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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. On 10/6/2021 at 9:14 AM, AhFarangJa said:

    Many thanks for all your advice guys, These look the way to go Rampant Rabbit. I was ready to change all the plugs on appliances as well, but these Thai sockets do look stronger than what is currently fitted ( no pun intended...)

    First  picture I could  find BUT these  are the ones I used they are Haco,  much better switch and  fitting https://www.lazada.co.th/products/haco-2-w816uv2s-i387670490-s753292547.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlistcategory.list.1.29aa7eecZ9JCkB&search=1


  2. 1 hour ago, Crossy said:


    A pukka BS1363 outlet should be impossible to open the shutters with pressure on just one side. Of course the Chinese versions ...


    You can get "real" ones in Malaysia or Singapore.


    That said, I wouldn't use them here. If you do decide to use them don't install ring-finals, stick to 2.5mm2 radials on 20A breakers.


    yep impossible  also UK  plugs should  be insulated  about  halfway down  on the Line  and Neutral so  yer  cant stick your fingers on the terminals

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    She reportedly had not been wearing a helmet and did not have a license.

    Stupid  parents (neglect)ts and stupid  kids  abound here, racing  up and down my road  in the country,  just waiting for them to  fall  off so I can pml,the sympathy ran  out years  ago, the devastation lasts  a lifetime

  4. 2 hours ago, blazes said:

    The fact that Canada is #2 shows how absurd this survey is.  As a Canadian I can assure anyone who wants to hear that this is the last place in the world one would want to immigrate to post-65.


    One could rant on about the corrupt and brain-dead Prime Minister, but one need go no further than look into real estate costs in any one of the four  most desirable cities to live in.  Canadians can only afford housing if they have inherited a sh!teload of money, are old and have spent a lifetime paying off the mortgage, are Chinese capitalists, are drug rich, or able to pay down a mortgage that costs over 70% of household income. Plus...

    surveys more reliable than this show that 50% of Canadians would be in serious financial trouble if interest rates were to rise a mere 1/4 percent.


    I will say nothing about the weather, which is bearable year-round only on the British Columbia west coast.  And the less said about the medical system the better.


    So, bah humbug to this ludicrous survey....

    Thats  my  lumberjack dream down the pan then

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, malibukid said:

    personally being an American i can say i have had my day in court and successfully won all claims agains large corporations in the States and the U.S. government.  try that in Thailand., lol

    Thats great BUT did you actually  get money out  of them, you can win in the UK  courts  but  never receieve  a penny  back form the other  party

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