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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. 2 minutes ago, MJCM said:

    Same one as ours and we got ours from the local BK Roofing (ordered 8 April 2020)

    Nearest Bluescope to me 100km away and on another house ordered from them arrived  battered and dented............oh but they did  replace it and charge us re  delivery,  always that good  ole  customer service.

  2. 1 minute ago, unheard said:

    I think so:




    I maen your second  photo, wasnt available by  me had to be made  elsewhere even though they had the steel forming machines they could  only  add  the thin foam and was expensive, maybe just my location I dont know, did  my roof in January on one  of my  houses

  3. 3 minutes ago, unheard said:

    At the factory?

    There are multiple roof metal forming shops spread all over the country.

    Many of those offer PU insulation.

    And just about every Bluescope affiliated shop offers PU insulation as an option.

    I  think were  talking different things, this is the metal sheets with a  very level layer of  about 4  inch thick hard foam stuck to them

  4. On 3/28/2022 at 6:42 PM, Muhendis said:

    My house has a regular four sided pitched roof rather like a pyramid. There is plenty of headroom for me being vertically indisposed as you might say. There are plenty of horizontal RC beams to walk along  which allows easy access to the ceiling below without stepping on the panelling. I'm sure the ceiling would fall apart if I were to stand on it.


    I  ran 2 x 4"  steel beams   welded  togethr  across  all my  wall  tops  so I cna traverse  the roof  space when  building, can only do it  during  construction as they were 6 metres  long

    • Like 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, unheard said:

    PU Expensive? As relative to the thermal properties it provides?

    I'd say it's a bargain in reference to reduction of the cooling costs.

    PU doesn't de-laminate, the other "thin" stuff does and is mostly worthless in comparison.

    I  got a price for  both and the  panels  shown with it  applied at the factory was  way  more  expensive, the  thin stuff  is  fine and concentrate on thick fibreglass  over the ceilings

  6. 20 hours ago, unheard said:

    I think that's very close to an ideal combination - metal roof with the attached PU foam underneath plus fiberglass batts above the ceiling.

    An addition of ventilated roof ridge would make it ideal.

    Thats  stuffs  expensive. an alternative is the same  roof  with6-10mm  foam, spray glued  on though have seen the stuff  delaminating in some places

  7. On 3/13/2022 at 3:50 PM, sometimewoodworker said:

    The story of our land fill, the majority of which came from digging a moderate sized pool is here

    Land fill and garden wall started in 2007 the current  results of SWMBOs efforts is here





    Got my  hole  dug  for free 10 years  ago 1  rai, soil sold to someone who wanted it,  good  if  you can do  that


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  8. On 3/12/2022 at 4:14 PM, Encid said:

    Erosion is something that is poorly managed by your typical rice farmers

    Takes thought and planning, heres  mine dug  by makro and concreted  by hand by myself  during monsoon downpours,  took me  a bout 3  months  alone mixing by hand is   about 250metres  length overall, grasded  down to a  lake and  by pass  down the road if  required when lake  is  full. SWouldnt waste  my time with most Thai workers, 90cm  deep and  still gets  full

    • Like 2
  9. 10 hours ago, andy said:

    It's Thai Airways, they will end up canceling these "seats" and just say "mai dai" when asked for a refund.


    And I totally want to buy a ticket on an airline that is selling seats off its planes...

    They arent the only  ones judging by a google  search airlines  have had a  field  day witholding refunds wordlwide, I myself am  owed 65000 baht by AIR  FRANCE, nope  not  paying, ticket expired they say, really they cancelled  my  flight  not me I asked for an open ticket, cant find there ticket rules  anywhere certainly  well  hidden if  on the website, Told me ticket  open for re  booking, I kept  mailing saying couldnt do it due to covid, last e mail said ticket expired eff  off  no refund.............BUT  please  book another ticket with us.........clueless and couldnt give a flying (  pun) fark about their  customers.

    Contact almost  impossible as many companies  now make it so.

    Disgraceful daylight robbery.

    My sole aim in life now to mention AIR FRANCE

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