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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. 18 hours ago, Excel said:

    Unless specifically requested during fabrication the pre-cast concrete slabs are not made with waterproofed cement to my knowledge. However, in all case the slabs are covered with a concrete screed so I would suggest a 50 mm screed, with reinforcement giving a 25/25 re-bar cover the concrete having mixed in, the water inhibiter. I am actually doing that on my next build next year but will be also including a waterproof membrane as a section of the roof will be a tiled party area the tiles will be affixed with an epoxy adhesive, as per swimming pool tile  norms.

    I  would  add a  thick durable  plastic  membrane, concrete alwasy cracks

  2. 6 minutes ago, monsieurhappy said:

    It is said that the population of earth can be accommodated on the Isle of Wight!

    Would you want to be there with them??

    That  was  not  your initial statement was it, no need to twist it  round,  you  stated there were  too  many people  basically and the planet couldnt support it, which is  incorrect. Not whteher they could all fit  on the Isle of  Wight

  3. 22 minutes ago, monsieurhappy said:

    In 1800 the population of planet earth was estimated at one billion!

    Now we are at eight billion!!

    When are people going to realise that planet earth CANNOT sustain all this population??

    It's because of this population explosion that the world is being contaminated!

    Maybe we should be pouring contraceptives into the water supply??

    Incorrect, it certainly  can properly  managed, but it  isnt properly  managed and nature  will control the population eventually

  4. 12 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Translation.... "I was speeding an didn’t slow down for a stopping motorcycle, I was driving dangerously and carelessly, and I’m a an utter liar"



    Just one other point - why does the vehicle in front need any reason to stop ?

    IF the vehicle in front stops, so do you regardless if they have a reason or not. 



    Now, when riding defensively, I’d chose to make my intentions very clear. 

    If turning right on a fast moving road, if I can’t make the turn comfortably and there is traffic approaching behind me, I move over to the left and wait for a gap, I don’t stop in the middle of the road (no on a motorcycle in Thailand). Or, I drive on further for a suitable place to turn (U-turn and come back). 





    The  one thing you can be sure of 100% with Thai  drivers  is  they will  do the stupidest thing possible at any given time and this is why they end up dead. They also do not learn and do the same thing repeatedly even after a close  shave, seen it many times,  just recently cars  too close almost rams the one in front and after the near miss  also helped by two other  morons  crossing a  dual carriageway and trying to go the wrong way up it then  proceeeds to tailgate the car he almost just  rammed.............dont believe me heres  the video,,,,, Note the two pick ups  causing the first problem, follwed by the cretin being to  close. After this he  undertook carried  on down the raod and tailgated the next vehicle, and finally the last  pick up still waiting at the U  turn then did the same as his  two  pals  crossing the road to go up it the wrong way. I treat every Thai driver as a  moron, its the only safe way, also to  note the front retard who as often the case  refuses to keep left when the road is  100%  clear.

  5. 8 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    That is extremely inappropriate . 

    With facial recognition technology her Husband and kids could easily find the photo .

    Also I'm not sure why you are posting a photo of a below average looking woman and boasting about having sex with her , but you should show some decorum and not publish other peoples photos without their permission 

    This is  not the woman in question and this was 30  years  ago, but i do  note  your  put down  of  below average looking, well  done, but your not  boasting right.

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