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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. 36 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    He's talking about your video, where you are approaching a U-turn intersection at speed, without any attempt to slow down.

    rubbish no speed  is shown so at best hes  guessing  and a nyone  looking can see  slowing down clearly visible, god  some <deleted> is  said on Thai  visa, next youll  be  telling me Im not a  safe  distance from the car in front, obviously  drunk and  any other BS that can be spouted. Yeah we  never  read of motorcycles  travelling the wrong way being  killed  here regularly.

    Then in other threads  get  told they must travel at the same speed  as  traffic  in the lane they are in, none of which slow  down at U  turns, do that and have some retard drive into the back of you.

    But is does  remind me to stop  posting on Thai  Visa, thanks for that, am sure  youll be grateful also.

  2. 7 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    SOP here, scooters and cars both. The etiquette is to stay on the RHS of the vehicle going the wrong way.

    IMO it's not particularly dangerous, because the wrong way vehicle usually travels quite slowly.

    Death rates   differ  with your  view.

  3. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

    From a guy who calls himself... 'I am falang’.... spelt with a L implying who he’s been hanging around with !!!  someone who considers AIDs a risk !!!  and seems to go by the mantra ‘its always the foreigners fault’.... 



    Motorbikes are fine... well, they are not fine, they are of course risky - but the risk is not as severe as many who don’t ride often imply. 


    I know loads of guys who ride around Bangkok (and Thailand), I can only think of two of them who have had serious accidents....  Both of them were drunk... That is just stupid. 


    My Golden Rules: 

    1) Never ride while drunk.

    2) Don’t ride at night

    3) Don’t ride in the rain (where possible) 

    4) Ride at the same speed as the other traffic, but don’t speed.

    5) Ride very defensively

    6) At the very least (nipping to the shop) wear gloves, good helmet, proper shoes.

    7) Longer rides AGATT (full face helmet).





    One of  the  biggest  risks  is  DOGS and the state  of  the roads  once  you  are  away from trunk  routes

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Makes me wonder how I have survived here for twelve years.

    Can't say I have ever courted AIDS or bad water, the rest is part of life.

    Do you leave your condo or house at all?


    Well Im out everyday and  almost everyday I record  stuff  like this...... this from a  few  days  ago, its   got to the point where Im almost oblivious and something Id  never  see in my home country ever.

  5. 11 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Did you see the Oscars? Alot of big, overweight women, wearing very revealing dresses, and doing it with pride. Celebrating hugeness and fat. That is what they do in America. 

    Yep seems  many these  days take great  pride in looking as  awful  as   they  possibly  can,  and woe  betide anyone saying otherwise....reeks  of The  Emperors New  Clothes.

    No Im not  attractive in any way but arent  stupid  enough to wear a  leotard and skimpy  shorts  to highlight how  <deleted> I look.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Good points. And I would go so far as to say most kids are highly over rated by their own parents, who seem to lose all objectivity about them. Especially when around others! 

    You  only  have to  look at facebook  comments  where some of the ugliest stupidest people show themselves  off and their friends  put comments  like "beautiful  couple" or "you  look stunning babe" when the face  looks  like an overinflated marshmellow lipped  profanity, christ it makes me  laugh

  7. 3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Well , if you are in a restaurant out to eat ,  tell them that this isn't a playground and that they need to sit down and behave themselves and no running around and if they misbehave then tell them that we would be going straight home  and nothing to eat that evening . 

       Give them a choice , either sit down and keep quiet and order your food , or go home hungry and follow through with threat .

       Leave the restaurant and go home and let them know that we all went home because they misbehaved and the next time it happens , just ask them whether they want to sit down and behave or go home .

       Give them a choice . 

      They then know that restaurants are not playgrounds and they need to sit at the table and behave themselves  

    Oh I agree entirely  but sometimes its  not  enough, more to the point though its the parents that need the smack.

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    There are other ways to get Children to behave , rather than hitting them .

    Hitting people is wrong  whether they be adults or Children .

    I always look on on bewilderment when adults hit Children and tell them to stop hitting other Children because its wrong and bad to hit people......................said whilst hitting the child .

       Teach the Child that its wrong to hit people.......................by hitting them !!!!!!!!!

    Lovely  in a perfect world, but it aint perfect.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    There are other ways to get Children to behave , rather than hitting them .

    Hitting people is wrong  whether they be adults or Children .

    I always look on on bewilderment when adults hit Children and tell them to stop hitting other Children because its wrong and bad to hit people......................said whilst hitting the child .

       Teach the Child that its wrong to hit people.......................by hitting them !!!!!!!!!

    You mean like send them to a  quiet  space .............. or the naughty step.........yeah that works????

    • Thanks 1
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