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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. Biden has nothing to do with the former guys criminal intent. They're all corrupt anyway. Joe, Nancy, George, Lindsay, and some are just cuckoo for coco pops like MTG. "If voting made a difference they wouldn't let you do it." Mark Twain.
  2. If Pita ever makes it across the line, he should jail the lot of them for electoral corruption. The evidence for it goes back decades.
  3. Good, let's deal with this internal terrorism threat once and for all.
  4. Firstly, the public's overwhelmingly misguided support for the war on drugs was going on long before this maniac acted, and secondly, from statistics alone, his extreme mental state, and not meth are to blame for this horror. Going by the weekly hauls alone, at least a million people in LoS use amphetamines at least once a week, and the rest of us would not even know it! And thirdly, you're wildly off-topic.
  5. More of the same ahead, democratic instability, the people's choice forced in to exile, or worse, and the crew-cut goons back for coup number twenty one! This number counts all the non-democratic insurrections since 1912.
  6. These secondary attractions don't have viable domestic airport services, and no one wants to sit in a death-trap minibus for 5-6 hours after flying in from China or Korea, or even Kuala-Lumpur.
  7. The average Chinese are soon going to be locked in. Avid China watchers know this is coming. "National Security" will be the reason given. They just introduced Xi quotes as higher education examination questions for students. And they have stepped in to stop apps like airdrop being used to organise dissent. Now Apple have to spy on Chinese users, and report such activity to the Ministry for Public Security. They're never coming back, not in any great numbers.
  8. Another cunning plan to siphon off untold millions in a cosy little bodycam kickback lurk. Will make up for the lost revenue in the scam just busted.
  9. A bad haircut can make a man do unpredictable things.
  10. Monitored for reasons other than immigration, you can take that to the bank. Our "visa status" and presence in Thailand is a back back back burner issue for any government of the day. In any case, immigration services should be removed from the RTP, they are rubbish at keeping track of us anyway, as the recent Phuket debacle proved.
  11. They can't. Not a snowballs chance. And New Zealand is cold, rainy, and expensive, with a lot of new non-western ethnic migrants, they may as well just move to Scotland.
  12. The world is going to end! People caught having sex, in the Holy City of Pattaya! Oh the humanity!
  13. If only there was an easy way for Brits to move, work, and retire to the EU, and even get FREE healthcare and automatic driving rights, and not have to get visas, and wait in queues like foriegners at every airport outside the UK. If only there was such a system in place... But I'm dreaming, that would make too much sense, and besides, the channel would be flooded with illegals in boats! ????
  14. Masks as worn by the non-medically trained are useless! Washing hands is ALWAYS the best barrier. Gels are a poor second, but better than masks!
  15. I have no idea why he didn't stick to politically safe investments like luxury watch collecting or heroin trafficking. ????
  16. Prayuth to be held accountable! Taksin coming home a pardoned man in weeks! Either MFP are smoking the best bud on Sukhumvit, or they know something the rest of us don't. I would be happy if half their plans come true.
  17. I think they may have some powerful backing in the wings, not to mention there will be a near revolution if the elites get ahead of themselves at this point. I'm no fan of Taksin's but if he won every election by an landslide and young Pita is even ahead of his records, they are on a hiding to nothing by trying to gun their way out of this loss. This is not Myanmar.
  18. What did Prayuth do wrong? (Update: Thank you Spider Mike, Why am I not surprised to hear that.) What about Prawit? And Wissanu? Who covered for him and the convicted Heroin dealer who's name I can't be R'st to look up?
  19. Usually happens after too mutt yaa ice.
  20. Where can I find Chapters 1 through 76?
  21. chalawaan


    The city is dead relative to what was on offer back in the day. There was even a massive warehouse club, that went all night in the Soi Moonmuang area, it was run by the police, so it stayed open all night, I think it was called Tropicana... Then there were hole in the wall blues, one was down a delightful walking Soi opposite Sheryl's Bar. Then there was Red Hat out past Airport Plaza on the road to Promenada Mall, itself a live music party zone, now history. There's countless local bars for all pockets and live music tastes, that line all the ring highways in suburbia if you have transport. They are not places to find tourists or hook-ups but they're great with a local date. The waitresses in these places will sit and drink with you, if you can communicate with each other a little, and may step out with you at closing, if there's a spark, they are single, and you're generous all evening! It's sort of like a gogo, they wear skimpy kit, but it's hands off! They're much more nuanced, than tourist bars and don't upset the local guys, if they get lippy, just leave! So much has shut, maybe never to return. Also, I'm elderly now. So don't ask me for any more recommendations!
  22. Fact or Fiction?: A Cockroach Can Live without Its Head A nuclear war may not trouble them, but does decapitation? By Charles Choi on March 15, 2007 ADVERTISEMENT Cockroaches are infamous for their tenacity, and are often cited as the most likely survivors of a nuclear war. Some even claim that they can live without their heads. It turns out that these armchair exterminators (and their professional brethren) are right. Headless roaches are capable of living for weeks. To understand why cockroaches—and many other insects—can survive decapitation, it helps to understand why humans cannot, explains physiologist and biochemist Joseph Kunkel at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who studies cockroach development. First off, decapitation in humans results in blood loss and a drop in blood pressure hampering transport of oxygen and nutrition to vital tissues. "You'd bleed to death," Kunkel notes. In addition, humans breathe through their mouth or nose and the brain controls that critical function, so breathing would stop. Moreover, the human body cannot eat without the head, ensuring a swift death from starvation should it survive the other ill effects of head loss. But cockroaches do not have blood pressure the way people do. "They don't have a huge network of blood vessels like that of humans, or tiny capillaries that you need a lot of pressure to flow blood through," Kunkel says. "They have an open circulatory system, which there's much less pressure in." ADVERTISEMENT "After you cut their heads off, very often their necks would seal off just by clotting," he adds. "There's no uncontrolled bleeding." The hardy vermin breathe through spiracles, or little holes in each body segment. Plus, the roach brain does not control this breathing and blood does not carry oxygen throughout the body. Rather, the spiracles pipe air directly to tissues through a set of tubes called tracheae. Cockroaches are also poikilotherms, or cold-blooded, meaning they need much less food than humans do. "An insect can survive for weeks on a meal they had one day," Kunkel says. "As long as some predator doesn't eat them, they'll just stay quiet and sit around, unless they get infected by mold or bacteria or a virus. Then they're dead." Entomologist Christopher Tipping at Delaware Valley College in Doylestown, Pa., has actually decapitated American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) "very carefully under microscopes," he notes. "We sealed the wound with dental wax, to prevent them from drying out. A couple lasted for several weeks in a jar." Insects have clumps of ganglia—nerve tissue agglomerations—distributed within each body segment capable of performing the basic nervous functions responsible for reflexes, "so without the brain, the body can still function in terms of very simple reactions," Tipping says. "They could stand, react to touch and move."
  23. It's nothing special, it looks like a bog-standard python to me.
  24. Surely that creature they feature is a Millipede?
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