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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Lets be honest this pathetic lot would struggle to raise a glass of whiskey never mind raise this.
  2. The stink comes from the Drains up and down Soi Bangla. To try and block the smell cardboard boxes are used to cover the grills. A pedestrianized promenade where you can't take a leisurely wall, impossible due to the vendors riding up and down on bikes. Zebra crossings on the Beach Rd waste of time your likely to be hit walking on them because they're ignored. Yes the Pearl of the Andaman.
  3. I was there and saw it with my own eyes, food rotting in bin bags in direct sunlight. stinking.
  4. As posted earlier due to the damage Anutin has done in 48 hrs he should be dismissed immediatly. He lost Millions in cancelled bookings within 48 hours, he won't even have the decency to apologise to all the westerners he has let down who have lost there holiday.
  5. Only visited it because some friends from my hometown were 1st time visitors otherwise i would have stayed well away from that <deleted> hole.
  6. I have just returned from 4 days in this Hell hole. After being ripped off in the Soi Dragon bar on Bangla. Corrupt traffic cops, and a dirty beach that you cannot Lye on, Can't park your bike, Dodge the bikes riding up and down the Pedestrian promenade, the locals using it as a rat run due to the heavy traffic on the beach rd. The stink of sewerage on Bangla was like an open sewer running on the surface, drains with pieces of cardboard hoping to stop the Smell emitting from it. Anyone deciding on a holiday in Patong will be your 1st and last. Never been so happy to land back in Udon.
  7. We saw all the TV and Camera Crews welcoming the first flight from China what they wont report is the Covid surge thanks to all these bringing it into the LOS. We all know who will be blamed.
  8. I read in the bkk post yesterday morning that Senior hotel presidents and mgrs in Patong Phuket demanded all restrictions be dropped immediately as already thousands had already canceled and hotels were empty because of this clown the damage the TAT will do will send us back into 2020 with staff lay offs and empty hotels. Anutin has already lost millions in 1 day due to his stupid ruling he must be replaced immediately before furher damage to the tourism sector.
  9. Lets see how many Chinese get refused entry then the quick turnaround woll happen. Plus when there is a sudden surge in Covid cases it wont be the Chinese, the dirty falangs will get the blame.
  10. Remind us all Thaibeach who kicked the Russian Bear out of Afgan and the weaponry they used.
  11. Russia is using Iranian Drones so who cares if the west is supplying Arms to kick the Russian Invaders out of Ukrain? thai beach harps on about Nukes it won't happen because the 1st launch will be the last Moscow will be reduced to Ash.
  12. Don't think we have seen Russian mass graves being uncovered in Ukraine.
  13. will the Englang vs USA be shown live at expat bar
  14. These men are happily strolling around and will not serve their sentence so in my opinion justice is indeed served but for what ?
  15. Ukraine has Soviet Rockets left over so yes it was a Russian S-300 missile outdated now but Ukraine has many of them.
  16. Nice one Pagallim will check it out.
  17. Exactly Brian it was an accident the missile that hit the Russian missile was Ukrainian as our defense secretary said if Russia wasn't firing missiles into Ukraine no missiles would have hit Poland Russia is to blame because there firing missiles into Ukraine so they have to be shot down.
  18. Even if it was a shot-down Russian missile Nato can now claim a reason to patrol the skies to prevent incidents like this from happening and if necessary intercept incoming missiles nr Nato borders.
  19. Initial reports are saying it was a Ukrainian missile that brought down a Russian incoming Missile. if so must have been a big chunk to form a crater that size that hit the Polish farmer's field.
  20. The Russian defense minister has said its the West escalating the war and surprise surprise they denied it had nothing to do with it. Zelemsky has said Nato must act due to a Nato member being attacked it makes no difference if it was accidental or deliberate. Fragments of the missile is now being tested to identify it.
  21. They waited till Lavrov had left Bali. Then fired off over 80 missiles in revenge more civilian homes were destroyed and infastructure.
  22. cheers guys nothing worse then trying to watch a game with a live band on.
  23. I'm arriving Tuesday afternoon and staying in Patong any Recommendations for a good bar i can watch the Englands game without music playing? and where a few Expat Brits are likely to bein watching the game.
  24. Winston Churchill was probably the greatest leader during a war with his speeches and leading from the front literally going near the front to show his leadership. Ukraine's President Zelensky is today's, great leader. Not like Putin hiding behind his desk lacking respect and having no confidence in his troops. Today not 2 days after Kherson's liberation he triumphantly strolled into the center of Kherson showing how a leader should lead from the front and speaking in English to the western jurno's whats Putin done? threatened his troops with the firing squad who refuse to fight.
  25. you said " Where do you think the hardware is coming from " software etc and other questions then you said " Of course, there involved in it " Chelseafan.
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