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Posts posted by mrt273nva

  1. I'm wanting to fix my farsightedness and astigmatism at some point and I was wondering if anyone has gone through the procedure here. Roughly how much does it cost and how risky is it? I highly value my current vision and would hate to lose it, but if the surgery is something simple to do then I would like to improve my sight if I can.

    Any thoughts or suggestions?

  2. They seem to be much happier in Thailand as refugees than in Burma as floor mats. It is a hurdle for many Thai's to go to foreign countries, so claiming that she can't go to New Zealand I don't think is a rare thing. If they don't like Thailand they can just go back to their own country :o (jk)

    Here is me doing the tourist thing with this lovely lady. She didn't say much and the New Zealand topic never came about, but she didn't seem too upset that I was there. I don't think that she noticed me trying to stretch my neck as far as I could. I think she would have been impressed but I was trying to be polite so I did it when she wasn't looking.



  3. Quite so, that is the tradition here. You can negotiate all of this, its best done in a polite manner so everyone comes out looking like they have won.

    Guess it's best just to "bite the bullet" and keep repeating, "I'm in Thailand, I'm in Thailand." :o

    yeah, so that when you are getting screwed you can attribute it to something else other than yourself. I feel that I am actually blessed in being poor concerning the sin sod issue. I keep saying, "honey, when we have money we will give your family a large amount".

    I also joke with her saying that she is second hand and used goods and isn't worth as much. she explains that she is a fine wine and a classic and that her value only rises. i love her

  4. I think it's not about the speed of the Website, but is the speed of the connection you have and that one sucks!!

    You need mainly a stable connection with 700 kbps min. constant to get a quite good quality!

    So, check your connection to first before even think about the other side!

    i've got a 2mbps connection, but i am lacking in good sites. do you know of any?

  5. Where did you look?

    Go to "My Computer", right click on your hard drive, select Properties, in the resulting dialog, select the "Tools" tab, and click on defrag. That's one way to open the windows defragger tool.

    Or you can click on "Run" then type in defrag and press enter.

    my computer is without. even if i do the run command it isn't there. it's ok though, i've downloaded Auslogics Diskdefrag and am running it right now. thanks guys.

  6. Is anyone else having this problem of expanding door during this monsoon season? All of my woods doors in my house either have an extremely tight fit or won't shut at all. After the monsoon season will they go back again or are the doors ruined?

  7. I've been on Phangan for a while now and have visited the waterfalls before with very little excitement. Today I went to Phaeng Waterfall and was impressed. I don't know if this picture will do it any justice or not. I recommend getting off the computer for a few hours and go see what this monsoon has done for one of the natural beauties on the island.


  8. the lomprayah was not intended to be an oceangoing vessel, but a harbour boat.

    hmm, that is a bit iffy, but if a catamaran can't sink, i'm on it! thanks for all the replies though!

    they certainly can capsize though.

    not in these waters. maybe out in the middle of the pacific where the swells are 10 to 20 times the size they are here.

  9. thats all nice, but these aren't high sea cats, these boats were made for inland waters amd have been put into service in the gulf of thailand.

    The Gulf isn't quite comparable to high seas. 3 meter swells in bad weather. The deepest point in the Gulf is 80 meters, and I haven't found anywhere in between the islands that is deeper that 30 meters. The Lomprayah's cats are well suited for the gulf.

  10. Every time I take a trip into Thong Sala to buy a DVD from the guy that also owns "Big Bikes" his shop is closed. I need some new DVD's. Did he get closed down or is he on holiday? I remember one time I was in there he was paying off the police. Maybe his pirated video shop got shut down? Does anyone on Phangan know anything about this?

    Why are you missing him ?

    Movies you can get better quality by downloading them from the internet, all newer movies he sells most of the time are 'Screen Copies'.

    His 'Big Bikes' are a joke ... either +15 years old trashed up jap. imports or even worser ... Platinum Chopper made in China ... :o

    where do you download these movies?

    the guy always allows me to check the quality of the movies before i buy them. if he knows that there is a crappy quality movie he will tell me even before he puts it in his own dvd player. i can't stand watching the camcorder movies to the point that i refuse to even own a copy that is any less than 100%

  11. Rainy season and low season means many shops are open on random days; no customers means no need to work!

    btw, nice advertising for the guy: maybe you also want to broadcast where you buy other illegal items, substances...


    it's not illegal. I saw him pay for his temporary sales permit of pirated dvd's to the police. Maybe he can't afford to make his operation legal anymore because he was complaining how expensive it was every month.

    Pirate-dvds is not illegal? Since when?

    Paying the Koh phagnan police makes pirate dvds legal? Did Warner agree on this, hahaha?


    i think the sarcasm went right over your head. i was implying that 2 wrongs make a right here on this island. illegal pirated movies plus bribery makes it ok.

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