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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. 18 hours ago, BKKTRAVELER said:

    My friend started taking edibles for a few days (Sunday as I understand). I have tried talking to him since Tuesday but every time he's just incoherent on the phone and I can't get a word he is saying. Till today he says he keeps eating them (his relative tells me)... I talked to his co-workers and they say they have not heard from him this week and HR is under pressure from the big boss...


    I don't know how I feel about that. He is a responsible person that never missed work. He'll snap out of it soon but there will be consequences.


    Can't see this being beneficial for the country honestly, except the companies selling this product.


    I don't know much about it, but as I understand CBD is good medicinally while THC makes you high also. Any member is welcome to enlighten me about it, there must be more to it that I'm not aware of. 


    I'm just concerned, yet a bit ignorant. 

    Trust me, he's not on weed alone, probably got a side order of meth, and hes either banging his brains out, or flying solo. 

    Meth is the only thing out there that would keep a first timer distracted for days, probably took too much without realising it or he's fiending, and likely with agreeable bad company egging him on... Just my two points worth. 

    • Like 2
  2. Hub of Hypocrisy.

    Army and police hate each other.

    The only honest cop was exiled to Australia for exposing lardarse years ago.

    Everybody knows hes full of it!


    Thailand's Fearless Cop | 101 East Documentary - YouTube


    Thailand's Fearless Cop | 101 East Documentary - YouTube

    https://www.youtube.com › watch

    • Thanks 1
  3. So heartwarming seeing Nong Jaa in tears of joy and gratitude!


    No argument with the article, read the other way though, 99 of 100 people around  me don't have HIV.

    On my 4th vax as of last week and I also understand most people recover from Covid too! Still not had Covid, but I did have a really bad cold last month (Southern Winter).


    It's time to live life again, because eventually SOMETHING will get us shipped out to a big temple BBQ either way!


    I know I have had exposure to HIV, but didnt sero convert. I also lived with a Thai woman 4 years into infection, based on her viral load, she went onto ART. To this day, and for all my sans rubber sins, I remain neg.

    My "miracle" story is that about 19 years ago I presented in an Australian STI clinic with a body rash, this rash was for all intents and purposes the sign of HIV at the moment of sero convesion, the staff, who knew me and my history, went into a quiet panic, they tested me, but I was negative, they sent the bloods away, still came back neg, as did further bloods, the rash subsided that same day, I felt fine. Never had it before or since and I just was in Thailand a few days earlier being my usual rampant self. 

    When my former live-in lady tested positive, from infection 4 years prior, the Thai Red Cross nurse explained that my negative status could be down to having a gene deletion, that makes just 1% northern europeans immune to the SE Asian HIV strain in particular. 

    The gene deletion is thought to be an evolutionary response to the medieval plagues, think, herd immunity, but different. 

    Heres the science behind the claims in this post. https://www.thebodypro.com/article/genetic-mutation-behind-hiv-cure

    • Like 1
  4. Cobra Gold or Dogfights with "Dragons" They can't have it both ways!

    Even if the regime suck up to China, the dragons breath will eventually scorch them, as the Philippines, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are discovering, and Cambodia 

    and Burma will soon find out.

    Naysayers can play whataboutism with USAs faults all they like, at its worst, America is a thousand times more benign than China at its best.


    The only reason China hasn't bombed the <deleted> out of anyone yet is that, it prefers to scam them into submission (which, admittedly beats war, but not by much for the financially destroyed victims.)

    And the second reason is they'll get handed their tails by most armies out there. 

    The Brits did it in Malaya (Bravo, Dad!) in the 1950s and the Vietnamese did it in the 1970s right after they fought the Vietnam war!


  5. On 6/13/2022 at 8:32 PM, SiamAndy said:

    Does the staff speak sufficient english at Sriphat, McCormick, or Rajavej?

    Yes! Also highly amused me (an atheist) whilst getting my Covid jabs, to see a portrait of Jesus at McCormick, where another prominent figure is usually found in public buildings all over the kingdom.

  6. 28 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    Thailand -    the wild west of the uneducated ......  :cheesy:     it's all about money ' nothing else matters.


    Danger areas to keep away from :


    Hair Salon shops

    Raft hire shops

    Jet ski's


    Tuk tuks

    Taxi drivers at night

    Motor bike rentals

    Taxi motor bikes

    Patong bars with security guys outside

    Disco's and music venues

    Beach rd late at night

    Zebra crossings in front of schools


    Ladyboys -if you like rocking bling. 


    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, ballpoint said:

    I'm proud of my big nose.  You know what they say...

    Big nose, big handkerchief.

    I use tissues for that sort of thing....????

    As for the teutonic taunter, just give him enough rope, as they say.

  8. 4 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

    SOMEONE already tried that. It was unpopular with opponents of the GOP(surprise, surprise), and was used as a tool to batter him with, so bit late to suddenly want or expect the current guy to do anything. To be fair it was easier for Trump as he did not have any complicating matters there.


    "Democratic presidential hopefuls hammered President Donald Trump over his trade war with China in Thursday’s debate as fears grow about the conflict shaking the global economy.

    The 10 candidates on stage in Houston portrayed an impulsive president with little concrete plan to force Beijing to change what Trump calls unfair trade practices."



    Surely China and Japan have enough weaponry to wipe each other out a dozen times over? I notice the art of negotiation and making deals has really fallen apart around the world recently. It's all force and military might and invasions over the delicate art of the deal we so enjoyed recently and the relative world peace it led to.

    It was PELOSI an 82 year old woman who had the balls to tell Xi and his thug army to go fornicate themselves. 

    "Deals" with arsehats like Rocketman Xi and Putin have us where we are now.

    What they respect is SEALS (Navy) not deals (Orange).

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