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Everything posted by Saanim

  1. About the "red line" for China there was a talk in Munchen by Chinese FM and EU Borrell. Only few media mentioned about that talk.
  2. I doubt there had been complaints about Thailand taking the side years ago during the Vietnam war. Wasn't it quite comfortable having the military based over the mountains, enjoying the peaceful country and its Smiles?
  3. There is no personal smear, just comment to your attitude. And your position being one of two or three specialists in your area? It confirms the attitude. (How many of us coming sacrifising ourselves for Thailand, then getting the right to tell them who they may be friends with...)
  4. Just a simple maths. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022–2023_Ukrainian_refugee_crisis (BTW, how did you get 43 M when no census?)
  5. Beside the fact that the Western world well being is very dependent on Chinese supplies, what should be the reason to isolate China? And by whom? Did they invade any country in last 100, 200 years? Do they have military bases around the world, threatening others, imposing sanctions on other countries? And why Thailand should be listening? Isn't it a sovereign country? Free to deal with anybody as per their liking and interests? Quite amazing view from somebody who has enjoyed easy sojourn here (I assume). What's the word for such attitude?
  6. If isolate, where the ships will come from?
  7. A decent man who obviously thought he can have his word in leading his country onto the right path. Then - as few others too - will realize that's an impossible task. Unfortunately, he did not avoid waging few (unofficial) wars: in Centre America, in Middle East.
  8. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_211698.htm
  9. That's not the same, is it?
  10. Not an interesting debate with somebody saying "would it been wrong to sabotage the pipeline?"
  11. So, you are insinuating that the pipeline sabotage is not wrong? Destroying billions of infrastructure, throwing millions of people into poverty? Is there any war in North of Europe, in Baltic Sea? Whether did it it hurt Russia? There are figures that say something about that. And because of that "sabotage" there are many who are getting profits never seen before on the cost of the Europe population. That's OK for you?
  12. Your issue? Whatever is not in line with the official narrative is "biased", therefore wrongdoing? However, we like to say: each voice to be heard. Was it also you who said that Hersh is "biased". Because of wrongdoing? His?
  13. How else than "disinformation" to call it? Just to read here. But disregarding others who say something else. And not really from RT: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/feb/13/jens-stoltenberg-ukraine-using-more-ammo-nato-prov/ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/natos-stoltenberg-we-plan-increase-targets-ammunition-stockpiles-2023-02-13/ https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-nato-politics-jens-stoltenberg-business-c50b44b430ae86f289baee9da5e35345 https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3296681/defense-ministers-to-address-natos-race-for-logistics/ Not mentioning the assessments of the real war experts hardly published on MSM.
  14. Is he "radically biased" if pointed on wrong doing?
  15. And all his public appearances are by his double.
  16. "latter part of his career"? Can you be more specific? Or did you mean some of his about Iraq?
  17. Enforced migration? Perhaps it explains why the Russians do not have enough manpower for the combat: the military is busy with the migration enforcing. In order to enforce 3M it needs really a lot of henchmen...
  18. This news is few months old. And in that time it was reprinted by many. However, only few of them (not CNN) have quoted the full sentence saying it all: “I will answer you very subtly, delicately and I apologize, I will allow a certain ambiguity. Gentlemen, we interfered, we interfere and we will interfere. Carefully, precisely, surgically and in our own way, as we know how. During our pinpoint operations, we will remove both kidneys and the liver at once.” Perhaps it was meant to remind the famous "disclosure" by Mike Pompeo, we cheated etc...
  19. Had the layoffs then been also so high? As we read currently (sometimes rather not so much publicised), there are 4 digits figures from many big companies, retailing chains also closing, but the "unemployment hasn't been this low since 1969"? Similar confusing news about the inflation - one month the highest in 40 years, another month the lowest...
  20. Not so surprising fact while the country is in the current turmoil, not only under the spell of war but also under the many sanctions. Perhaps it's compensated by the high number of the immigration, especially from Ukraine, almost 3 M officially, unofficially much more.
  21. I know absolutely nothing whether ones or others plan to take over Moldova. Perhaps you know more? I am just amazed about your logic you have expressed: "Russia's foreign ministry rejected the reports." Which obviously means they are true............ Do you similarly think about every foreign ministry in case they reject reports accusing them of something bad? ("which obviously means they are true"). In these days we know about a very serious investigated report by own citizen - quite respectful one - that was rejected as a nonsense. I assume that's not the case you would have on mind, would you?
  22. Did you expect that he will say something else? Wondering what he will say when reading his interview in Berliner Zeitung?
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