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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. Time to hang up the leathers mr mark. you're a lucky man as it is, most never get up off the concrete alive! Grab a Grab next time you fancy a grope.
  2. I done similar with a plumber, he came over after his workday on a site, wife helping, kids sat in the truck. My wife had arranged it all. Sorted out a serious shower wall leak in a jiffy, with no electricity therefore decent working light, due to the hazard of shower heater being connected to the mains, as always here. Asked exactly the same, and I doubled, then went to B1000 because of the wife and kids, and covid.
  3. its all tourist areas, other than the army barracks! But you dont have to tip them. So far...
  4. All strains will be weak as folk in a year, and forgotten, like the common cold thank Christ!
  5. Consult each embassy of each EU country youll visit, as she'll def. need pre arrival visas, the fact she will have leave to enter the UK once she applies to Schengen bloc is immaterial to each individual EU bureaucrat, the boorish behaviour of the Brexit delegates in Brussels wont be easily forgotten or forgiven you MIGHT get a visa on arrival, depending. Though overall, unfortunately, you have zero special rights as a Brit now, immigration line up everywhere you'll go. Still at least you wont have to wait hours for her to clear on the landside of each barrier like when we were in the EU family!
  6. I prefer the nuclear option ????
  7. if it was in any way free of pork, they would have run a mile by now, retirement is expensive with General Jiphat Jones and his wife and merc and mansions and mea noi to keep up with! They will never leave the boat pens, and eventually, a tourist attraction, with us payng extra, of course!
  8. As a former clandestine open air own-use grower couple, know that they have solved many problems that forced us to grow to begin with, it was safer in secret, rather than relying on flaky underworld suppliers, and now the most obvious other fix being that quality weed will be dropping in price here soon as the market saturates. Meanwhile indoors costs a fortune in energy alone, you need good lights And good fans, Also need to hide if renting alone as for you its still illegal to grow without a permit! its time consuming, tricky, you can easily kill or sicken your own weed, and then... you start over! So unless youre doing it for pure pleasure of growing, and you have deep pockets, just spend the time and money enjoying the countless varieties that will be everywhere in a matter of months. As with many topics of advice sought here not expat specific, you're far better just googling this info anyway.
  9. The dinosaurs new buzz-word (Oh! how they loved "fake news"). Is... "Soft Power". Doesn't Khun Prawit look ever so cuddly in his new Grand Seiko? Bless!
  10. Wait! What about the 100 brunch casualties of the war against drugs up in the sticks yesterday? ???????????? We would be very surprised to hear any truthful follow up about that ridiculous attempt at spreading moral panic. The Thai media are acting like clowns in their desperation to sensationalize the legalisation of a mild and overwhelmingly safe substance. And while I'm on a roll... If the WHO lied about Cannabis risks all these years, make no mistake, they're continuing to vastly exaggerate the dangers of almost every other substance out there. But, sanity will prevail!
  11. Viagra et al has been a controlled drug in Thailand for some time now, it's only legally available on Doctors prescription. If a pharmacy/street vendor is selling it, or any variation, it's likely bogus or expired stock. Import is strictly controlled. You may be lucky and get bootleg genuine Kamagra or Apcalis, as always, buyer beware.
  12. Ezzra mate, have a Chamomile Tea, and a nice hash cookie. Thailand is not about to enter a state of anarchy. You may notice more glassy-eyed Thai smiles, and more pizza box litter, the odd smell of ganga will waft you way, but that's about the worst that will happen. The road toll won't worsen, stoners won't shoot-up schools and malls, Khun Prayuth won't make more sense when listening to him while stoned. Relax, everything will be just fine!
  13. This guy is clinically disturbed. Cannabis is no more to blame than were he to have taken alcohol and mutilated himself. Yes, It didn't help his disturbed condition, no, it does not follow that other cannabis users, even disturbed ones, will embark on a spree of penilectomies. But that's what the gutter press want you to believe.
  14. You're one of the "silent generation" so that's the end of your forum posting career then. ????
  15. Wait! I have much better BS drug myths. Again based on non-addictive and intensely beneficial substances that terrify dinosaurs. https://psychedelics.ucsf.edu/blog/myths-about-psychedelics
  16. Hey teacher! Leave them kids alone! *Gets goosebumps playing silent Floyd Air guitar solo while nobody's looking*
  17. I read this imagining Trump's voice saying it. It's exactly how Trump speaks! Trumps literally implanted himself into people's minds. That's some powerful ju-ju. No wonder he got away with grabbing them by the pussy too! Even the Andrew formerly known as Prince couldn't pull that off. Powerful ju-ju indeed.
  18. Scotland, I'm ashamed to say, were drooling at his golf empire dreams, and Ireland welcomed his sons, Monaco, Lichtenstein, there's scores of states that welcome superyachts and private jets filled with absolute human garbage with enough zeroes to their name. Places decent regular folks wouldn't get more than a two week visa for the Formula One tournament, then be off with you! Even Putin has plenty of options, don't be fooled.
  19. If only I had the moral bankruptcy to sell the 40% some concocted voodoo based on their trigger points, like Alex Jones, only smarter. Money for nothing, it's right there, waiting to be scooped up and trousered.
  20. They got a ticket to heaven... All the way to paradise... ~Mark Knopfler
  21. I can't decide which religion out of the big three has the worst behaved clergy. Fatwahs, Fiddlers, or Flagellators? Heaven preserve us!
  22. Get a good agent(s) to find one for you, it's worth the extra. They will unearth more than you will manage if they're any good. I can't nominate any for your area. Thailand is a buyer's market, always has been, be patient, lots of of distressed selling will hit the market this year and next!
  23. Get a decent battery operated chainsaw. Google for you tube demos and brand vs brand comparisons. I've recently joined the power-tool retail space overseas, and I must say some of these new cordless tools are phenomenal. Light, quiet, non-polluting, powerful. My professional recommendation is DeWalt Makita or Milwaukee. But do your own research. Amazon ship, and you often get generous import refunds from them too.
  24. Another wide-boy fleeces the gullible. Well, at least they're getting sugar and water for a fixed price, so not a total fraud.
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