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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. anything but actually sort out the very easy problem of stopping their own burners.........which they can "never" find
  2. Too much BS on spew tube, almost nothing is real these days, its all for views. There was one Living in a ghost town cerro gordo but the guy just made up a story about finding an original Levis jacket down the mine yet the same jacket was shown in the on site museum 3-4 years before he bought the place with the same stains and marks on it but his followers fought tooth an nail to say it wasnt. After that it all felt rather false and then " incredibly" the main old building there burnt down..........how dramatic I like the "real" people like Watch Wes Work https://www.youtube.com/@WatchWesWork Red Poppy Ranch used to be ok except the guy never finishes anything and has become a little boring lately. I Like Astrum too spacey type stuff. https://www.youtube.com/@astrumspace/videos
  3. Struth , we have one come to our land once a week, Id better lock the gate quickly and leave the 1000 (NO RECEIPT) in the mailbox this month and hide under the sofa.
  4. Thats funny, when I reported a crime with a machete they did nothing, is that what you call respect?
  5. Christ on a bike........Its didgeredoos at dawn
  6. I liked the mans "hushed tones" best..shhhhh dont tell no one
  7. Several incidents over the years of Thai cops going on a shooting spree, id take the word "cops" here very lightly, better off calling it an organised mafia
  8. Dont be so stupid, they would have had special training to deal with the Muslim minority and lack of cultural etiquette. Ham sandwiches tsk tsk tsk That said you have a "producer" and a few days to do it a much more sensible civilised option. I rarely carry a driving licence, for various reasons, they can arrest me and someone can go get it for me if required
  9. Theyll need to swat up on misgendering blokes so they can call it hate crime to do that.
  10. for the first half of that I really thought you were talking about the policeman
  11. Come on you cant have it both ways, when in Rome you say ......so drive on the wrong side drive, no helmet, through red lights etc but then "abide by the laws and customs" which one is it?
  12. They just love this drama."hushed tones" from the announcers followed by "screeching woman" throw in filthy farang scum perfect news for the masses, Standby the outcome will be visa costs quadrupling for retirees forget your 4-800k think 2-4million. Meanwhile their own <deleted>e, way worse, goes on daily, you just dont see it here.
  13. damn those blooming foreigners, 10 years in jail then deport them, Thais would never do this sort of thing!!!!
  14. available in 3 fruity flavours, strawberry raspberry and blueberry?
  15. pass the vomit bucket. 2/10 for the jet black mop
  16. At the very least Im hoping for a public lynching, decapitation , put thru a mincer, made into jam and given free to all Thai nationals as a lesson to us all. Clicks machine goes into overdrive
  17. I like the way the military block the road using the outside lane whilst dawdling along forcing everyone to undertake them when theres a convoy of 4-5 vehicles or the Police escorting this weeks highest bidder.
  18. some of the smartest people I know couldnt cross the road. I used to work for a lot of them years ago. Professors lovely people but yeah .......
  19. Pity they cant give you an appointment for 3 weeks too busy protesting I guess, friend in the UK recently hurt his leg falling off his push bike, it got swollen after a few days, tried to book an appointment......3 weeks later finally saw a doctor who sent him to A&E, 25 hours on a hard chair then transferred to a reclining chair with drip in until got a bed then 6 days in hospital where they almost amputated his leg.
  20. by accident................ so my Mother tells me?
  21. let the wife drive
  22. That sounds like "Triggers" broom!!! Still original just had 3 new handles and 6 new heads
  23. It might be a good thing for many but I really didnt like it.
  24. well I think they should just pay compensation for wrongful death, too many thugs in the world, lets say 1-1000 is wrong, that still means 999 <deleted>ty people that are not going to repeat
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