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Everything posted by Callmeishmael

  1. Will the Chinese sailors get a brief leave to visit Pattaya? I'm sure that they would enjoy it!
  2. So, many here claim that taxing the rich will lead to less economic benefits for all. Let's take a look at historical US tax rates: Back in the '40s - '80s, most Americans could survive on one income, most Americans could buy a house, most Americans could afford college, most Americans could afford Medical care. AND... the rich were taxed at a higher level than they have been since then. Now let's take a look at the US Gini numbers (the measure of economic inequality): Notice that the two graphs are almost exact reverses of each other!
  3. This shows the new PM's priority: making the rich even richer.
  4. I had a heart attack 3 weeks ago, so no more bacon and eggs for me! ???? Today was mushroom soup (no cream), a piece of multi-grain toast, some grapefruit and a cup of herb tea.
  5. I might add: The scans must be submitted as a PDF file that is no bigger an 2 mb. If you have multiple documents in any category, you must make a multi-page PDF file to submit them, otherwise only the first scan submitted will be saved. Also, many of the pull down menus are only in Thai, so you should have a fluent Thai reader sitting with you when you are filling out the forms. (my Thai reading skills were not up to the task)
  6. Does this mean that the 'caretaker' cabinet will finally stop making sweeping changes?
  7. Every Thai voter has two votes: one for a party and one for a candidate. BMJ is a regional party that fielded candidates that were popular in their constituencies, so lots of their candidates won. However, as a party they are not very popular, so they had few party votes.
  8. I think that the writer of the article should have called them 'uncontrolled' crossings, rather than 'unauthorized' crossings. Just another example of the high standards of journalism that prevails here in Thailand.
  9. Meanwhile, EVERY DAY we hear about sweeping changes that the 'caretaker' government is making! Everything from mass reassignments of senior civil servants to taking away pensions from the elderly poor!
  10. The Democrats joined the Military Junta and were punished by the voters. They went from being the 2nd most popular party to barely getting %5 of the vote. The only purpose they now serve is as a warning to PT as to what can happen in the NEXT election.
  11. I always try to respect other's beliefs, now matter how stupid they are. But this is really pushing the limit.
  12. Big Joke knows how to deal with these hooligans: Just double the income requirements for retirement visas! That will obviously weed out the undesirables! ????
  13. It will be interesting to see who is in the 'new' coalition. PT + BMJ + the little parties from the old coalition still only add up to about 225 votes. Even if the Senate votes for Sretta they still need more votes to have a majority in Parliament. I expect that PPP will join them with another 40 votes.
  14. I don't think that Thaksin is being wily, I think that he is just desperate enough to come home that he will destroy the PT party just to achieve his own ends.
  15. The BP had a story about Big Joke's answer to rising crime among foreigners: Increase the deposit amounts needed for a retirement visa. Obviously people who can pay 2 or 3 million instead of 800,000 must be fine, honest, upstanding citizens!
  16. Here is the person from the OP. If I hadn't been told differently, I'd say that they's a she. Of course, in Thailand there are a lot of he's that look like she's!
  17. Those of us who were here when Taksin was PM should remember his MO quite well. He frequently made announcements that sounded serious, but never came true. This was just his way of floating an idea to see what the reaction was. If people liked it, it would happen in some form or another, but if it was not popular, it simply disappeared. The August 10 announcement was just a fishing expedition to get a response from the PTB.
  18. Rickets. Occasionally I see older people with severely bowed legs. It could be osteoporosis, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was rickets from avoiding the sun when they were young.
  19. Isn't he just a caretaker Minister? Why is he proposing new programs?
  20. The Nielson Hayes Library is probably one of the best in Thailand, at least for English language books. https://neilsonhayslibrary.org/ As you are a student at Chula, you should be able to use the libraries there: https://www.car.chula.ac.th/ Also, the FCC doesn't seem to have a library, but they do have a good bookstore. My wife used to go to the National Library of Thailand when she visited her grandparents in Bangkok. I don't know if they have any English books though. https://www.nlt.go.th/
  21. Plus Settha promised never to join with PPP. That was yesterday. Today they are best friends.
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