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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. Bigot applies only to race? ... and that black president didn't endure any birth right crap from the orange one? My arithmetic is just fine, thanks.
  2. I'm not sure that Harris can win with the bigots that prevail in the US. However, he selected her as his Vice President, so endorsing her going forward was the right thing to do.
  3. Unemployment down, inflation under control, stock market hitting record highs, no science denied.... not bad for an unfit old man.
  4. Personally, however much Biden mght feel he has been betrayed, I think it was the best decision for the Dem party and for the world. I'd love to see GOP grow up, grow some balls and choose a leader that can span the divide.
  5. Joe Biden will not seek a second term. Was that the best decision? Who will he endorse? Your (sensible) thoughts?
  6. Science works out for Biden exactly as it works out for anyone else. What's your point? Do you have one?
  7. I have to admit that I'm giving more and more time to your Trump posts. You seem to have intellectual reasons for supporting him, which I have to respect. I will continue to take the piss out of the idiots, but you, sir, all good.
  8. Please tell me you've bought some of those assasination high top boots. You'd look great in them.
  9. You should so stand up comedy. You really are a funny man.
  10. It was was in the final year of his presidency, which he's trying to renew. Trump rarely puts any meat on the bone but, when he does, it's usually akin to the ramblings of a child. No reason not to remind people of that.
  11. Come on, it's obvious. An injection of bleach and a UV light up the arris.
  12. Perhaps significant circumstances have changed to warrant a new primary? Did you really just write that? Trump's antics after November 2020 and you're really accusing the Dem's of being the "anything to stay in power" loons? Unbelievable.
  13. When hiring, I always used to drill down into a couple of specific points about a candidates' higher education. Something along the lines of: Why did you choose your thesis / dissertation subject? How did you.... What did .... involve? Just stick to one or two points and drill down on them based on the answers to the previous questions. You don't need to know anything about the subject, but it will become apparent very quickly if the candidate does. If they don't, either the qualification is BS, or they didn't learn anything and so the qualification is still BS. Even asking about nighlife on campus, the best Chinese restaurant near the university or the name of the Dean's dog can very quickly tell you if they are legit or not.
  14. What do you think your insurance premiums are used for?
  15. In one short paragraph, you admit that you don't understand the attraction to alcohol, but still give your expert opinion on the people that choose to use it.
  16. Sure, but the point that really intriques me is that you frequently write with what I'd likely call open admiration about Putin, how open and fair his democracy is, yet something as benign as an earned title being used by a female democrate triggers you massively. "Low esteem and fragile ego" - is Dr. Jill Biden really the best candidate for that attack in your opinion?
  17. it is, or you could be unconscious well before you get a chance to help others. Never heard it for life vests.
  18. Wasn't the term Doctor used in education centuries before its medical links? After all, Doctor does come from a Latin word for "to teach". If you're that against its use outside of the medical field, go ask universities to change their rules rather than attack someone who is using an earned title correcly. Or just ask, what does it matter?
  19. Were you in the Dukes of Hazard?
  20. That kind of shows that you're too emotionally involved in the topic. Again, not having a great solution, and so coming up with no solution solves nothing. in this case it is holding BILLIONS of women to a disadvantage (I initially wrote millions, but was wrong). Common sense should tell you that this is the (much) greater evil. Procrastination is not helping the trans community (or any other). Equating what is likely the only real solution to being an irrational hatred (or any other kind of hatred) is doing their position no good at all. They face real issues that very much are based on hatred and ignorance. This is not one of them, although many of those that hold the hate and the ignorance would still support the only real sensible solution, albeit for the wrong reasons. That doesn't stop it being the right solution. Here's another quandry for you: 9 people on a plane that is going to crash. Only 8 parachutes. Each person has the same probability of using a parachute successfully. A disabled, black, trans woman. A catholic priest. A disabled British white politician. A gay Pakistani. A Jewish rabbi who hates all things Palestine. A trans friend of yours. Gary Lineker Kamala Harris A felon that has served their full sentence and probation period. Which one of them doesn't get a parachute? Got to act fast or the plane crashes and they all die. You have been put in the position to have to make the decision (or not make a decision at all). Not fair of course, but that isn't a good enough reason to do nothing.
  21. No I wouldn't. You could argue though that black people have an advantage in many running events and a disadvantage in swimming. That's life. Whataboutisms don't solve real problems either. What I would say though is that holding a position of "I don't have a position on this because I don't want to be unfair to anyone" is probably the worst possibility. Debating while sitting on the fence isn't debating.
  22. I hope it's true, but without any kind of link provided by you to back it up, this thread is both pointless and trollworthy.
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