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Everything posted by Lorry

  1. Sure? Are you saying they have the new catamarans and besides these, the old boats still do scheduled service? I thought the old boats are used for tourist tours (at tourist prices).
  2. Because with the new millionaire's visa, the millionaire will be allowed to work in Thailand ????
  3. Yes. So i left and never went there again
  4. That was one thing that seems to have changed: no more boats on sunday. And no more boats after dark. Alltogether much fewer boats than before, closed catamarans, no more outside, watching the riverside. The old boats were something I could bring every visitor on, they all liked it. I cannot bring a visitor into a boring catamaran. And, of course, not on a Sunday.
  5. A visiting friend wanted to take the express boat today. There were none. After asking a Thai friend who used to take the boat to work and trying to figure out their website i concluded: Instead of formerly 65 open boats, they now use 4 closed catamarans (boring), No boats on sundays and after dark (boring again), Reduced schedule, instead of a boat every couple of minutes it's now more like every half hour (useless). Prices have more than doubled. Modern times. Why don't they use their submarines for public transport, then we would have the same travel experience we are used to on the subway and the high speed trains at home. Of course, free Tiktok must be included in the fare. I will be happy if someone proves me wrong.
  6. Yes. https://www.chula.ac.th/en/cu-services/medical-services/osotsala-pharmacy/ The Goverment Pharmaceutical Office GPO has several outlets in Bangkok, one not too far from Siam (next to Huachiew Hospital), another one in the basement of CW
  7. I got crutches 3 or 4 days post op. 10 days post op you shouldn't use a walker anymore. But you need professional help (physical therapist) to learn how to use crutches, at least a week or so. About a month post op someone has to teach you how to climb stairs with crutches, you cannot learn that by yourself. The physical therapists working in Bumrungrad were prepared to do home visits (and cutting out the hospital) but they wanted 1600/hour, no way would i pay that. I didn't ask at St Louis or other places, but I guess it would be 800 or less. Kwonitoy's post is very good.
  8. Try to get away from the walker asap, use forearm crutches, they are available in Thailand but still not so common. Get a physical therapist to teach you how to use them (walk with alternating steps, similar to natural walking). Get a foreigner to criticize your gait and your movements. Thai's won't criticize enough.
  9. Thanks for your detailed answer. Yes, I am talking about triple bypass. I got a quote from Bumrungrad, in the meantime. 1.2 - 1.5m. That sounds a lot more reasonable to me. It is covered by insurance, but they have limits based on European prices. Price in Western Europe would be (less than) 30000 € (1.1 MB), in Switzerland 40000 CHF (1.4 MB) or more.
  10. In a thread from 2014, Sheryl mentioned 300000 In a thread from 2019, Sheryl mentioned 600000, and another poster said Bumrungrad charged 1.2m I just got a quote from one of the upcountry Bangkok Hospitals (they are usually about 30 or 40% cheaper than Bangkok Pattaya Hospital). 2 million. I know medical prices for foreigners have doubled during the pandemic. But I am still shocked. This is double the price in Western Europe if paying out of pocket and treated by professors. (The subsidized price in Western Europe - what most people pay - is of course close to zero)
  11. 27 y.o. gave birth (first time) 7 months ago, had an infection afterwards that needed operation (done at Surin Hospital). Now, when she passes stool part of the stool comes out of the vagina (so there is a fistula). She will need another operation and I was asked if I can recommend a good doctor. But I have no idea. I don't know her personally, but the major private hospitals in Bangkok or Korat are no option.
  12. I haven't ordered for several years. They now give me a delivery date in June (they didn't say which year). There also is th.iherb.com (redirecting to iherb.com), thailandiherb.com (not working), a line ID @iHerb.TH (not working), several Zuckerberg's iherbs on face and insta (not interested in Zuckerberg), and assorted piggybacking scammers. Any experiences?
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