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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. That's what they all say weeks or months later. You never see this comment anywhere when it's happening. I might go up or down or sideways or maybe down or up, hmmm I stick to my shares and collect my dividends. Best ones at the moments are oil companies and my LGEN is also doing pretty well and paying 6,5% dividend.
  2. I always wonder what those "would like to by hobby farang, tourist police guys" are getting for their services. From a bus driver in north england to a tourist police volunteer. What a career.
  3. 69000 a few months ago. 50% down. Say this to all the newbies and hobby investors who put all in from their savings and probably a few on credit cards at 60,000 up and now sitting on a massive loss.
  4. But you forgot to mention it's 4000$ down the last 24 hours. Or from yesterday 39,079$ down to 34,969 right now
  5. Surprised that this lady hasn't been threatened with ..... in case she goes public or doesn't apologise to the honest member of the RTP
  6. Hide, the Ruskies are coming. I was in Pattaya a few days ago. Plenty of them.
  7. Line, Whatsapp. Always someone available to chat if you make a contribution online.
  8. Wowwww Saudi Arabia's population stands at 35 Million but they have an 8 million jobs opening for foreigners. Looking for slaves probably.
  9. The honest finder went to a pawn shop and the real value was 27Baht Better go to the cops and make the headlines as the honest finder of lost jewellery.
  10. Breaking.... since the fabulous news emerged that an honest thai citizen returned a lost necklace, worth 57baht, bookings go through the roof. Airlines are making hundred thousands of seats available to get all people asap to the land of "return the lost jewellery country".
  11. I found a used condom. Just checking the DNA and giving it back to the rightful owner.

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