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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. more likely he went up to the 38th floor tied one end of a rope round his neck and the other to the balcony, slit his wrists and gently stepped off , whilst squeezing the trigger of his gun on the way down............... it wasnt the ex wives that bothered him
  2. I agree, no kids I aint got any, Ive done my bit, now stop telling me I need an electric car to save the planet
  3. you can say the same about ANY religion, all tripe
  4. No, Ill complain about anything, anyone , anytime, anyplace Im an equal opportunities fully diverse and inclusive complainer, I even get on my own tits
  5. I murdered all my ex wives and the kids, then ate them, thanks for being there for me so I could get it off my chest last night.
  6. There is One and only one dentist I use in BKK and thats because I can get IV sedation, Ive had this for over 30 years in the UK and here. I have found no other place that does it . Some people write bad things about this practice, and they certainly arent cheap but I dont care as long as I get IV sedation . It costs about 5000 baht the person who does it teaches it at a dental school, she speaks english is I guess around 45-50 yrs old. After youve had IV sedation you will never use anything else. Asavanant is the name , look it up. Youy will have to have a blood test at the hospital and general check up before you do it and they also check a few other things, none of which I had to do in the UK which I find funny as everytime i have it they request this. I do realise you say non sdedation butn ive never found anything that helps http://www.asavanant.com/index1.php
  7. completed it well with the god damn awful trout pout, how the hell people think this looks good amazes me
  8. I like em, dont like those stupid pencilled in tatt type things even worse baldy gims as my wife calls them
  9. Unless theyre using a bath of acid I doubt it will do much
  10. Not sure what youre saying here, looks like a one way ticket or do you mean return, is it cheaper or as expensive
  11. Its the monkeys who feed them creating the problem, same with dogs, pigeons, they never learn and never will
  12. Ill be getting them checked thanks for alll responses its been a slow loss of sight (sharpness)over the last 8years
  13. Thought I read my age wasnt suitable? ok just read that if eyes are healthy its ok....... depends what healthy means I guess. well its only fuzzy vision
  14. This reminds me of ....................
  15. Most likely but I still find a lot of stuff here junk. I have some Hans Grohe bought from Germany here in a box for a house I never built, Ill install them somewhere one day
  16. Im sick of my blurry at all distances eyes, having had great vision up until 52 its now a fuzzy mess, I need reading glasses and distance glasses. What can now be done in Thailand to correct both . Can far sighted and near sight be fixed, read about one eye for near one for far? anyone had it ? how did it work out. Cost irrelevant but good surgeon as I dont want a white stick and labrador. Its not bad but I miss the sharpness of everything. Anything new to look out for.....60 years old now. Spent 10 minutes trying to cook a pizza in the washing machine!
  17. The cartridges you show I believe are ceramic. these things dont suffer any muck easily. I doubt American Standard are made to an American standard if you know what I mean, Chrome plating seems to not last long either, often bubbling up , never seen that in the UK
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