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Everything posted by Saanim

  1. “When two do the same thing, it is not the same thing after all.” — Publilius Syrus
  2. Whether you believe everything what you read? And giving that as a proven evidence? Especially, when it's concerning a war. Haven't we read so much about the recent wars, all nothing but the truth? Same case like the figures of inflation. Just few months ago it was the highest in 40 years. Suddenly it drops substantially. (It reminds me how some figures can change substantially over night.) Everybody's now happily surprised how cheap the livelihood is getting...
  3. So, is your problem my "unusual manner" or the matter - perhaps for you "unusual"? Seems that I was not so far when few posts above I spoke about racism or chauvinism. Wasn't that a reaction on your comment?
  4. On the paper it looks quite different than in real. Why you do not make a trip in those host countries - if you cannot read the local news - to get the real knowledge? How else the millions of the people running away from Ukraine can be just as per your paper info? BTW, the war is not in the whole Ukraine territory, but the refugees are from the whole Ukraine territory, aren't they?
  5. How do you "assume"? Do you have any attributes to your assumptions? If you were able to read a bit news from European countries where there are millions of Ukrainians - and not only women and children - how the citizens are happy to have them around, many of them with thick cars, they see so many around with the UA signs. (and the unpleasant news despite the strong censorship that's has been established by the EU regimes withing last two years) And everything free what the citizens would not dream of... And moreover, they (the citizens) are forced to utmost sacrifices because of more and more contributions to the UA war.
  6. Such a "unbiased" debate about nationalities. Some of them we like, some of them we hate (not knowing why). Isn't it called racism? Or at least chauvinism? What's so difficult to understand that somebody with money wants out of his country - whether because of conscription or whatever? There are zillions here living who also wanted out of their country - from different reasons - and some of the rather "without money". Nevertheless, most of them complaining on the circumstances they are "forced to live here" upon...
  7. Why so much secrecy in such transparent regime? Even over 60 years?
  8. A request by hot line to Kremlin to update the figures sent already. However, not sure how I will be able to present here the figures, since not a trustworthy source...
  9. Surely quite a wrong equivalence, isn't it?
  10. Whatever. Anyway, nice video showing between 1900 - 2022 top 10 European countries by GDP (not sure whether the war already included). Interesting also appearing of some East Block countries in 60's.
  11. Not a significant job attending the Olympics in Korea?
  12. I am soooo sorry that I did not get also the figures after August. Perhaps you can enlighten us?
  13. Not sure either how the Russians but all the Ukrainians should be now called back wherever they are worldwide. And they are not a few in Europe, not only from the time before the war but also during the humanitarian actions. And how they have got out when any man 18 - 60 yo was not allowed to travel?
  14. The Russian crowd on Rawai? Perhaps since something has been going wrong with the sanctions, as I read in an Austrian media. But perhaps they (the Austrians) got it wrong? They say that the European imports from Russia within the 7 months last year has increased more than double against 2021 while Germany and Poland are the biggest importers. (cannot find it on The Guardian)
  15. Not speaking about the other well known ones... (no space here for the pictures of the many...)
  16. No other advantage? Weather, food, money spending, people smiling, to name just few?
  17. Not only the two cases. There are many similar cases. Some cases are applauded, some cases are damned...
  18. Many years ago wasn't it the Boris Yeltsin who bombed the Russian parliament? And wasn't he applauded by international community for that?
  19. Why? Isn't the main reason of royal functioning to be in publicity? Or do you know of another reason?
  20. ^Exactly. What is the recent case the young actors have been suffering over 50 years being forced by the Hollywood to naked filming? So suing now... There are sources that place USA on the world top of lawyers per capita. Here's one that says one lawyer for every 248 residents. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/lawyers-per-capita-by-country
  21. When you do not have an argument you try to deflect to anything. Then, any discussion with you is senseless.
  22. We see nowadays in world news every day such riots incited by various causes where the casualties of the police force are sometimes occurring. Either directly injured or some later problems. Whether there are such sue cases? Wondering whether the Brasilia ex-president Bolsonaro will be sued for the parliament storming yesterday?
  23. It seems that you did not read properly my comment. I did not write about "the Capitol" but "Such insurgency or even a parliament storming sometimes happens". Just yesterday something like that happened in Brasilia. And many times elsewhere, e.g. in Kiew...
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