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Everything posted by Justanotherone

  1. is address to mail your 90 report still the same ? I got my receipt back a few weeks ago, but NOT A WORD of the move as if they could not find something more near-by or just some container office on the market next door anyway, why is there no immigration AT SUVI AIRPORT for Samut Prakarn anyway ? because that would be too much logic Samut Prakarn is and always been a s.h.i.t.t.y. office and specially if you got lady at counter 1, if she got in a bad mood, you could expect troubles
  2. The idea that young people have to risk their health to protect old people is absurd. Overweight and old people are more prone to get serious covid. They should get vaxxed and quarantined, not healthy people. Covid showed how stupid people are in believing propaganda of fear. 1976 all over again. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes = real top causes of mortality way more than anything and no jab or lockdown EVER
  3. Expulsion or denial the further education of your child ? 99,97 survival rate for a child So why would you allow your child to be forced of taking a product that has unknown effects in the long run, or being excluded from school ? On top of the untested mix of vaccines. I am all for if you get your kid a shot but certainly not ok with imposing it on others that don't have blind faith in companies that historically been forced to pay billions in court for lying, false data, fraud, opiod addiction, ... I know most here have blind faith in this new religion of vaccines. How did we all survive the last 18 months without ? How come in bangkok people can go eat out not being vaxxed but schools will be more dangerous than a mall full of people ?
  4. double standards again ? did the government not just declare all the nonsense about vaxxed and weekly test kits were not needed for restaurant employees ? different standards for customers ? fuji did not let us in... aka said, only one customer per table, even they had tables with 2-3 people eating food court : nobody ask anything and everybody sits as close as the restaurants, without the bullcrap
  5. Anybody has experience about the extra costs involved renting to a company compared to individual ? Thanks
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