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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. You missed the point. Go to the AN home page and all the right hand panels are full of them.
  2. Is this possible? Those sections are just full of the same old drivel, posted by the same old users saying the same old (fricking childish) things. It's becoming hard to see the thread with any real value. Is this possible to turn off on a per user basis? Thanks.
  3. They're not supposed to be orange, you know?
  4. Fair point, although I think your altternative title hints much less at any underlying bias. Thanks anyway.
  5. Love that game. Found one or two PC versions of it a while ago (not played in years) that were true to the original and worth playing too.
  6. Why is the thread title "so called Asymlum Seekers"? It hints at a strong bias.
  7. Talking of food, can anyone recommend any reliable frozen food deiveries available in the Nakhon Phanom / Mukdahan areas? By reliable I mean: 1.) Temperature of the food was consistent all the way from origin to delivery (no thawed and refrozen risk). 2.) Not stupidly priced. Happy to pay the premium required, without any ripoff. 3.) Majority of items always in stock 4.) Fast delivery, 1 or 2 days maximum from placing of order / payment. 5.) Good range of western (UK mainly) canned and packaged foods. Would love to know where people find quality minced beef here, for example. The minced beef in Makro Pattaya was fantastic value / quality. Up here it's full of fat and grisle to the point that I find it unappetising. Thanks in advance.
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 50 seconds  
  9. Perhaps it's time for Trump to make use of his Oompa Loompa heritage?
  10. I hope not. The output of the account is of such low quality that it does far more for "the other side".
  11. Joined 3 months ago, already more than 3.5k posts almost exclusively in Trump / left vs right threads and mostly low quality. Almost funny to watch.
  12. Manual shows that the water waste pipe cannot sit higher than 5cm at ANY point. So definitely no pump and you'll need a floor level waste.
  13. Check whether it has a water pump (for removing water). If it doesn't your drain needs to be no higher than 10cm above the water outlet. I found that out the hard way on a 15k+ baht machine and had to hack off most of the laundry room waste pipe.
  14. There is very little difference between a male and female skeleton before puberty. Amount of exercise and exposure to sunlight makes a difference. Hormonal imbalances (at the right age) would make a huge difference. After puberty, I'm with you.
  15. If you want some of the best breakfast in Pattaya then go just 100 yards further down Soi Buokhaow, just past Pattaya City Hospital on the other side of the road and you have Pattaya Sports Hub. Every time I'm in Pattaya I have breakfast there. It ain't 99 baht, but it sure is good. Interestingly, kitchen is run by the same owner as CC.
  16. There. We finally have it. I've been laughing solid for 15 minutes.
  17. Would you have made any comment if all the moderators were male? Would you have even noticed?
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 34 seconds  
  19. I was actually trying to stop him/her making him/herself look even more foolish. But <deleted>, time for some popcorn.
  20. Until you understand how blatantly foolish that statement is, there is little point in answering further.
  21. The first smallpox vaccine was created more than 200 years ago. Unless you are older than the US, your immediate ancestors going back several generations almost certainly had vaccines which gave them a significantly greater chance of longevity. I do hope that you're not arguing against the general efficacy of vaccinations and the huge benefit they have provided you, me and probably every other person on this forum.
  22. ...and it's that kind of pathetic post which offers nothing but confrontation that makes any thread like this totally pointless.
  23. Hate is a strong word. I don't hate Trump, but he has no qualities that I respect in a human being and, so, has no place in any position of power. He's currently too busy questioning whether Harris is Indian or Black to be much use to me right now anyway.
  24. Then perhaps you might ask your original question to your own US politicians. Something along the lines of "How come people that I think are left wing can stand to live in another country that I think is right wing, but detest the right wing of the US?".
  25. Until you stop believing that the US "right" has the same balance as the "right" anywhere else in the world, you're ALWAYS going to think that anyone that is anywhere near the centre of the political spectrum is left wing.
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