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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Its the bluddy falangs stuck down the soddd:n mineshaft again.
  2. Its not real road rage unless he has a machete.............which I reported and no action was taken despite the Pooooooooooolice knowing who it was with full video evidence. "Meet Mr I cant wait get outta my way" maybe I should post this onto farcebook
  3. Ralf at Grafinger https://www.grafinger.co.th/en/contact.php hes German but i dont hold it against him
  4. Dont worry hopalongskippadedoodar will be along any second to tell you its their country and it in no way justifies anything.
  5. Look at it as a bonus, youll never get a fine and despite what they say you can still tax your vehicles with existing fines.
  6. Have a choice , I have man jumps queue at traffic light and waves machete at stupid farang whose in his way, or 2 men must go first in a queue of traffic caused by dawdling other man hogging outside lane then they both eventually squeezing by and the other undertaking on hard shoulder ploughing straight into parked car, or moron probably looking at phone ploughs into back of car at 10mph in traffic queue, your choice. The best one is mr tailgater "Im in a hurry" but this is a two for one as we also have mr boy racer showing his prowess at the end in spectacular fashion
  7. can i show my Thai shaming videos , got a few , Mr Impatience in both cases.
  8. They know exactly what they are doing, thats the excuse shes using
  9. more poor design at the construction stage as usual, they could have easily implemented and area to pull into for taxis etc and people being dropped off
  10. Thais will. Most end up sitting in those salas with no bra and a flappy sarong thing out in the sticks, they look about 90 but in reality 60ish, told my wife if she ever starts wearing that stuff im off
  11. Ive found this due to poor drainage pipes on them, I re installed 2 of mine with new drain pipes and they have never dripped since, the third I didnt do as the drain was in the floor and I suspect has a dip in it where water sits and pools. This one fills up in the drain tray and pipe with a clear jelly which I wash out every 5 months I also stick a wet vac on the pipe to suck the sludge out then pour bleach down it. I bought aircons all new with an easily removal drain tray as it was a big problem before. If they made the drain trays with a wider drain hole and a wider drain pipe it would help a lot.
  12. A job Thais can do and Thais want to do though eh, and then a job Thais can do well.... is another factor
  13. The problem is my wife lives in a condo of 270 rooms and its adjoining condo another 400 all the same developer (27 and 37 floors ) and these arent cheap condos, they start at 4 million for a studio and up to 22million, they have installed 2 charging points. Theyre going to need to stick a charging point in every car park space they have and thats going to be an incredible challenge from many angles.
  14. why have you had 4? or is it a 4 adult household? if you only keep them a short time how will you know their longer term reliability and manufacturers adherence to their guarantee?
  15. isnt keeping them fully charged and "every night" going to degrade your battery faster? Current electric pick ups have VERY low range when loaded up, checkout Ford F150 lightning range when towing etc
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