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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. Never pick up unless it's pre arranged or in your phonebook. If it's life or death, they'll email! This has been my strategy since electronic phonebooks became a thing on the old Nokias. These calls for me are rare, because I don't pick up, eventually their software rejects my number as "abandoned", and it's not on-sold to other scammers.
  2. It was a big high ranking Army booze-up (in Burma) that unleashed the second Covid wave here, when their next stop was the deminomdaines at Posidon Club. There's even photos of the "kissing and cuddling" that appeared in news stories on this site!
  3. Totally agree, Apirat, the "crying" former Army Chief of Staff as PM? Very much a real possibility. My blood runs cold at the thought.
  4. They're soon going to realise the elites and their goons in fatigues, give zero instances of coitus about what they think. Then what?
  5. Looks like we're in for nasty weather. Our only hope is that somehow the Chinese people rise up en masse and depose the CCP. THE grim reality is the USA have a much higher chance of mass civil unrest, the ultimate irony, because of the factional rift thats been created by democracy and free speech allowing demagogues to spout their divisive BS. Whereas China is at the very opposite extreme, one guy controls every thought and action of over a billion souls. Both scenarios are Terrifying. What a time to be alive!????
  6. Wissanu basically makes up interpretations of every law in the book as he goes along. Must be amazing to have that level of power.
  7. The above posters are very helpful. Retirement extensions of stay are your only realistic option. I understand residency also requires fluency in spoken and written Thai. Challenging in itself, especially to an aging mind like mine!
  8. I miss the craic, the women, and the weed, but AN is my daily reminder I made the right choice to get out when I did!
  9. "Owners Warned Of Potential Unused Land Seizures" Who knew unused land gave you seizures! Isn't anything safe anymore?
  10. Unfortunately, just like Italy, Spain etc. Hot blooded women, also means hot-blooded men, getting themselves into hot water with mayhem and murder over a bit of alright.
  11. Nope. Decent people just punished hate speech. Like your mate Alex over in the United Snakes. ????
  12. This is the sort of trafficking they should be going after, not pissing about with increasingly popular substances they'll have to legalise eventually, anyway.
  13. I hate immigration with a passion. But I DIY. And I dress smart casual, as the sign asks. I've been excused minor omissions a few times (one I recall was when I forgot my bankbook!) That would normally involve being sent home, to come back next day. So...
  14. They would be gross let out of that bikini, Been there, got under the Tshirt!
  15. Remember the no riding in the back of trucks U turn when the public went berserk? (They really still don't realise how gutless the leadership are!) U turn on this by next week? ????????????
  16. You're not very clear "actual visa?" What's that? Non-O usually superseded by an extension, which then becomes your valid permission to remain until that date, even if the Non-O lapses.
  17. Google how Switzerland crime stats fell hugely when heroin was given away at clinics! Also it's nonsense that the death penalty stops anything! It stops you, so in your opinion, it follows it stops everyone, those are not borne out by research. If the death penalty stopped drugs, no one would be hung for them, would they? Even being beheaded by rivals in Mexico does not stop drugs, sorry to sound rude, but you really have no idea what is involved besides what you learn in the media. I posted a link a little further up, maybe that will help you appreciate what the world is really up against. There's no logical reason to criminalize drugs, none. It's all moral panic! The medical science, not paid off government doctors propaganda, and all independent research, does not support the fear-mongering around ANY of the hardest drugs.
  18. Wise is definitely NOT the cheapest for these annual amounts. I shop around the Online FX sites every year. Wise was never an option. Wise is unbeatable for small amounts, I mix and match. I have used Ozforex most years. I think it's just called OFX now? No need to bank in Australia to use them.
  19. No disrespect, but many bad girls are someone's Mom. Agree about the tattoo remark. A Thai kid told me that the cops here are so conservative, that a tattoo will get you pulled over if they're looking for drugs. However, like Yakuza, Thai gangsters cover almost all the skin hidden by shorts and t-shirt with ink.
  20. That will stop drugs how? His enemies will send the cops a case of beer as a thank you for making a niche they can instantly fill. Criminals aren't scared of life in a Thai jail like we are! Plus, they need to get caught first. The longer they last, the richer they get, the more they can bribe. And that's why you rarely see Mr. Big anywhere! You can count the ones behind bars WORLDWIDE on the fingers of one hand and the trade is bigger than ever. Time to end it and legalize. The sky won't fall. But crime stats will!
  21. Don't shoot the messenger (The Guardian) this bloke knows a thing about the war on drugs, his argument for ending it makes a lot of sense: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/aug/26/neil-woods-undercover-cop-who-abandoned-the-war-on-drugs
  22. Prominent Doctors (anywhere) are permanent killjoys. No sex, no drugs, no rock and roll. They make life so safe, you'll die of boredom. ????
  23. Good, no, Great sex!
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