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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. 1 hour ago, Radar501 said:

    You should sink your funds into chairs, that's where the big money is to be made.   If you're prepared to look around the market, you can pick up some bargains.


    I would take a look at the industrial chairs as they seem pretty stable.   You can pick up a few hundred here, a few thou' there, and just sit on them for a while, but keep checking the market. The secret is diversity.    Different types of chairs are the way to go, but be ready to pull out if it look like they are about to fold coz that could hurt your bottom line.


    Right now I have chairs in cinemas   All about bums on seats you know.   My ambition is to be up with the big boys, playing with the gold chairs    Make sure you have somewhere safe to store them as even timber chairs are only made from paper and can go up in smoke in a Wall Street minute.

    Why  not form a  company and make yourself  chairman?

  2. 30 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

    I have read it does genuinely reduce your risk......if not, I wouldn't do it........

    The  key  is  WHEN in your  lifespan youve been  doing it  and  up to 49  years  of  age then its a  20%  less  chance if  21  times a  month after 49 yrs  old seems  it doesnt  matter how  much.............so if  youre  over  49  you can give it a  rest.


    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, LivinLOS said:

    Top down patronage culture where seniority can never be openly questioned, where bad ideas become maintained and propagated.. Which in turn empowers seniority to become entrenched corruption recipients which the juniors must pay into (not only in money, in favors, work, respect). The entire structures of boon khun, greng jai.. The structures of nepotism and deserved right to incomes / benefits/ monopolies and cartels doled out to clan based networks.. 

    This cultural format, the very bones, is whats holding the country back from advancement, modernisation, development, skills growth, wage growth, etc etc etc.. 

    Its not just in the education.. Though it is there also.. It permeates every facet of the social model. 



    as  i said, the entire  cuture

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 11/2/2021 at 8:08 AM, Thaiwrath said:

    Now open we will not shut again,

    Try telling that to the many, many people involved in the entertainment industry, who still cannot earn money to feed their families !    



    this  is  kwap, they can they just wont do the work thats available ie farm work,  plenty available no  takers round  here PrachuapKhirikhan.

    • Confused 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Na Fan said:

    But they leaked water

    Noh they didnt there's  no water to leak, what you  have is a blocked or partially blocked  drain line  full of  condensed water,  many who clean these  things are totally clueless and think blasting some air  down the drain line if they actually  even do  that is  enough,many dont even bother checking the drain.

    After watching some of them I now clean my own myself, you get a build  up of  jelly  inside the  drip tray and drain pipe, I clean this out by sticking a  hosepipe  on and giving it  merry  hell, then I chuck some bleach down it for good  measure, I also stick a wire  mesh on the drain pipe exit  to stop jing joks and other insects  such as  wasps trying to  block it. For  600 baht you get the general crapp   clean, they want more to strip  it down and actually  really deep  clean the drainpipe etc

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