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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. It's probably fair to say you're drinking significantly less than your buddies if a bottle (7 drinks) lasts you four days! Six beers is easily doable for me socially and I'm still in control (tho I wouldn't drive!)
  2. Any geezer who starts a second family here has a screw loose. Even if she's an angel, you're still an old grandad, you'll very likely leave your kids with no daddy before their teen years. That's messed up. Don't be such a big girls blouse, it doesn't hurt much at all to get it snipped!
  3. Then not enough rain plus evaporation. There goes your rice. Alternately too much rain or rain at the wrong time in a harvest cycle, there goes your grains, potatoes, etc. Extreme heat and excess rain water can also effect livestock. Extreme weather from Scotland to Australia has been basically occurring every six months for the last three years. And still some people have any excuse but the obvious one! I love Rupert Murdochs idiotic comment that a Snow blizzard couldn't be global warming, when everyone knows snow happens at relatively warm temperatures. Winters are literally too warm for the planets own good. The Chinese Communists as usual loving their CO 2 emissions as they dream of a north pole year round shipping access to trade with arsehat Vlad and avoid the Suez, Hormuz, and Malacca strategic checkpoints. Their claims of being world leader green champions is the usual blatant BS they churn out nonstop. Like how they were going to turn back Pelosi. 555 Do be brief, you red book waving nimmeranjies!
  4. Be careful what you wish for! The installation of PM Apirat, for instance, will be like Mr. MacKay replacing Mr. Barraclough in the wonderful "Porridge" sitcom. "Feet won't touch the ground, Fletcher! Lives will be made a misery!" Indeed! PS: Big Joke is NO FRIEND of farangs. He was behind moving the goalposts on the B800,000 annual retirement deposit finagle that "stole" B400,000 off everyone and forces an account top-up closer to a million very year with the modified "seasoning" rules. And the visa runs, there's something else he ushered in that is a PITA but I can't recall it for the minute. (just remembered! Not amending the law in view of embassies no longer issuing pension letters, that drove some very elderly long time residents out. Totally inhumane, no one has ever raised it!) There's also a Police/Army rivalry that would never, ever allow a cop to be PM again, even though "Tony" winged it in a kinder gentler Thailand.
  5. Haha. I liked this!! But, even tho I have plenty to say about Thai hypocrisy as part of the culture, and the way it's group centric like all Asian cultures, this is the key. Thai bigotry is bad enough without giving them even more reason to hate, it comes back to us in a thousand ways, they have the upper hand while we're on their turf. Sadly we "lifers" all pay for the two-bit individualism of tourists who <deleted> off home! I'm no fan of the colour politics here, but I wore black, that time when we were all obliged to for a good many months. In Thailand we'll have less friction if we go along to get along. Make no mistake, I don't like it, but I see where my bread is buttered, and make the small adjustments for the bigger benefits they bring me.
  6. This was always going to happen. The global lockdown was necessary while we got a handle on this thing. There was hope we could beat it. We did with SARS. This time, we were SOL. Now, I'm in the middle. I'm double boosted. If C19 means a vax every six months or annual, so be it Masks are now I think 90% ridiculous medical theatre, but... I would rather wear one on crowded planes than not. You do you, I'm masking up in certain places because it "feels" safer even if it's not! On the other hand, not masking in Bars, bed, although the mask I think is kind of kinky in a bondage sort of way! Sure it's irrational, but I'm now in the habit on trains and (crowded) planes, and I do feel safer in those situations. I have always been a hand germophobe, I avoid face hand contact, escelator rails etc. and wash my hands everywhere I can get a chance, including carry my own wipes. Beyond this, I'm fatalistic. I am now at three-score and one years now, it's all borrowed time. And the monkey(business) pox is absolutely going to SLAM the tourist scene, both the sex and drug (full moon) industry are going to be devastated unless people quit with thier anti-science freedumb thots and vax-up for the pox. Happy days ahead if you be smart, not paranoid, we're all NOT gonna make it anyway, there's a toe-tag with your name on it. Have a nice weekend! ????
  7. Sounds like you may have metaphorically gone for the sexiest slut on Soi 6 for the flex, and now you're paying dearly! We've all done it. Whether for just an hour, or a relationship, and come away feeling scammed. I never go for the hotties, they're usually the female version of those dating boot camp guys who game chicks non-stop. Anyways I have a good older woman now, and we have mutual respect and our previous emotional scars to bond us. She gives me a very long leash. Actually she's now menopausal and not interested in sex. But I understand sex and love need to be kept very seperate under such a generous arrangement on her part. So I get great cooking, fun companionship, we're always getting high (which she arranges) and going out on the town for a few hours, and I never stop hugging her, and telling her she's beautiful, and bringing her flowers from our garden, and morning coffee in bed every day. In return, I get plenty opportunities to openly date when she's out of town. I even share the girls pictures, as she seems to get a buzz out of passing judgement on thier looks. I tell these girls, I'm married straight up. Sometimes money changes hands sometimes not. There's always of course, something in it for them, if only an extravagant night out in return for some slap and tickle. They're not young enough to be my granddaughter either. Late 30s up. This is the way to go. Don't fall for some vain beautiful useless ride that will break your heart, bust your balls, and leave you broke. Also (to anyone reading) get a vasectomy! It's the single most important thing a man can to ensure a life of selfish indulgence! If you want deeper meaning, go help the less fortunate, just don't breed!
  8. I'm a big-time Asia porn-hound on several top sites, and I've never come across her. (see what I did there?)????
  9. All parties are at fault. All parties broke the law. Actions have consequences. If you love your kids don't put them in harm's way to begin with! Why should posters here be responsible for rightly denouncing idiocy on the part of all the adults involved?
  10. It's a wretched cesspit of gross and all-pervasive corruption, there is no hope, no matter which set of villains is in parliament, end of report.
  11. The judiciary are government puppets. Always will be no matter who rules. Incredible how people fall for the utter <deleted> Thai politicians love to put out.
  12. There's a popular saying that any country is two meals away from a revolution. In reality, it depends... Africa has starved for decades under the same old despots that live obscenely long lives. The French riot at the drop of a berét. The Brits and Americans, Aussies, Kiwis Canucks etc. moan and blame each other, as their elites get away with destroying their countries from within. The Thais are taught that hardship is their lot, and to climb the ladder (in the next life) they need to be good little religious kiddies, shut up, and get on with the struggle of life at the bottom. Seems to me like the higher up the Thai ladder, the less good is manifest. If this religious law is to be believed, the Salim should spend most of their free time contemplating suffering at the temple, when not handing out hot meals in the slums!
  13. If you're one of the lucky ones who have built here. Then solar is a no-brainer. High installation costs, but you can actually sell energy back to the grid! Has anyone here done it?
  14. The senior medical minds of the nation are out of touch dinosaurs! The same cohort a few generations ago, back in the west, were dead set against washing Thier filthy bloodstained hands between surgical procedures! A towel was enough, and dried blood under the fingernails was seen as a badge of honour (do you know who I am, plebs? A big shot surgeon!) Anyway, that's all history. Next up, Acid and Mushrooms, MDMA, then eventually, the rest. The dose is the poison. Even the ancient Greeks knew this. But the 21 Century UN policy is shaped by a long-dead American Catholic Priest, and a raving bigot called Harry Anslinger. While we wait, as more peoples kids die from criminally controlled markets every summer.
  15. Gawhok! (BS in Thai!) Also, yesterday in NZ I got a free Pfizer 2nd booster. So being in LoS prior, I now boast the cocktail of: Sinovac Astra Zeneca Moderna and now Pfizer. The nurses spent a bit of time on the computer making sure I wasn't going to keel over. To the chagrin of many here, I'm still standing! Dealt with a massive cold last month, the first in five years. I've even felt a bit "off" at work on two separate occasions, but ART tests were always negative. We're obliged to wear masks at work, I wear the cloth variety, apparently medically useless, but they're way more comfortable plus I am over it! The public should, but many don't and our work sometimes involves leaning in to demonstrate power tools. Anyway, so far so good. Omicron has probably got at least half the Kiwi population by now, it overtook every other disease as the number one killer in July, but they're saying the overall infection numbers are reducing daily this month. Most people I work with have had Covid. I don't know anyone in LoS or NZ who's died from it.
  16. Don't these blokes have local video stars on you tube to guide and inform newbies like the farangs do?
  17. Please please Thailand, never adopt the insane and pointless habit of using car and bike horns non-stop for no logical reason. The Thai roads are bad enough as it is!
  18. I never saw HK until 1999 two years after hand over. By which time the famed Kai Tak landing approach was history too, as the new airport was in service. Still, it became one of my favourite cities, and as I was in my late 30s I seldom left without a hangover! The buffet supper at the Royal HK yacht club was a Roast Beef Colonial Extravaganza! Members and guests (visiting aircrew were guests) enjoyed one of the best deals on the planet! If you were savvy you knew that genuine perfume and colognes were way cheaper downtown than at the airport. We used to buy pirated DVDs, particularly porn, ???? from shady top floor enterprises dotted around the street market in Kowloon. The Chinese food was ineffably scrumptious, especially when Cantonese crew members generously shared their favourite hole in the wall eateries. Years later in Portugal, I befriended a former Commander in the RHKP, he was in the Maritime Division, and his stories of adventure on the harbour made me wish I'd signed up back in the 70s! His police pension was not too shabby either, €3000 a month! I wonder if the CCP have since ended those colonial payouts, it's very likely! I was last there in December 2019, arrived at dawn at the end of a Japan /Taiwan cruise, it was already falling apart. Male African refugees skulking menacingly in pedestrian underpasses, anti-china graffiti everywhere, visible signs of riot damage and street fires. It was and is heartbreaking. There's a documentary on YouTube following ordinary Cantonese as they migrate to the UK. Better than living under Communism, but moving from HK to the UK is probably something they'll never get over, I wish them well, and hope they do well (they will!) and at least improve the sad state of Chinese takeaway in the high streets! I hear most of them have a hidden "authentic" menu for their own kind, while the drunken chavvies get the vile fried slop they know and love!
  19. Laughing boy Thaksin was a humble police officer. Somehow he parlayed that into owning a national telecommunications company, then becomes PM. That's all you need to know to figure out which side of the law he was always on. ???? Having said that, the entire system is built on crime corruption and feudal patronage from the village headman right on up. As in Communist China a "war on corruption" is just code for a bit of gangland spring cleaning to dispose of enemies who've become too powerful. It probably won't ever change.
  20. This will ruffle a few feathers, but tends not to happen in Xpress lane (premium boarding pass arrivals). Never been asked in any lane ever, anyhow.
  21. Interested enough to post on every one of them? And that's no insult, if they fascinate you on a non-sexual level, that's ok, bruh. It's the guys who show up without fail to mock and troll, they are losers with deep unresolved issues IMO. It takes real balls to admit to liking anything that's not 100% straight and narrow in this troll pit. The theta male homophobic trolls on here, don't have a testicle to share between them. ???? Best they don't come on here knowing nothing about jack, and start trying to label people, while there's one stuck to their forehead that reads: "I'm a galactic c*t"
  22. Are you always this skin-crawlingly embarrassing or only on the days you're on the turps? Fortunately, I won't ever have to pollute my mind with the answer. You've already been blocked to restore my edition of AN to it's usual gutter level. ????
  23. I don't believe most men do either. It's a porn trope. I believe the ratio of men who really like anal (vs like watching it) would be equal to the men who really like pegging, as in being pegged.
  24. Only a bloke knows what a bloke likes.... And if you never go, they'll never blow. ????
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