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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. but surely that rule book clearly states all that.......surely
  2. a hilly knoll obviously, everyone knows that, unlike the word banker which can easily be misconstrued especially with immigration officers as mentioned
  3. 1 why does it have to get him anywhere 2 she initiated it by driving on the wrong side
  4. Ha d similar BS this year after many renewals requesting electric bill in her name this for a marriage renewal, reason is everyone knows if its in her name it means you are defacto married ( sarcasm off) Remember they have the right to ask for any old crap they want, stand on one leg and eat a bucket of frogs etc
  5. you mean like when the ex coup leader Prayut mentioned about foreigners dressing in bikinis a few years ago
  6. Yes theyre right, I see that respect daily when driving. Yes I agree, shame on you Thailand..........oh wait do they mean us?
  7. u c why its a waste of <deleted> time posting on Asean Now ok Ill, delete it all for the people who werent talking <deleted>e
  8. This is funny as I recently changed all my lightbulbs in a condo my wife owns which I renovated and added about 10 more LEDS ( way under circuit limit) prfeviously one central hideous grandma circular fluorescant tube. They flickered............but only between 6am and 7.30 am rest of the day and night all fine, scratched head for ages on this......... then one morning whilst sleeping there went outside into the general corridor area (common area).............. all the lights there were flickering as well!! Case closed! Told wife if renter complains tell him to ask the condo manager as the whole building was doing it
  9. It wouldnt matter if you zeroed their debt, within a short time theyd be back in debt, due to their own stupidity, live within your means whether it be a mansion or a jungle shack or neither.
  10. did my own gate work myself, motor thai watsadu as mentioned, foresee remote control, gate made by Thai friend 2 gates 4.5metres each 100k total (50k each) delivered, motor 9k alsao 2 ir sensors tro stop an idiot closing the door on their car, work free....done by me also got a stainless motor cover to go over the plastic motor cover as plastic and sun always ends badly in time, cost 1000 made locally
  11. Ultimately the responsibilty lies with the borrower, but responsibilty is a dirty word in many countries now especially Thailand. I treat all their rules as a joke knowing full well the scale of the corruption here and do my best not to pay into their various money wrenches inc their " new" tax rules. Im not funding irresponsible peoples bad choices.
  12. Dunno what the problem is, I used meth as a kid many times, first time I was about 10 yrs old although I did have soem supervision initially until I knew how to use it, I had very liberal parents who wanted me to learn new things and i really enjoyed it, remember it well, one of my friends same age also used it. The good old days when you could easily obtain it, hours of fun.
  13. Id have zero faith in that having just asked them two questions and a day later being told the opposite, I went physically to immigration as well not even phoned them to be sure, they still changed their answer the next day.
  14. Ive done the marriage visa for over 15 years at Hua Hin, first year had total %$^t of an Officer, wife complained and it got passed as the officer said one photo did not include ALL the bed, ridiculous what thats supposed to prove with 10% of the bed missing?, theyve been ok ever since UNTIL last week , we normally go in twice, once to check what they need the day before "this year "and the next to actually do it. That paper is normal now. Went in as normal on day before it was due , was told the bank letter was ok from that date for tomorow and now told you dont need the witness to be there physically as has been the case for the last 2 years. Went in the next day and the officer that told us wasnt in, but now it WASNT ok for either, new bloke never seen him before, then he starts saying we need an electric bill with the Wifes name on and her name must be on the tabian baan with me ? I have a yellow book and she owns 10 condo;s and moves her name round when she wants to sell one, something about tax , dont ask me. Anyway she said this to him and "eventually" it got done. But whats normally a fairly quick if lengthy paperwork exercise took 4 hours. I think the guy was just a <deleted> this year but who knows......also were "offered" one of their witnesses, so the whole things a farce really and a money making op now. In the end we called our policemans wife as witness and went an got her gave her 500 baht and lunch for her time.
  15. this response is so full of crap, i mean i have 2 friends who have solar businesses selling mostly to Thais...............WOW big surprise in Thailand who would have thunk that, and what the hell is my commen t about byd seal, I asked whats its depreciation would be, honestly this threads so full of <deleted> it defies belief, stating stuff I havent even said and another gasp wow 180k members in a population of 70 million when they say evangelists now I know what they mean, Ill leave you to your little clique club and of course call away at TROLL its the go to response KHUN La
  16. youre talking <deleted>e , most Thais dont have enough money until tomorrow.,
  17. Nowhere have I said any of that is wrong, so you have no idea of my understandings, what I have said is for most people in Thailand its impractical, Jesus they havent got enough money to get through today yet here someone posts about a 1.6million baht car running their house as almost normal with a roof with more solar panels than the size of most peoples houses and a water collection system thats enormous...........its simply not practical or even remotely affordable for most Thais. Thats guys house is an exception, a massive exception and at a large financial cost out of reach of most Thais.
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