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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. Hold up a sec! So the survivor had Covid, and went out for lunch at a mall anyway? And clearly Am wasn't too fussed about C19 either, death becomes her.
  2. If you're investing go to Bullionvault.com don't buy from Thai gold shops!
  3. Fair play, the sand gets in everything on planet Smegma. I wonder when they'll justify lopping off clitorises in Thailand as "moral and scientific" as well?
  4. Write a follow up if you do get pulled aside, even after all that. I'm betting if they do x-ray it, they'll still muck you about, and want to see ALL the paperwork. Rather than find your thoughtful luggage note, glance at it, and just put it back and let it efficiently go into the aircraft hold. Nothing personal, it's just how they roll with everything here.
  5. Just in case... I see what you did there.
  6. Yeah, we know his nickname by now. Do news reports constantly refer to watch-enthusiast Wongsuwan as "Big Phom?" Give it a rest, it's one very tired very old joke, just use his real name.
  7. They're both world class bullshippers, if that's what you mean! It's hard to dispute that.
  8. It could be worse, they could have sent the entire bar to Rawanda.
  9. There's been a LOT worse than this happen to tourists over the years, and it never hurts Teflon Thailand. The big global hanna-hanna over Thai haze will be forgotten with the first good monsoon and they will as always come in their millions, and for the most part, we won't leave until we're all eventually booted. Not an impossibility the way things are going.
  10. It's clearly a crackdown on all mainland Chinese Due to the recent ransom craze, and the fact that their buddies in brown lost face being nabbed selling dodgy visas to triads. When it come to police action here, not much is done here because they woke up with a hard-on for truth justice and the saffron toga way.
  11. They're here for the culture. Whortyculture.
  12. An Aussie tried to fly about 30 hot young girls out of the Phillipines a few years ago, it didn't end well for him either. These guys must have rocks in their heads. Apart from anything else they are messing with gang capers as well as the authorities.
  13. Maybe look at those countries immigration sites?
  14. Without ever going past the headline. Damn right! And when the chips fall, any Thai government choose America. Remember, they have a Monarchy to protect from the Red Menace! Beijing will, from time to time, throw the rattle out the pram, but they dare not "punish" Thailand. In fact all the histrionics are just that from now on. They have worn out their global welcome, and need every friend they can get. We tried to love them into democracy, and that is just abused. We will eventually have to deal with them like we dealt with the Nazis. Whatever happens, they won't rule the world. The entire place is literally collapsing in slow motion already.
  15. I'm a born sceptic. I just can't find a rational explanation, here's the very odd thing, just like the WH staff who've seen Willie Lincoln, at the time it's not a WTF moment, our reaction at meeting a strange couple in our bedroom was a detached bemusement. Those who've never experienced the inexplicable can laugh, I don't care. ???? The Secret Service have seen Willie in the White House, and the US Navy now admit UFOs are real. Enough said.
  16. I saw ghosts in NZ, as did my then Kiwi gf. We have no rational explanation, we saw the pair seperately, but both saw the same thing. A young couple in 50s attire, arguing. They weren't see-through, and they weren't frightening. Also, some furniture in that room had been rearranged by morning. We stayed on, and only moved for unrelated reasons. It only happened once, on Valentine's Day night. No big deal.
  17. Imagine getting sued over a campfire ghost story. Only in Kalaland.
  18. First the Russian gen Z team up with local thugs for a pile-on. Then these evil empire abductions every other day now. Commies behaving badly. Same as it ever was.
  19. Soon they'll visit Taiwan for joint ass whupping of the clueless PLAN.
  20. No, that's "Cultural Appropriation" but Denzel playing Winston Churchill? Well that's cool. Since a lot of black guys in UK are called Winston.
  21. I think the smart thing to do is leave the gas burners actually burning, which is perfectly safe if nothing flammable is nearby. ???? If you don't want to be surprised by poor locations, read reviews!
  22. It's "myth" as in mylf, and mylkingtable and shoplyfter, bonus points if you get the dogfart references. ????
  23. Because ads suck. And at THB 299 p/month -price of three happy hour beers- for up to five people (in the same house) to have thier own private login to watch and listen to ad free music, plus download unlimited playlists automatically for offline listening, plus get new music suggestions (including remastered favourites) plus access to the largest music catalogue in the world by far, plus ad free YouTube all sounds worth it to me.
  24. I'm not sure what it "feels like" outside today, but in here it often "looks like" brains have been left out in the sun for too long.
  25. Where are you applying? This is not a requirement I had to meet. Could a move to another province make life easier? Especially since you don't have any evidence of a long term rental.
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