russia has Targeted Schools, Hospitals, Theatres, Shopping Centers, Residential Apartment blocks, and Railway stations. Don't be fooled by thinking there using outdated Missiles they simply fire them off indiscriminately knowing full well they are not military targets. They have used Hypersonic Missiles for maximum damage. The World has seen through the lies and excuses and can't be believed.
  2. Can anyone tell me or give me a reason for Russia to deliberately target a Railway Station knowing full well civilians will be at the Station. Was it a military Target ? was it being used to launch missiles or firing shells onto Russian territory ? only yesterday a kremlin spokesman came out with the old " We are slowing our advance to mitigate Civilian Casualties " another pack of lies from the lying Russians.
  3. If this is believed it is in itself a War crime as defined under the Geneva Convention. No prisoners should be paraded in front of Cameras for Propaganda purposes.
  4. Shocking Comments from members on here this poor old guy was out on his Mobility Scooter when a local man decided to stab him to Death for no reason. Please don't bring in immigrants or gangs into this sickening act. Today we are facing up to a drug gang member storming into a house trying to shoot a dealer in Liverpool who tried to escape and it resulted in a 9 yr old girl being shot dead.
  5. Rubbish was on his own no gang. He was arrested due to CCTV where he was seen running away alone. Where's your evidence a gang surrounded the mobility chair ??.
  6. I only do the Tunnel not the funnel but have many L/Bs up in Udon. The 1s iv'e met have been funny and a good laugh even after coming to Thailand for over 15 years i have had to have a word in my ear from a mate as the girl chatting to me was a L/B i never knew.
  7. It's being catalogued by the war crime investigators who have been gathering evidence since the war crimes first came to light in Bucha.
  8. Nice of Putin to allow Inspectors in, it gives them time to move all the military equipment offsite. Reports are also saying Russia is for want of a better word stealing Electricity by taking the power grid supply offline and redirecting it to Russia threatening to shut off Electrical supplies to Ukraine.
  9. let's hope they don't segregate this Scumbag i'm sure he will be welcomed on the wing. Even cons have a code he won't last a week be kettled 1st.
  10. An Animal as I cannot call him a human being has been charged with Murder in West London. Thomas O'Halloran was stabbed to death while riding home on his Mobility Scooter on Tuesday the Scum bag is named as Lee Byer 44.
  11. In other news Russia has delivered Avangard Hypersonic missiles to an Airbase in Kaliningrad today they have used these before with devastating effect so don't be surprised if they use them for Ukrainian success against the Airbase and Munition depots destroyed by them.
  12. Same as the SAS if they carried out an attack they would not let everyone they did it. In do the job away again.
  13. Think an APC must be heavily armoured to survive a mine hit like that.
  14. Whoever was responsible is doing a steady job of slowly diminishing Russian supply lines. For a reputedly 3rd Worlds biggest land army, they are not doing a good job.
  15. More lies from the Kremlin said a fire caused an ammunition depot to explode. Now there claiming it was sabotage. It's more likely like what BBC News say's could have been targeted by a long Range precision Missile or Ukrainian special forces. Remember when the Moskva was hit by two ship-to-shore missiles Russia qu
  16. The cost to repair this vehicle would be substantial not just severe front damage but rear also looks like an impact head on and someone smashing into the rear. could be bent Chasis. If it was in the UK this would be written off. However, this is Thailand so I expect a bodge job on the repair with little Compo.
  17. Say's it all about Thailand, offering freedom from leaders from Different countries you only have to think of Pol Pot who committed the Genocide of millions of Cambodians given an easy life in Northern Thailand. Who will be next given the red carpet at Don Muang Putin.
  18. What is the name of the Hotel this Taxi stand has set up? What's going to happen if these thugs start harassing and threatening guests when there leave the hotel? will they witness assaults right outside their Hotel? Get a squad round to remove the posters and dismantle the Taxi stand. If they set up again at another Hotel arrest them.
  19. Yes Scott just been watching BBC News where they have reported that up to 500 troops have moved in and are holding the Nuclear workers at gunpoint. It is also being reported that they have deployed missile systems inside to launch attacks knowing Ukrainian forces will not attack the site. All G7 members have said ALL Russian forces must leave the site. In my opinion, if Russian forces start using the Nuclear site as a base for launching missiles United Nations troops must be deployed to remove them as Russia is threatening the safety of all of Europe.
  20. Exactly who care's, the Ukrainians are giving Russia payback for their thugs who have murdered, Raped, and killed kids.
  21. The Lebanese merchant won't be getting any more shipments. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
  22. If Russia was stupid enough to launch towards the UK Russia would be reduced to Cinders before the end of the day courtesy of HMS Vanguard or HMS Vengeful that is already sat watching somewhere off Russian waters.
  23. If Putin and his thugs hadn't invaded another country there would be no war in Ukraine.
  24. Ironic a Police Captain is surveying CCTV to WRAP up the case as the deceased was the owner of a plastics shop. Plod must have been at the scene and obtained some cling film.
  25. Russia has targeted the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear power plant again. This is the biggest nuclear site in Ukraine and if they hit a Reactor it would make Chernobyl a cough. Is this a military Target ?
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