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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. Don't believe the hype, Thailand is still practically empty compared to pre Covid. Sure you see tourists, but it's still a fraction of the past. Chicken and egg situations like airlines in line to bring planes back online (need to wait for engineering to clear global backlog) keep prices high, keep people away, keep aircraft from returning faster, even though there's a backlog! China international flights to ANYWHERE are still 80% below pre Covid levels. Their diplomatic and internal issues are not winning them any new friends beyond the banana republics like Honduras and some pacific islands with their hands always out. But we digress. Places are empty, because it's the new reality. Expect unfolding crises to keep visitor numbers from increasing soon. I reckon a decade. Meanwhile, if Thailand is smart, they'll pivot to super efficient, modern mass manufacturing, instead of relying on "quality tourists" and eat China's lunch.
  2. They can't wait to send Loong Tuu packing. Shame about the 250 handpicked ex Army now Senators that will make sure everything is same same NOT different forever and ever Armyen!
  3. Make sure your existing windows is not missing/waiting on a recent update. Reach out to a more specialised group online. Reddit sub r/ windows is worth a shot. Pose your error feedback or describe the fault to Google search and see what comes back.
  4. May he rest in peace, but it's funny in a darkly appropriate way. Almost like a Benny Hill sketch. ????
  5. Why is it strange? It was already reported. They're not CNN, who have to milk a story till it's tits fall off!
  6. Nothing wrong with a few Reubenesqe curves. And who looks at the mantelpiece when they're poking the fire? They can roll-play all over me anytime. No actually, it's even better stoned.
  7. "The moment you know, you know, you know." David Bowie -Legend.
  8. Which country puts gates on legal red light areas? They may be zoned away from residential areas, they may even have to remain closed when schools are let out for the day, but gates? Where?
  9. That's only for the purposes of national licence exchange if one becomes expatriate, it's not like the EU agreement of mutual validity to legally drive beyond domestic borders. And it's "Err on the side of caution" not "Air".
  10. And when they come a cropper, they don't have the funds to help them get any better. There's going to be another GoFundMe story before the week is out, guaranteed.
  11. If you're not in Thailand, you could always volunteer at a cathouse, sorry, cat shelter. Volunteers need a special visa here, and it's a real mission to get it.
  12. He could have Signed up as Chaplain, got Officer pay too! Praise the Lord and pass the ammo!
  13. What you do, Chief, is you get your boys out in those nice parked-up Highway patrol Beemers, and start taking names and kicking jacksies. Crippling fines for sober infringement, vehicle impounded for a year, and a month in jail for drunks. Because yet another photo op with cute anime coppers painted on a big wall poster doesn't quite cut it, boss.
  14. Is the Pope a bear?
  15. The Netherlands did some tests, bless their progressive socks. They found stoned drivers drove as safely, if not more so, than sober drivers. Weed does not promote unwarranted overconfidence in the way that highly addictive, and overwhelmingly deadly alcohol does. Have a safe and water-free Songkran!
  16. Lord Lucan on Shergar! I just saw them ambling down my Soi. That Gorilla Glue definitely good reefer... But seriously folks, this Songkran don't drink Drive. It's a washing powder.
  17. Ship one over on loan, I'll get Mrs. Chalawaan into the sherry and weed, and report back in the morning.
  18. We need to understand that Russia and China are stirring the pot of the current bitter division in the US. As an ally, it's disheartening to see Americans at each other's throats in a way not seen since 1861-65. Your enemy isn't a MAGA, BLM, Woke, Liberal, Democrat, Republican, NRA, Knee takers, LBGTQ or you name them. Your enemy is who they have always been since the Korean war. The PRC, DPRK, and the former Soviet Russia. They are using very sophisticated bot armies and live hackers to fuel the hate for American against American. They're winning every time you distrust each other. They divide and they rule -in your heads. And that will continue until you agree to disagree, and turn to deal with the real bogeymen, once and for all. Pause and consider; it makes perfect sense.
  19. Kazakhstan is currently the surprise third highest ethic tourist group by headcount currently visiting Thailand. Russians in pole position, Indian tourists are second. I think Germany or Australia is currently fourth.
  20. Mushrooms don't cause bad behaviour, if anything they are profoundly mind altering -in a good way. The propaganda from the war on drugs really did a number on some of you here if the silly suggestions are anything to go by. He's very likely just hammered on bad old legal grog.
  21. I hope others will join me in suggesting you let this slide. It's not "the west" you literally have no rights, you're a long term visitor, a NON Immigrant. And even in "the west" I've mediated out of court for the win. Start legal wars here, they will take away your passport, and then you face a fresh hell of monthly visits to immigration, until this is resolved, which could take years. You could even die waiting for your day in court. And then, there the lawyers fees... All for a dirt road and a cable in the garden? No, just no. Spend the money on 4x4 instead.
  22. And, one of the two biggest gangs in Asia manage to make the news yet again for all the wrong reasons. Google EAST 101 poke about a bit, and you'll see... RIP to the gentle old folk, imagine getting that far along in life and then Sgt. Dropkick here shows up and <deleted>s you. Don't hold your breath for anyone else to go down with him for the cigarette malarkey.
  23. Hol' up, isn't sexy times out of wedlock now a crime in the land of the long white robe? Indonesia? Don't go near her!
  24. Have you seen what vets charge? ????
  25. Scam. You can lance it at home with a sterile sharp from a pharmacy and some disinfectant. PS: I see the vet GF already did. Onya!
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