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Everything posted by Callmeishmael

  1. The issue isn't just declining population, it's more an issue of WHO is having children and who isn't. We are already seeing immigration from countries with high population growth to countries with low population growth. The future Europeans, Chinese, Japanese, etc., are now being born in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Nigeria, etc. If they really want to address future problems, they should be planning how to educate and integrate the third-world immigrants who will replace the non-existent native-born future generations.
  2. I am sure that your doctor already checked this, but I had tinnitus and hearing loss in both ears and when I finally saw a doctor, he stuck the world's tiniest vacuum cleaner into my ears and sucked out an amazing amount of solidified ear wax! My hearing instantly went back to 100% and the tinnitus stopped as well.
  3. For me it was just random chance. A customer gave me a round trip ticket to Thailand. A year and 3 shorter trips later, I came here for good.
  4. Hamas might release one or two for propaganda purposes, but they have nothing to gain by releasing them all. In fact, they are probably hoping that some are killed by Israeli bombing.
  5. Potjeman's father was a former national police chief who was very powerful and influential. He gave Thaksin his start in business by giving him a monopoly on police pagers. He was Big Joke's patron back when BJ was just starting out. I'm sure that he already knows Potjeman well and is simply reaffirming his loyalty.
  6. Is your university near the Train? A commute by train from Northern Bangkok would probably take no more than 45 minutes and would cost just a few baht per trip. I commuted by train in the past and found it safer and much more relaxing than driving. As a student, you could use the commuting time to read and study. https://ttsview.railway.co.th/SRT_Schedule2022.php?ln=en&line=1&trip=1
  7. From China, arrested in Thailand and bound for Australia. So where will they be tried and sentenced? In China where they will get a bullet in the back of the head? Or Thailand where the will stay in a hot, crowded prison for a few years? Or will they get the jackpot - prison in Australia?
  8. Game of Thrones Stranger Things Monty Python's Flying Circus
  9. The full article says that he is the Palestinian ambassador to both Thailand and Malaysia.
  10. It doesn't matter whether you live in the UK, the USA or China. The future looks bleak for everyone who is not one of the top 10% of the economy. When I lived in Silicon Valley, I referred to myself as a Techno-Serf. That is the going to be an increasingly common description!
  11. So, AFTER the incident is posted in social media the police became involved?? Why weren't the police doing their job and investigating this hit-and-run when it happened?
  12. Fortunately he isn't. As an appointed, rather than elected, successor, he would be passed over if presidential succession became an issue.
  13. This is like the Roman bread and circuses. They are willing to give any equality except for economic equality!
  14. Age won't really have much to do with it. I got my Thai Teaching License at the age of 60 and have renewed it since then. As for getting another waiver, you really need to convince the KuruSapa that you are working toward a real license. Since they are no longer accepting PGCEi's or Graduate Diplomas, you probably need to sign up for the KSP's own course, which may or may not be possible.
  15. I bet that the "reform" will look something like this: He will restrict the licensing of retail shops so that only outlets owned by Boonrawd and ThaiBev can sell cannabis retail!
  16. So why did an Influencer have to bring all of this to light? That guy got away with killing at least 4 children without a peep from the police!
  17. He does sound like he is preparing to attack the middle class, as the poor don't have enough money to bother with and the rich can always hide their money! This is right out the the Thaksin playbook and this is what lead to the popularity of the yellow shirt uprising in Bangkok!
  18. I think the problem is at the China end. No matter how easy and attractive a trip to Thailand is, if the Chinese government puts up barriers to international travel because they want to keep the tourist money in their own country, the numbers will not go up.
  19. This is actually not a problem unless you have a ponzi scheme economy that only survives with economic growth, rather than economic stability. Also, funding a national pension scheme could be paid for by cancelling useless submarines and multi-million dollar fighter jets!
  20. If they were serious about this, they would assign seating after weighing you! Put the heavier ones in the middle of the plane and the lightest toward the front or back. Of course this would split up families - I am 6'1" and 86 kilos, while my wife is a foot shorter and 20 kilos lighter!
  21. Here's my two bahts worth: I got married in Thailand 20 years ago. I had never married before, though I had a number of long-term relationships and was over 40. She was divorced and had an 8 year old son. Her parents were both already dead. I paid no sinsot, but I did pay for the wedding. Fortunately the exchange rate then was 42 Baht to the Dollar!
  22. Did you see who was appointed to look into this case? None other than Dept. Interior Minister Chada Thaised, who is rumored to be very well acquainted with provincial corruption!
  23. I would tell you, but I would have to kill you afterwards! ????
  24. So, they want to reduce the "unaffordable" pension increases, but they don't want to do so until after the next elections.... ????
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