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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. On 4/19/2022 at 1:43 PM, ozimoron said:

    One of my friends just died of covid after having three vaccinations. It was time for his fourth which may have saved him. He was diabetic but it was well controlled and he was 78.


    My best advice is take the lower risk road and get whatever vaccinations that medical experts suggest.

    not  78  not diabetic, its  not  a lower  risk its  most  likely  useless in my situation

  2. 20 hours ago, BayArea said:

    You and I must be married to the same woman!  My wife feels the same way.  Other than visiting the country every other year to see her family,  she has repeatedly told me she never wants to live in Thailand again. I asked her why she has so much resentment and negative views of her homeland,  she said after living in America and traveling abroad,  she sees Thailand for what it is. 

    Same  with mine she  calls  her  fellow  nationals , lazy ,stupid , selfish ,greedy.......of  course its  me that get suspeneded for  saying it  though and she doesnt even waste  time visiting the family at  all.

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/18/2022 at 6:44 AM, jacko45k said:

    Hmm... despite my lack of training and knowledge in this subject, I was leaning towards a preference of getting infected (by omicron)  rather than the 3rd jab of MRNA... everything I was hearing (reading and Dr John Campbell mainly) made me feel it was unlikely to produce symptoms any worse than a cold, and ultimately give better immunity results. 

    In the end, got the 3rd jab...... 

    Am  just  getting over 4  days of  getting Omicron and its  EXACTLY the same as what ive gotten all my  life, headache, thick head, barking cough like a  dog, firts day is the worst but  by  no means awful,  just normal. 

    After now  getting it I have ZERO plans for anymore vaccinations (tow pfizer) as this natural infection  IS the  best protection you can get, ie catching Omicron.

    As Cambell says what  applied last year with vaccinations being necessary, now  no  longer  applies in many cases.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Muhendis said:

    I didn't resolve it. I found out about the transformer when my wife mentioned, in passing, the PEA transformer work which was ongoing in the village.

    There is a significant amount of electrical work going on in Buriram at this time due, I suspect, to increasing business and population density. Anything like a misbehaving transformer would be picked up quite easily by the engineers.

    Id  got  neutral  linked to earth at the box  here and  found out when touching the metal door  handle  of  my  house  after they changed the transformer with a lovely  warm  tingling feeling which started of "randomly", thought I was  going mad ..... after some poking around and  by guesswork thought  wonder  why it  only  happens at  night, finally worked out auto street  lights  in the road on sensor started it.  BY covering the senor in daytime i could trigger the fault. p.d  should be less than 2v but PEA dont  care.....wonder if a PD of 230v would make them. 

    Before they  put the  new  transformer  i got 0.1 pd, problem is the  moo bahn street  lighting.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Muhendis said:

    By coincidence, I just happened to check my PEA incoming neutral to my ground rod yesterday. The voltage was a very satisfactory 21 mV. Incoming PEA supply was isolated. so the reading was the voltage difference between my gnd and the nearest grounded post. Some time ago, when there was a fault in a village transformer, that p.d. was in the region of 60 V and, thinking I had a house wiring fault, caused me no end of head scratching.

    How did  you resolve  that as PEA  here are disinteretsed in my nightime  only 21V PD?

  6. 6 hours ago, Led Lolly Yellow Lolly said:

    Sounds like you have a reversed neutral/phase. If so, this is hazardous. Be cautious.



    This is a symptom of what I describe above. Be cautious, disconnecting the ground rod will electrocute you. The 4 or 5 volts is due to the soil resistance causing step potential.


    All ground rods are copper clad steel


    Their is  another  type that PEA  use in the roads  here, they aint copper  look  like galvanised  steel not those  girly 3/8 rods, they are in cross  section like an "+" an about 20  times  thicker, I have some smashed in round the land mostly by each houses "<deleted>ter" waste storage seepage tank where the soils alwasy wet

  7. 5 hours ago, Muhendis said:

    By coincidence, I just happened to check my PEA incoming neutral to my ground rod yesterday. The voltage was a very satisfactory 21 mV. Incoming PEA supply was isolated. so the reading was the voltage difference between my gnd and the nearest grounded post. Some time ago, when there was a fault in a village transformer, that p.d. was in the region of 60 V and, thinking I had a house wiring fault, caused me no end of head scratching.

    same here except  this is their "new  install" difference 21v

  8. 57 minutes ago, Led Lolly Yellow Lolly said:

    It should be highlighted that what you are doing is very dangerous. One mistake can blow your face off from an arc flash, in addition to the risk of electrocution. Where is the electrician that installed this system? Please respond.

    probably find he  died  not  long ago due to electrocution!!!

  9. Think yourslef lucky I  get a  lovely 21V  every  night when the streetlights  turn on in the road  thru my neutrals down to earth. Happens the second their road lights  go  on, Ive even gone and turned off the streetlights  via  their sensors to prove this at  night and turned them on in the day by covering the sensor so i know it aint my set  up.

    Started 18 months  ago when they installed a  new transformer and  new  earth rods  all round my land for their network........excellent  job guys!! cue  disinterested  look when reporting to PEA  locally

  10. 10 hours ago, Klonko said:

    Still waiting for refund from Thai Airways for flight canceled in April 2020. Don't care much, there are other airlines with refund track record.

    Its  more  about Tha THAI Air  France  response  (poor) a s opposed to the FRENCH  Air  France  response (better)

  11. December 2019 booked  a ticket withAir  Franc,e May 2020 THEY  cancelled the flight which is  important for your rights, I  asked if I could  just  have an open ticket  as didnt know when things were  going to improve they agreed  ok, Ticket 65k baht . December 2020  still  couldnt book a flight due to covid regs,mailed  Air France  Thailand  ticket ok ,just have to pay any fare  difference when re  book. March 2021 Same answer, March 2022 they inform me when I asked that ticket is expired and no refund!!!!

    Never  one to give up I  asked them many questions, nope no refund pointed out some of their ads  state ALL tickets refundable  until 2022 MARCH, applied online for their refund, first answer no refund, applied  again using klm site (air  france  klm same same) second answer  no refund, all dealt with in Thailand.

    Getting more peed  off  with them as theyd  had that money +2  years I contacted Air  France IN FRANCE told them I wanted a  refund or would  have to go through ADR (alternative dispute  resolution)  in the UK ( Uk citizen) 2  days  later  full refund to my UK  bank.

    The question is though WHY AIr France  Thailand declined  both times stating ticket expired, incompetence? theft? what?......

    When mentioning a  refund in Thailand with Thai staff they said if  approved 2  months to refund....

    Reeks  more of something if you ask me, have informed the Thai Air France that French  AIr France has refunded me, doubt there  will be any response.

    The main thing is they really have no understanding of what I was  asking/telling them, the AIR FRANCE  hea d office in Paris  needs to give them a good  kick in the behind.

    Makes  me  wonder  how  many other Air France /KLM  customers  gave up when told  no refund in Thailand, Air France  Paris actually  phoned me in Thailand  about the refund and  settled it real  fast.

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