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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. I thought they guaranteed for 1 year
  2. ive already answered that, they arent doing this in Pranburi or Bangkok, being as thats the only places I go I cant vouch for the rest of Thailand, however as one person commented it seems if its not in their area they dont link up with another province ie you get a speeding ticket in Prachuapm and try to tax it in Prachuap they "might" get you, but even then I have domne that with no problem just a few weeks ago. I also said I have retaxed 2 of my own and the Wifes car and all had speeding or violating a rule tickets recently with no problem. They said about 18 months ago they were doing this and havent, also said you would get "demerit" points on your licence.
  3. so just to clarify the new income tax rules are to help the poor yet they offer a no tax clause for only the fairly well off using an LTR visa ? sounds about right
  4. I guess the tongue in cheek title fooled many
  5. Im sure youll shine through
  6. male inserted for those who dont know let alone those that cant even see, which it appears may be many
  7. Pranburi in the countryside
  8. Palm inflorescence, no snakes although these days it may identify as a snake
  9. its a Latania Verschafeltii Yellow Latan palm, same family as Bismarckia Nobilis of which there are two varieties Blue and Green and to the other poster its not a coconut either
  10. I never said you said that, I said a man cannot be a woman and then you call bigot and the word "argument" means in this case "a reason or set of reasons" example "there is a strong argument for xyz" and not "a set of opposing views often heated or angry" The context is ,cant you come up with an argument, its does not say I want an argument. As for your bigot comment a man cannot change his sex, that is not bigoted , its fact.
  11. Ive noticed the poor and starving often have a large tv as well, usually accompanied by chronic back pain so they can claim whatever .
  12. & years later its £41130 and thats JUST a constable, go up to Sergeant and its way more. Salary. The starting salary for police constables in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is £21,402, rising to £41,130 at the top of the scale - achievable after about seven years The average salary for Police Sergeant is £50,318 per year in the United Kingdom.
  13. More nonsense a man is not a woman and your point of view is invalid, simple as that. Then you say debate but you wont will you, prove to me these men are "women"? Lets remove both their pelvises and send them off and see what result comes back. So only bigots wont debate, yet you wont? so that makes you what........
  14. If you cant come up with an argument why bother
  15. Your record appears to be broken, do you have any other answer?
  16. is that the best you can do "bigots" ........like a broken record. Men dont magically become women FACT ,view of "since forever|" nothing to do with the 18th century
  17. doubt any soft tissue will survive
  18. Typical woke nonsense trying to force the world to change the nature of reality into anything they want it to be then telling us we are vile, Get a life its two men who think they are women when they dig up their corpses and look at their pelvis's in 1000 years do you really think they are going to say "yes its two women" nope not a chance in hell theyll say its two men
  19. try reading my post FULLY blimey youll want me to wipe yer arse for you next especially the bit about "hard to get on camera" dunno why I bother really in fact..................... guess you didnt like puzzles as a kid
  20. My Mothers still driving in the UK at 96 but her car insurance is getting ridiculous.
  21. My Uk house has economy 7 electric just 14p a kw/h.................however the extension lead to Thailand drops the voltage down to 8V, gonna sell the place soon and it should be a big selling point for any ev buyer as they dont let you have economy 7 tariffs now, they have some crap other deal. Just got to leave Thailand for 6 months before bringing the money in as I aint giving anyone the proceeds when i sell it
  22. she never told me, she used to be a scaffolder
  23. Wow that must have been great for them, what did they do with it................farm peacocks
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