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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. I base mine on not giving a flying fart
  2. Ill have a look, do they have audited accounts?
  3. Be fair Ive only just upgraded form my circular landlinedial phone to a push button fandangled thing........... then again I do speak to people and dont have my head stuck in a lump of plastic and circuitry all day long
  4. Im going to wrestle that police woman to the ground get her in a headlock and hopefully I wont shoot my load in the process
  5. No problem as I now identify as a woman I too can have periods and babies apparently, also useful as an excuse, perfect, now wheres the ladies changing room
  6. ive got two verucas, be ok though wunnit, I like to share
  7. you mean a security guard..............all night sleeping
  8. Over the last 12 years Ive had many Burmese, some are ok some are not, however even they dont want field work they want a factory job and with overtime. In 12 years of having staff only 2-3 have been good , 90% are dross. cue the you pay them peanuts brigade, who are clueless
  9. similar problem and age although if I find someone who seems willing and honest, hard working in anything Ill try to help them.
  10. Was discussing this with my Wife the other day as we have amassed a lot over the years. The problem is who to give it to, WE both neither trust any Thai charities and western ones seems to spend inordinate amounts on "management" Open to suggestions................erm not the obvious, must be NON religious based prefer education inc anti religion
  11. Ive learnt a valuable lesson to day thanks to Lou.......they dont care or need my measly money
  12. Good man, dont let us down again like that😉
  13. its for those with a limited attention span.......not naming nationalities here
  14. bluddy foreigners deport em all............pity AN doesnt post the stuff in Thai papers daily of all the other "stuff" going on, but then it is up for sale and clicks count
  15. Youre making this up Bob, its easy to see.........only 3 beers🤣
  16. Put as firebreak all round my land, built a concrete road around it.........of course the usual village idiots said my road was illegal, I was going to build a resort, cant do that etc...... then later when the hillside caught fire from one of the neighbours land the same idiots asked if the could come onto my land use my road to drive a fire engine up it to quell the flames (steep hill)..... you cant fix stupid. The road gave easy access up to the top, previosuly dirt track impassable after rainy season. Reminds me I must build that resort one day they mentioned. Yeah I fit in like a sore thumb to some of the locals......thankfully there are a few decent ones in the village also.
  17. theres no point bleating on about rip to all those concerned ( who you dont know, will never meet etc) is there, wise up THAIS dont give a <deleted>e about this, if they did it wouldnt be happening, which is why I treat it with the contempt it deserves.
  18. I am at the end stage of this years renewal based on marriage, this year they asked what income I had and "about" how much it was, they also asked my wife her income and what she did. However it was all written on a scrap of paper not on any form. This is HUA HIN immigration I was due to collect the stamp in my passport today but they hadnt received it back by 9am. Later at 1pm they said they had it back and to come in tomorrow would be ok. This is only the 2nd time Ive been asked in 16 years of doing this, the first time was the first time i did it.
  19. if they dont care why do they say remove shoes. cmon transam surely you can join forces with Lou for this one
  20. be better off if they gave him the full UK pension
  21. I dont use any shops which ask for shoes to be removed
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