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Everything posted by stratocaster

  1. There has been a lot of chatter on this forum regarding the million job vacancies in the UK. I just read an article that there are 6,000 vacancies at Heathrow. I found a job agent that lists 1200 of those jobs. There are basically no jobs paying over 21,000 per year or 10.80 per hour. Harrods and Gucci shops pay their shop assistants 10.80 pounds per hour. Remember this is to live in London. Supermarket "managment" assistants are 11 pounds per hour outside London. 12 pounds inside. The job that surprised me was the building site carpenter at 15 pounds per hour. I checked with a German job agency, first building site carpenter job I found pays 30 Euros per hour plus housing allowance plus travel benefits.
  2. I have had numerous discussions with financial institutes over the last three years so can confirm there has been a tightening of conditions. For example a form from a bank last year states on the permanent address section "No PO Box or in care address accepted" Please enclose utility bill no older than three months. Last months form states " No PO Box or in care address or mail forwarding address's accepted." Please enclose last council tax receipt. Knowing nothing about council tax I did a little research and discovered that the tax is based on two people living at the address. Does this mean that if I declared I was living at a home with 2 people they could be charged with fraud as they are declaring tax for 2 people instead of three? Similarly if my mother who lives alone and receives the 25% discount, could she have problems if I stated her home as my UK address. Regarding offshore banking the bank giving me the hardest time is based in Jersey.
  3. A great insight to the British car industry is a book called "Wheels of Misfortune" by Jonathan Wood. Here is the preface. "An investigation into the rise and subsequent fall of the British car industry over the last century. In 1950, Britain was Europe's leading car manufacturer. Today it trails behind Germany, France, Italy and Spain in the European car market. The author investigates the role of management, trade unions and government in the demise of the industry. He argues that the key to the industry's failure lies in its long time reliance on insular, self-taught leadership and a national environment where engineering has been relegated to a secondary social status. His investigations are based on hundreds of interviews with engineers, designers and top executives including John Barber and Sir John Egan". As someone who worked for Rover in the 70's on both the assembly line and the research and development departments I can recall horrendous stories of cost cutting methods. Remember British cars were built by accountants not engineers.
  4. You need to read the "kids and Thailand wannabees" forum. Wrong info is posted everyday. Unfortunately as time goes on it becomes fact. Example 3 months ago it was posted that to get PR only 3 years of one year extensions for any reason was required. Correcting this resulted in me getting 10 downvotes. Today it was posted that a 90 day Non O visa for retirement required no insurance but the one year extensions did. It was the most upvoted comment. By the way I only read that forum to get my daily dose of laughter.
  5. Just to add I had a Satander bank account which was active in that I used to top up every year to pay for some direct debits. A few months ago I received a letter with a check for the outstanding balance stating that as no regular deposits were being made the account was now closed. Later I received a letter from my UK based unit trust company that they no longer wished to deal with UK citizens who were non resident. The choice was to close the account or provide them with proof of which country I was paying tax to.
  6. Not sure if this is relevant but on Friday I was locked out of my KBank shopping visa card. It still has 1 years validity to run. Only realized when my netflix payment was blocked also Lazada account blocked. It has also disappeared from my online banking account menu. Was informed to attend my branch on Monday in person.
  7. It is also interesting to follow the movements of the RTP Dassault Falcon number 33742 business jet. Normally to be seen on Fridays flying Bangkok to Phuket returning Monday mornings. Anyone for golf?
  8. Yesterday in the paper that can't be mentioned there is a photo of a new office opening in MBK for Thais and foreigners requiring "legalisation services". Unfortunately there is no further info. Curiously almost all the people queuing in the photo are farangs. Anyone know the service they provide?
  9. According to her father her arm was broken in 50 places, so she can consider herself lucky they did not lop her arm off. He also said she had no motorbike license for Thailand and that she had the incorrect travel insurance. She had seen everyone else driving motorbikes so assumed it was the in thing to do. He also described her as very intelligent.
  10. One of the first things they will want is the 2.3 billion pound fine that the EU imposed on the UK for facilitating the import of fake brand name goods to the EU in 2018.
  11. Just met a guy who has a ME OA visa expiring on the 27 Feb 2023. He has just left and re entered to get a further one year permission to stay. He claims he has been stamped in to the expiry date of the visa, 27 Feb 2023. For example does this mean that if someone has 6 months left on their visa they will only be stamped in to the expiry of the visa not a one year permission of stay?
  12. Couple of days ago Braverman answered questions in the Commons regarding passport delays. She said that 97% of applications were dealt with within 10 weeks. They are expecting a large amount of applications this summer so had hired an extra 1200 staff. Regarding the 10 weeks, she emphasized that this was applications from the UK only.
  13. Maybe something to do with the fact that my 2 pals in Rayong have KK issued retirement visas and have never set foot in KK.
  14. Just looked at the conditions from a used car loan company on 800,000 baht car. Maximum deposit they accept is 30% or 239,000 baht. Outstanding balance over 4 years, repayment is 13,516 baht per month. Over 7 years 9,100 baht month. Strangely it depends on the cost of the car as to the repayment terms imposed.
  15. I am curious to know how returnees trying to get free medical care are going to beat the waiting times. I am sure residents of the UK would love to know the secret. My good mate in the UK who paid all his taxes and NI was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm one year ago but sadly died before he could get his operation. He was only 63. The UK press are reporting that 300 to 500 people are dying unnecessary per week due to not getting rapid A&E treatment. The UK PM has promised to get waiting times down to one and a half years by spring 2024 in a speech yesterday. As an exercise google the wait times for operations in your home town. In my town a life threatening operation is 17 weeks to a hip replacement time of 102 weeks. Of course there is always the urban myth of the guy living in Phuket who collapsed at the baggage carousel at LHR and was rushed of to Papworth hospital no less, and had 3 stents inserted that day.
  16. From Villa yesterday. 14 Richmond imported pork sausages, 800 grams, 189 baht. Local made western butcher 8 pork sausages 500 grams 263 baht. 4 Greggs sausage rolls 479 grams 179 baht. One sausage roll from local western butcher 150 grams 90 baht. 4 Imported chicken pies 568 grams 179 baht. 1 local chicken pie 240 grams 125 baht.
  17. There is an ongoing discussion on another forum regarding importing personnel goods. In a nut shell guy imported goods that were declared on the import documents as personnel items. Customs declared that most of the shipment was household goods. Customs are attempting to get money from the shipper due to false declaration.. Shipper is trying to get money from client for making false declaration. Result goods are still with customs after six months.
  18. From the book the Serpent. Sobhraj's prison sentence in India was due to end before the 20-year Thai statute of limitations expired, ensuring his extradition and almost certain execution for murder in Thailand. So in March 1986, in his tenth year in prison, Sobhraj threw a big party for his guards and fellow inmates, drugged them with sleeping pills and walked out of the prison. His prison sentence was extended by ten years, just as he had hoped. On 17 February 1997, 52-year-old Sobhraj was released with most warrants, evidence and even witnesses against him long lost. Without any country to extradite him to, Indian authorities let him return to France.
  19. Fun facts. The aluminum castings for the engine were done in Linwood. The bare castings were sent to Coventry to be assembled into complete engines which were shipped back to Linwood. When the factory opened the paint shop was not completed, so unpainted body shells were sent to Coventry by rail in open wagons to be painted, then sent back to Linwood. No wonder early shells were rot boxes. Development consisted of driving the cars 1000's of miles non stop but nobody thought to test the cars in the city environment hence the heavy clutch and throttle problems went unnoticed.
  20. A repeat post I made a while ago. Arrived at BKK and the first immigration hall was very busy. Did the trick of continuing to the next hall which was slightly less crowded. Arriving at the booth I offered my passport and boarding card to be told that this was the wrong immigration hall for this flight and was told to go to the other hall for processing.
  21. Not mentioned on here but another site says that passports are returned after 2 days. Not next day as before. The fact you have to apply in person is perhaps the reason the agents business died.
  22. Search for Jaras Aviation Thailand (The registered owner) then hazard a guess as to how long the plane will remain seized.
  23. If anyone is interested on Thursday I watched a UK government select committee meeting into the performance of the home office. Obviously most was about the immigrant situation. The last question was regarding the passport delays. It appears that one company that was given the contract to either print or manufacture the passports is the delay. As they are in breach of contract Braverman was asked by an MP what if any penalties had been awarded against the company. Braverman had no idea. She then waffled on that the waiting time had been reduced to three weeks. Her flunky then had to step in and say that the MP was correct and it was still 10 weeks. Sorry missed the name of the company involved. No wonder company's want government contracts as it seems there is no accountability.
  24. I use the same trays as you show but I do not use the sponges. I use ground up coir soaked overnight in a bowl with propagating solution. I squeeze out most of the moisture then spread over to fill all the cones. Place one seed in each cone and cover with a dusting of the coir mixture. I have a hand spraying bottle filled with propagating fluid and give a light spraying each morning to keep the coir moist, but not wet which will encourage root rot. When the seedlings reach approximately 3/4 inch I transfer to clear plastic drinking cups filled with clay beads and a weaker growing medium. This way you can observe the root growth. With sufficient growth I transfer to my final growing system. There is a "farming in Thailand" section which has a hydroponic section in Aseannow for more methods.
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