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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. 3 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    Sorry, but 93% is a percentage that is simply not realistic. Not even Mugabe or the current dictators in Myanmar. This poll is not credible.

    Does the majority want him out? Quite possibly. Is this reason for rejoice? Well, be careful what you ask for. The next one could be worse.


    Totally agree, Apirat, the "crying" former Army Chief of Staff as PM? 

    Very much a real possibility. 

    My blood runs cold at the thought. 

    • Like 2
  2. Looks like we're in for nasty weather.


    Our only hope is that somehow the Chinese people rise up en masse and depose the CCP.


    THE grim reality is the USA have a much higher chance of mass civil unrest, the ultimate irony, because of the factional rift thats been created by democracy and free speech allowing demagogues to spout their divisive BS. 

    Whereas China is at the very opposite extreme, one guy controls every thought and action of over a billion souls. Both scenarios are Terrifying. What a time to be alive!???? 

  3. 39 minutes ago, Photoguy21 said:

    No they wont. They will pay off people and the trade will continue. I think we all know how it works in Thailand but that doesnt give any respite unless they do get the people at the top and deal with them. Malaysia has the right way. Over a small amount it is the death penalty.

    Google how Switzerland crime stats fell hugely when heroin was given away at clinics!


    Also it's nonsense that the death penalty stops anything!

    It stops you, so in your opinion, it follows it stops everyone, those are not borne out by research. 

    If the death penalty stopped drugs, no one would be hung for them, would they?


    Even being beheaded by rivals in Mexico does not stop drugs, sorry to sound rude, but you really have no idea what is involved besides what you learn in the media. 

    I posted a link a little further up, maybe that will help you appreciate what the world is really up against.

    There's no logical reason to criminalize drugs, none. 


    It's all moral panic! The medical science, not paid off government doctors propaganda, and all independent research, does not support the fear-mongering around ANY of the hardest drugs. 


    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, OJAS said:

    Suggest that you check via the following link how much it will cost to transfer the equivalent of 800,000 THB with Wise (using the low cost transfer method):




    Transferring £19,000 (which presently converts to just over 800,000 THB) would include £104.80 in charges. So if you are planning to make a single transfer in one go and costs are your major concern, I think that SWIFT would prove cheaper for such a large amount -  even though the big unknown is, as you say, how much Lloyds' partner bank in Thailand would charge for a SWIFT transfer in addition to Lloyds themselves and Bangkok Bank (at their GBP TT Buying Rate).



    Wise is definitely NOT the cheapest for these annual amounts. I shop around the Online FX sites every year. Wise was never an option. 

    Wise is unbeatable for small amounts, I mix and match. 

    I have used Ozforex most years. I think it's just called OFX now? No need to bank in Australia to use them. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, Pitak Chirachat said:

    The thing with the tattoo is absolute nonsense. It may apply to certain areas you frequent or circles you mix with. 

    But tattoos in today's world have also become fashion statements and you see them among middle aged women in Bangkok. 

    That said, mother is 83 and got herself a tattoo around 10 years ago and she's definitely not a bad girl. 

    No disrespect, but many bad girls are someone's Mom. 

    Agree about the tattoo remark.


    A Thai kid told me that the cops here are so conservative, that a tattoo will get you pulled over if they're looking for drugs.


    However, like Yakuza, Thai gangsters cover almost all the skin hidden by shorts and t-shirt with ink. 

    • Confused 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Photoguy21 said:

    When are we going to see Mr. Big in handcuffs? We see a lot of arrests of people doing the transport which is a good thing to see but it is Mr Big that needs to be arrested.

    That will stop drugs how? His enemies will send the cops a case of beer as a thank you for making a niche they can instantly fill. Criminals aren't scared of life in a Thai jail like we are! Plus, they need to get caught first. The longer they last, the richer they get, the more they can bribe. And that's why you rarely see Mr. Big anywhere! You can count the ones behind bars WORLDWIDE on the fingers of one hand and the trade is bigger than ever. 

    Time to end it and legalize.

    The sky won't fall.

    But crime stats will! 

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