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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. I have a personal experience of a machete wielding nut job trying to hack at me as I was in his way when he jumped a traffic light queue almost hitting me in the process. Right outside a police station which I reported and nothing was done, they initially told me to go away to another station as they were too lazy to do anything. The other station told me to go back to them, nothing was done they didnt even contact the nutjob. The second police station were more helpful they looked up his car reg number and immediately told me he was a not good person, they knew him apparently.
  2. No it means that the Thais should have an equal punishment when they commit a similar crime when often its not, thats what I MEAN.
  3. you like putting words into my mouth it seems Im as anti woke as you can imagine, when they start administering the law equally here I may change my mind, they currently dont.
  4. ask the many Thais who do it and often is ignored and much worse than the Swiss guy.
  5. Trans gender women should have equal rights............as men. ie you dont compete with women and your last off the Titanic.
  6. Anything , anything but say they were working hard to improve services there........not my fault syndrome as usual
  7. "shockingly high" gasp .............never ending shocks in all reporting these days, werent there any offended netizens?
  8. what a pathetic world when a man thinks hes a woman and is allowed to compete with REAL women, all those real women should just refuse to compete and New York is a woke joke.
  9. come back in 20 years and let us know they havent been here long enough, personally I wouldnt buy one now, id wait at least another 5 years to see how it pans out until there is more real world data on them especially Chinese made ones I wouldnt be sure on how well theyd honour warranties and I tend to keep cars 10 years or so. Im still not convinced theyre the be all and end all or even close. They have some advantages but for me too many disadvantages currently. If they can dramatically increase range and charging times maybe 1000km also it makes no sense to lug around a ton plus of battery weight continually they need to make them lighter. and before anyone starts telling me how great they are Im not interested I dont need stats for " most trips are just 40km a day etc" or "I charge free from solar" or " new battery tech is here now" when it isnt. I do like the design of the electric cars but the touch screens are often their biggest flaw, dont want to wade thru 10 menus to adjust things. Toyota have a good reputation I dont think the Chinese have had a long enough track record yet. I dont have an electric car so this may be of no use to you, youd be better off asking people who have had one what they DISLIKE but many tend to be way to "evangelistic" ...............just wait and see in this thread. Ask people who bought one then went back to an ICE as well.
  10. Well, Im sick of the driving regs in the UK you cant even fart in your own car there without it being an offence, stupid Welsh 20mph limit that most of them dont want, speed cameras everywhere and now installed in cars give me the Thai carnage any day, people are the same most places in the world, here its more a dose of how people "really" are, not saying thats good mind but just how folk would be without some laws its still bad but preferable to being monitored 24/7. at least here you can still throw the tickets in the rubbish and despite them saying you couldnt tax your car ive done it 3 times with tickets, an no speeding isnt dangerous thats more govt BS to fleece you, its inappropriate speeding that is. The last ticket I got was doing 122kph because id moved on an empty road at 3am from the 120kph lane to the 100 lane, didnt pay it chucked it. .Now if they had tailgating cameras only it would be way better or a keep fugging left camera only. The UK is a massive rip off for many things but even though its slagged off by many the NHS is still very good when in Thailand you have basically nothing, christ you can have a new heart lungs kidneys chemo it must cost billions for the UK I think they do way too much to save you.Sadly Big Brother is now creeping into every facet of modern life you are being watched in EVERYTHING you do, tracked followed everywhere who needs your fridge, toaster , kettle connected to the internet and people buy into the rubbish of apps and "convenience". Theyre removing all your freedom and you are lapping it up. and relax.............
  11. Whats gender equality got to do with anything, who wrote this wokey crap, ok sure Im ok if 7 woman want to attack me daily sexually, they had a woman prime minister just like America had a black president, stop whinging, utter tripe.
  12. You wreck the driving instructor car gears in the uk before buying your own😆 I never had a problem with car gears, bike gears they should make all drivers start on a bike to understand road conditions more.
  13. Theyll just go with the higher price forever, thats why. Always looking to screw you more seems to be the want of many comapnie s now
  14. Autos more to fix, manuals last longer and more reliable.................so i read, look it up
  15. Ill willingly include any generation after 1990 i dont want to offend any of those generations, I couldnt live with myself if i did
  16. Im deeply offended by your languagist comments here you language bigot mysognist racist homphobe transphobe mis pronouning you grrrrr grrr grrrr im gonna damn well squeam an squeam on tiktok about you to anyone else dumb enough to gawk at me............please give me a like
  17. Always reckoned it was time for another war in the world to level things up and show genz (whatever we need these new dumb words for) what the real worlds like, see how good their tiktoks are when theyre holding their best friends head half missing in their hands on a battlefield, all of a sudden you wont see any offended pronouns sheite again from them.
  18. Must be making money by doing this, new price $13,424969731.50
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