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Posts posted by mrt273nva

  1. That pedo was just on BBC news being shown off to the press, never said anything, just sat with his sunglass' on.

    I don't know why they allowed him to wear them. Very strange.

    that is strange. just as i read that post i looked up at the television and saw him sitting there with them on.

    on a side note... i hope they castrate that focker.

  2. Who is us? You may be confused. The drug user only gets the death penalty in an indirect way. Here in Thailand they give the death penalty to drug traffickers who prey and profit on the backs of the weak.

    So I take it you believe in the old "eye for an eye" mentality? Because I don't. You may disagree with what the drug dealers did, but to say they deserve to die is pretty barbaric IMO.

    Heroin is a seriously destructive drug!

    If you deal Heroin you deserve the death penalty! They deserve to die. I am sure that the have by their drug dealing caused the death of other people. Also, the countless suffering of the drug users, because of these dealers greed. Justice is justice. If you commit this kind o offense you earn the death penalty.

    Marajuana is something different and the use of this substance should not be against the law. As long as alcohol is legal; so should Marajuana be. It should be taxed and the illegal profiteers prosecuted. In case you are now wondering. No I do not smoke Marajuana.

    physically the only damaging part of heroin is the hole made by the needle to inject it. heroin in its pure form does no body tissue damage. however it does slow breathing. if too much is administered then you can overdose and die from lack of oxygen. something else that it does is create an extremely high psychological and physical addiction which is very hard to recover from. you can not die from a heroin withdrawal but you can from and alcohol withdrawal. i'm not advocating heroin use but there are many myths that exist about it.

    in the US, cocaine was thought that it made negros rape white women. it was thought that marijuana made mexicans rape white women. many illegal drugs are still that way because of very old laws originating from myths in order to control minority populations by way of imprisonment. then the US made a "WAR ON DRUGS" and took their campaign international. and here we are today. people still believing the myths about drugs that were created around racist policy.

  3. So you want to legalize every drug in the world, your all screwed up if you think that will happen. People are still going to beg, borrow and STEEL to get that drug whether its legalized or not (I suppose some of you are forgetting that drugs are addictive). So who ends up paying for it then, the general public.

    With regards to the death penalty, no they shouldn't get it, it would be far worse for them to be tied up in a Thai jail for the next 40years. But an eye for an eye, yes I do believe in that.

    Good day to you all.

    do you see people stealing for packs of cigarettes? sure there might be the odd case, but nicotine is said to be one of the most addictive substances in the world. it is regulated and taxed and sold at an extremely lower price than if it were on the black market. if cigarettes were made illegal, then the price for a pack would raise to extremely high prices in order to adjust for the risk. quality control would disappear and cigarettes would become much more dangerous than they already are.

    people suffering from addiction needing their fix will do what it takes to get that fix. lower the price of the substance and suddenly it is much more accessible and there is less of a need to steal to obtain that fix. it is known as "drug related crime" but it should be appropriately named "prohibition related crime".

  4. A good case ta catch this dealers and I hope they can stay whole life in Bangkok Hilton or worse.

    With the drugs they sell or handle this criminals forget how many thousands of victims they will make, and the misery for theis familys so why some people worry about their lives or the consequentions what go happen now.

    If this happen in my country (Belgium) after less than five years jail they are free like a bird and they can start over again, cause this is a lot of money and such dealers can pay verry good lawyers, a thief who steals here a bicycle can have at least 6 months of prison, so the best thing is KEEP them all in Thailand because they love Thailand indeed! and here the streets are cleaner without this dealers.

    It did happen in Belgium. They will be extradited and have not been arrested for dealing drugs in Thailand, but have been arrested at the request of the Belgian police.

    so they were just trying to live out their lives on a tropical island, retired as young as 25. their problem was the money laundering then. thats where they went wrong huh?

  5. while i don't think drug dealing is exactly a respectable profession and these people were out of line for flagrantly flouting the laws, i disagree that it is anywhere near deserving of the death penalty. if these people held someone down and forced drugs into them, that's one thing, but they didn't. there will always be a supply available. those who choose to partake in it are doing so at their own risk. adults should be free to make that choice for themselves, as they are free to do by smoking a cigarette, drinking liquor, and getting into their car to go to work every day. i agree that legalizing drugs and focusing more on education & rehabilitation is the answer, rather than killing people involved in the marketing of them.

    agree 100%. Thank you girlx

  6. Thai police arrest four Europeans sought by Belgium as major drug traffickers

    The Associated Press

    Published: October 18, 2007

    BANGKOK, Thailand: Thai police arrested four Europeans Thursday who were sought by Belgian authorities as alleged major drug traffickers.

    Members of Thailand's drug suppression police, accompanied by nine counterparts from Belgium, made the arrests Thursday morning at a house on the southern resort island of Koh Samui, said police Lt. Gen. Wut Liptapanlop.

    Police identified the four suspects as Ronald Koornwinder, 46, and Paulus Meyer, 44, of the Netherlands, and Belgians Koen Van Staay, 30, and Kelly Cautereels, 25, the sole woman in the group.

    Belgian authorities indicted the men in connection with the smuggling of 125 kilograms (275 pounds) of heroin, 200 (440 pounds) of cocaine and 350 kilograms (770 pounds) of marijuana into Belgium from South Africa.

    The Belgian police who took part in Thursday's raid helped identify the suspects, who will be detained by Thai authorities pending formal extradition to stand trial in Belgium.

    Source: www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/10/18/asia/AS-GEN-Thailand-Belgium-Drugs.php

    lucky for them

  7. these guys were just supplying a demand. if they didn't do it then someone else would. i don't understand why almost all countries don't use the demand as an opportunity to control the market by legalizing it. hundreds of years from now the historians will look back on our barbaric ways and wonder what the hel_l we were thinking.

  8. Rainy season and low season means many shops are open on random days; no customers means no need to work!

    btw, nice advertising for the guy: maybe you also want to broadcast where you buy other illegal items, substances...


    it's not illegal. I saw him pay for his temporary sales permit of pirated dvd's to the police. Maybe he can't afford to make his operation legal anymore because he was complaining how expensive it was every month.

  9. Sorry, I haven't noticed. I'll look next time I go to town. What time of day do you usually go into town?

    it varies when i go, but when i do, i usually will have a look around in his shop for a dvd or to see if they have anything new in. now every time i've gone it has been closed. i think maybe for about a week or so now.

  10. Every time I take a trip into Thong Sala to buy a DVD from the guy that also owns "Big Bikes" his shop is closed. I need some new DVD's. Did he get closed down or is he on holiday? I remember one time I was in there he was paying off the police. Maybe his pirated video shop got shut down? Does anyone on Phangan know anything about this?

  11. This one is my favorite though.

    Betty Botter had some butter,

    "But," she said, "this butter's bitter.

    If I bake this bitter butter,

    it would make my batter bitter.

    But a bit of better butter--

    that would make my batter better."

    So she bought a bit of butter,

    better than her bitter butter,

    and she baked it in her batter,

    and the batter was not bitter.

    So 'twas better Betty Botter

    bought a bit of better butter.

  12. Hi,

    I wonder if someone has studied tourism of Thailand.

    I need some very specific data - like the types (also the differencies between them) and description (by law, textbooks, etc.) of the tourist agencies there, the types and brief description of the accomodation places (hotels, motels, hostels, etc., classification - requirements for higher classification, etc.) there and also - the "products" these two (agencies and hotels) offer (like cruises, accomodation, vacations, excursions, room service) - with a short description... It may include also names of the biggest agencies and hotels and also some numbers - like a statistics - how many visitors have been in luxurious hotels for example, how many tourists bought cruises (like a percentage)...I have to do that until Tuesday. It is a task given me from my university and I don't know how I could deal with it for such a short time. I could find only general information on the internet - like tourist destinations, tourist attractions, list of tour agencies and hotels, etc. I have already checked the site www.thailandtourism.com but I couldn't find any relevant information for my task.

    Thank you for your help very much!

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