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Everything posted by Lorry

  1. The pm2.5 part of it would not be in your lungs - it passes through the lungs and goes directly into your blood. Did the Filtrete make your a/c more noisy?
  2. 3M says, cover only 50% -66%
  3. I fitted Filtrete into my wall-mounted Daikin unit after having the unit cleaned. The wall-mounted unit (not the compressor) is quite noisy know.Is this a typical effect of Filtrete? (I have never used Filtrete before) Or is this an effect of shoddy cleaning? (My Mitsubishi unit got noisy after cleaning, no Filtrete involved)
  4. All the rice farmers I know don't file taxes. But I don't know 12 million. Some do claim WHT refunds, most don't, as fixed term deposits are not popular with farmers. The word ภาษี "tax" for them means VAT. This one they all know.
  5. I had more food poisonings this year (3) than in the last 20 years. What's changed? 1. I got old. 2. I still like street food. But the stuff that, 20 years ago, used to be regular food for most people here, and was reasonably clean, is now clearly (in Bangkok) a very low-class rarity. One coconut sweet I bought was clearly rotten, I threw it away (saved me from a 4th food poisoning this year). City Thais nowadays eat at Pepper Lunch, Fuji, Chesters and all the other crappy "food" joints, just look at Terminal 21 or Emquartier.
  6. You (or your wife) should have gotten the invitation to pay property tax. I got it for several years, some mail from the government adressed to my former landlord, I had no idea what it was and threw it away. That wasn't very smart.
  7. Are you qualified to judge this? Obviously not. The private hospitals on the Algarve and Hospital da Luz are good, but Hospital da Luz is a bureaucratic nightmare. The others... have fun!
  8. EU citizens are free to travel anywhere in the EU. They are not free to live/settle down anywhere in the EU. They are free to work anywhere in the EU. But if you are retired, not working: You can stay 3 months, after this, you need a permission of stay. It's different in every country, but generally requires proof of income or financial stability, and proof of health insurance. Spain: beware of the tax traps many expats have fallen into, eg property tax for foreigners. Greece: no medical care. You have to bribe even the dentist if you want treatment - and it's still bad. Portugal: public medical care is soso, a bit better than in Thailand. Private medical care is by far not as good as in Thailand,.
  9. Is he gone yet?
  10. Usually, yes. But I once was sent home. It was thursday before a long weekend (I didn't realize that), and the guy before me took about 2 hours. So, when I finally got called, it was time for the IO to go home. They quickly found an excuse (like "you cannot transfer stamps to new passport without bringing your bank book ") and sent me home.
  11. People subsisting on less (real life examples: 500 € per month in Pattaya, 721€ per month in Pattaya) are exactly the people who do not participate in surveys. But they claim back their WHT, as 100B is a big deal for them. These are the people who know all the happy hours, and who complain bitterly if beer goes up 10 Baht. There are many of them. Just like low-class Thais, they never waste a thought on tax. That's why you don't see them asking questions about tax. OTH there was a guy who posted, 20 years ago, that it's impossible to live a decent life here on less than 300,000 per month. His calculation included apartment and BMW for the mia noi. He also enjoyed threesomes, no other form of sęx. YMMV
  12. No, that would be logical, but IT systems do forget (data banks migrate, systems are upgraded, data are deleted according to statutes of limitation, whatever). If you had a TIN 10 years ago and then never used it, it's as good as not being in the system. My home country is one of the most bureaucratic places in the world, but they would have a hard time searching for tax data from 20 years ago. The perfect surveillance state is being developed, but it didn't exist 20 years ago.
  13. 7.30- 8.00 is better. Best is Dr Jack's way - if you are confident that everything can be done in one afternoon
  14. You have told us this before. It seems you really were an exception, I know many people in Bangkok and Pattaya who claimed their refund of WHT without problems. Maybe because it's a routine here, whereas in Prachinburi a foreigner is not routine...no idea.
  15. We know different people. I hardly know anybody who spends more than 50000 a month. (But sure, I know these people exist. ) And many people aren't here 12 months per year.
  16. The TRD's system has forgotten them already (not kidding). In theory, they could still find them. In reality, a couple of years back, no more.
  17. You prefer Brits? Russians? Americans? And anyway, whom do you mean by "we"? And aren't you a tourist yourself?
  18. They probably sent the probes to China for rigorous testing, so credibility is very high This kind of testing certainly isn't cheap, plus all those administrative fees...
  19. I just happened to see a stall (at Lotus) selling Saw Palmetto 160mg (same dosage as OP) from the brand "now", 90 tablets for 1190B. It would be easy and certainly cheaper to buy it yourself from iherb.com, delivery takes about 9 days (much faster than what iherb says). This kind of stalls selling vitamins etc are quite common in the shopping centers.
  20. Thanks for all the answers. Definitely gives me back some peace of mind.
  21. Thx, that whas what I thought. Has it ever happened that they refused to give someone a reentry permit at the airport? (I remember when a visa was just a formality, nowadays it's not just a formality anymore - but a re-entry permit still is just a formality, right? )
  22. Somebody posted (yesterday?) that CW wouldn't issue a reentry permit, only after at least 7 days after 90days-report would they do it ( can't find the post). So I was a bit panicky as I applied for a reentry permit today, because I had mailed them my 90days-report 7 days ago (no answer yet, 90 days are not yet due anyway). I got the reentry permit just as easily as always. Has anybody ever been refused a reentry permit?
  23. Thx. AIS told me that would be the cheapest package. I am not planning to do this, but I want to have a plan B if the banking app or my phone stop working.
  24. This guy owes me 20 minutes or so of my life - his YouTube video was quite useless
  25. I doubt it. I once needed printed statements from them, I got them at their main branch in Silom. They are just as cryptic and unintelligible as their bank books. For example, many incoming funds were labled as receipts for goods and services - complete BS, i have never sold anything here.
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