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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. Now two doggos will be dadless. Moral of the story? Don't bring a gun to a two-year-old dogfight.
  2. There are plenty Salim who are too rich to bribe who still hate him. He's obviously paid off half the police and prison service, and he's an ex-cop. Let's see how he gets on after he gets the pardon everyone knows is coming. I join in millions of betrayed Thais who don't exactly wish this un-punished felon a long and healthy retirement.
  3. They can write all the grovelling aw shucks articles about the Brontosaurus they want, he's still a dodgy dinosaur, and Thailand is still stuck with a mob of fugly failed humans in it for nobody but their scaly selves.
  4. Can't they afford a scale or a height graph at Fulton County? Why are criminals allowed to self report their vitals?
  5. The girlfriend is a serious wealth threat to the kids. Another drama nobody needs in their lives.
  6. I think the real question is why didn't you all get a vasectomy 20-40 years ago? I had to fight the system for it, but by god it's been worth the struggle. Also, if you are over 40, and your wife is not menopausal, then seriously do it! If you can hold down a female tiger younger than your first kid, more power to you, but it's just perplexing seeing a grey geezer with pre-teens and a fertile wife in tow. Suckers for punishment.
  7. Aren't the occupants too busy paying the rent/mortgage to lie around the pool all day? I've never seen anyone but the maid/security around our condo pool. And I'm only down there to use the free internet signal now and then.
  8. It's always about the money. If it was the moral principle, an apology from them would do. I'm not saying you're wrong to want your pound of flesh, but let's call a spade a spade.
  9. Just imagine if they let democracy take it course, no riots, no global headlines, no taking Thailand to the brink of a civil war and possibly, a full-blown revolution. Well, if they can't share their bed of roses, then one day soon, they can expect to wake up on a bed of nails. ????????‍♂️????????????
  10. I may be wrong, but I think users pay for this, the great majority will continue to be able to troll under aliases. The quality on here would vastly improve if ID verification was required. I think it's coming worldwide soon anyway. That may truly suck, but thank the users who are the worst abusers.
  11. I cannot believe this! So basically, nothing changes apart from you're giving them more money? I thought they would leave me the hell alone after I bought my visa. THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT. What a waste of time and money, where are the actual benefits? Still annual extensions and still a charge. Do they make us get a re-entry permit too? I'll take my chances with the retirement cost going up. So angry about this! ????
  12. You're not really supposed to refer to the Military High Command in such disrespectful terms. ????
  13. Woah a TV pirate! I'll sleep soundly tonight knowing that dangerous thug is off the streets! ???? When are they going to bang up bratty Boss Redbull the cop killer?
  14. May I ask if you obtained the Elite whilst on a marriage visa or other extension? I'm on a multi entry Non-O marriage as I'd rather do 90 day border bounces than deal with the tyrrany of the marriage visa extensions. Another thing about Elite making more and more sense due to my age and the upkeep costs of the Non-O is that fact that if my wife dies, I have to go back to a retirement visa. Are there any real drawbacks? It is unlimited residency for 20 years, and only 90 day reports needed, correct?
  15. Overuse of sugar and processed foods links to surgery complications and death. Let's take bets on which kills more humans; sugar abuse, or weed abuse. What's their point here other than another pointless pearl-clutching demonization of weed?
  16. Coke at the WH is still much less of a National Security issue than Top Secret Files everywhere but the WH.
  17. Australia is near Germany and Austria is full of New Zealanders. Actually everywhere is full of New Zealanders. Except New Zealand.
  18. The Man from Myanmar. Not quite as catchy as the Man from UNCLE. But he put on a good show!
  19. Strange ears problem never bothered Mr. Spock, I'm sure you'll find a logical solution.
  20. Which ones? The "We Hate Farang" patch or the "Kickbox an Uncle" award. The cubs have changed a lot since we dyb dyb dybbed.
  21. He said "Out of curiousity, are certain embassies/consulates issuing multi Non-O's on the basis of retirement any more?" What am I missing?
  22. There's no hope for this nation of great natural wealth and promise, stripped by generations of cabals pretending to be honorable warriors. Whenever I see this decrepit excuse for a soldier, sat there, fat dumb and happy, I want to bring up my dinner. All over him.
  23. Amazing what a quiet threat to your Army pension, and lifetime gold pass to the five star soapies, and every golf club in town can do to a mans thinking!
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