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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. Yeah, I got drunk and disorderly even though it was a very bad idea, I wanted to just show them all that I was my own man, beholden to none. As a result, the police arrested me, so it's all the police's fault I was bladdered and busted. Right!????
  2. "English Government" Chomper, I'm not sure the Scots and Ulstermen are all that engaged of late. ???? And the Welsh, bless them, have been burning down the toffs "weekenders" forever! ????
  3. No <deleted> Sherlock! You can gussy it up in jollifed condescension all you want. I'm not taking geopolitical lessons from someone who can't write a basic sentence correctly thier native tongue! It's a disaster, and as I said, I'm revelling in the Schadenfreude. (That's a big foreign word from the EU, so you can safely ignore it.) ????
  4. The quoted source of this fantasy claim would be welcome. Project fear as that chain-smoking bampot Farage dubbed it, accurately predicted the chaos that is the subject of this thread. Hyperbole was not needed, just a little common sense, which was ignored, because who needs "experts" eh? Never fear ???? and don't look back in anger, you've got your little britain blue passport back minus any Schengen benefits and your mickey mouse "sovereignty" whatever that's supposed to do to help the average Brit on any practical level, so enjoy it matey! Meanwhile, Russia got uppity and Britain outside the EU now that's unfolding doesn't exactly help.
  5. I am delighted by the unmitigated cock-ups and ongoing denials of the Brexit "winners". The only thing I'm missing is my Schengen priveleges. Free medical on holiday was priceless, but it's all gone now. I have two other passports, and property in Thailand. All I have left in the UK is a bank account for a rainy day, but otherwise, I'll just wait for the Scots to secede, and get my Schengen priveleges back then. The Tories beyond BJ have little interest in keeping the union going, so long may they reign! They'll still have to share the defence budget with Scotland but that's only common sense.
  6. "Too"? Yeah, nah. ???? No Brexit, no need to have the checkpoints at all! But that's "too" complex for Brexiteer tory-forelock-tuggers to fathom, eh?
  7. The shock of the arrogant, ignorant <deleted> who voted for Brexit whilst living in Spain, being interviewed at the departure lounge having been deported from their place in the sun, was... almost worth losing my maroon passport to watch. "Oohh err, we nivver thot it would coom ta this, did we Mabel?" Som nam na!
  8. "Sought after" Your grammar was corrected with kindness by a "wacky weed" user. ????
  9. My wife's ex Thai husband bought land and 3 bath/bed western mc mansion style house in upper middle class security compound for 4 million 15 years ago and she couldn't even get that much now, so it's off the market again. The quoted price on here is just lala land. But farangs with more money than sense will be soaked by the thousands. Wait n see. Also, this will do nothing for the poor but drive the price of everything to the moon, and a Brazilian style crime wave will inevitably follow. Goodbye Thailand of old, it was fun while it lasted.
  10. We don't pay them for sex. We pay them to leave after it. What has affordability got to do with it? Try living in Thailand on western welfare. Everyone here has more money than the average homeboi, and living here helps us keep it that way. The losers are not in Thailand, no matter how much you try to shame us with tired anti-monger spin.
  11. Watch Peter Lynch 1992 speech. It's timeless advice. Don't worry be rich and happy.
  12. As for the problems of mental health and addiction. Here's a tip. Just abstain. The law has never stopped and will never stop, people using drugs. Millions seized every week. Skyrocketing demand, yet where are all the addicted? It's a control move by the elites on the masses who seek escape from mental slavery.
  13. Which Government? Hopefully China, who is laughing at the mess they're making of their freedoms.
  14. There's only one column a week. Or maybe you wrote that being drunk ????
  15. Noble sentiments, but, TIA it's not gonna change in our grand-childrens lifetime's either. So, I think Roosters point is to be very grateful for small mercies, and with most of my life likely over, I'm thrilled to be able to get high in peace. At last!
  16. As a anti-prohibition former LEO. I can hardly believe this is happening. It's wonderful news, and once those dollar-driven Singaporeans smell the reefer riches, they'll have a sudden change of heart. Just like they did with Casinos! Lulz! When they do legalise, expect ridiculous rules banning many from enjoying, anyway. I remember when they actually cut Western mens' hair at Changi Airport into a compulsory short back and sides! What a sad bunch of anally retentive authoritarians. No wonder, wife swapping parties were so rife when I was there! 5555!
  17. A ganja panic attack. I've had one. Just one. I was in my 30s in a bad emotional space anyways. It's also possible the strain of weed induced my freak out. I had a few unpleasant hours, then sobered up. No police or ambulance required. There are downsides to everything, even eating too much chocolate. Every other experience, usually incorporating sexy times, has been sublime! Shame on the media for making this "news". Get over it! The green is here to stay.
  18. The other day I was in a bar and the most stunning girl I've ever seen in any bar walked in, wearing a mini two sizes too small for her amazing noms, and my first thought was, "Oh please don't get an erection right now..." But she did!!
  19. If you think the parks are bad, you wouldn't believe the markup on hiring a demimonde as a filthy farang! They lub us, and lob us, long time.
  20. Help who or what? Bilions are made because millions want to use these substances, the sooner the sheeple world accept that, then police can focus on real crime that targets innocent victims, and not make a crime out of what grown people want to do in private, such as adult consensual sex, and drugs, both are nobody else's business, simple as that.
  21. I enjoyed your tour and Trinkisims, old boy! We're the same age. Thermae was my go to up to late 2000s now its Nipponised all to hell. Amazed the beergarden Soi 7 is not demolished yet, the rat tunnel next door was a good while ago, as was the warren of shops and the popular Thai open air foodcourt opposite, and new barfine zone has sprung up, and it was all sad AF during lockdown era, hopefully it will be back to some normality by now. to hell with barfines tho, they make enough on the booze, I use the spare cash for hash! When I return, like Macarthur, I will insist on stoner ladies only, used to always try get that admission out of them back in the day too, as they're far more fun than the alcohol crew, nothing worse than a drunk or alcholic bargirl, tho I pity their lot. Also I am a freelance fanboi till the happy end.
  22. No smoke is harmless, you are correct, however no death has ever been related to cannabis use, none, not by being baked and jumping off a building, nor by COpD from smoking it, unlike killer hyper-addictive tobacco. I think Kratom smoking is Weird AF! Itried raw leaf chewing which is vile and a chore, dried powdered did absolutely nothing for me at any dose, again, its vile disgusting stuff even in a shake, maybe smoking could work? A kratom and weed roach perhaps?
  23. He mustve been new or thoght you were Harrison Ford, we all look like Ford to them! If we have hair! Most Chines cops I've had trash TWO pages of my Passport (why cant they stamp right on their own bloody visa? They run a pen through it on arrival, so...leave my clean pages alone!) And if they smiled their ass crack would fuse over.
  24. TM6 scrapping was a good start. Now make my parole interviews obsolete. How about A five year extension for B5000? Never mind the two week Elons look after the geezers who look after a fair few thai generations!
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