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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Did you understand the reference ?
  2. Her speaking with a posh British accent makes it difficult to beleive Especially for those of us that remember her being in Casualty
  3. Look its still Sunday morning , Sunday morning really isn't the time to be talking about having a Sherman tank in your room
  4. Ukraine is right on Europes doorstep and Russian expansion effects Europe . That isnt the case with Myanmar
  5. It was actually YOU who wasn't being truthful
  6. What Trump actually said was that the USA "may not" automatically defend any NATO Countries who didn't financially contribute to supporting NATO . Trump was encouraging other Countries to pay towards funding NATO
  7. And those Afghans who we armed were the Mujahedeen led by a nice chap called Osama Bin Laden .
  8. It was you who didn't provide a link and that is what I had to request a link . You didn't provide a link and then you accuse ME of not providing links . You then provided a link and when I replied to the figures in your link, you accused me of going off topic . How about you taking responsibility your own actions and stop pointing the finger at me ?
  9. I was replying to your off topic false racist claims .
  10. A Black person is more likely to commit a crime than a White person, according to your figures .(baring in mind that there are more White people than Black people)
  11. That is racist and ageist statement to make Do you have any evidence to back up your claims ?
  12. In my life , why do I give valuable time, to people who don't care if I live or die
  13. Yes, it could have been that the hotel attendant set the room alight as revenge for the guy being abusive to him ? The guy may have left late at night to catch a bus and maybe he wasn't given his deposit back and thus why he got annoyed
  14. He will be old one day and he probably identifies as being "white" .
  15. People of different race behave differently ? That itself is a racist statement and we are taught that we are all the same . I do agree with you though
  16. The buses that arrive and depart from Koh San road are extremely likely to have things stolen from them , the normal buses are quite safe
  17. Because that is what the story is about
  18. Just say that you don't like it because Jews are getting all the attention
  19. Thugs and violent abusive people have taken over the Western World , shopkeepers and the public are scared to stand up to them and confront them . Thais get their machetes out and deal with the situation
  20. You seem to have misunderstood what I said and meant and what I replied to
  21. It wasn't "xenophobic" , it was the felangs behaviour that caused the reaction , rather than his Nationality
  22. Just seen the video and a tall felang was abusing a small Thai woman shop keeper and there were Children in the shop as well The felang continued the abuse , even after being told to go home/away and he sat right outside the shop continuing the abuse . That is when the machetes came out and the Thai guy told him to go away . The falang got what he deserved
  23. A prime example about what I find frustrating about living in Thailand . They keep changing their mind about things . A poorly thought out new rule/law , its doesn't work, so they scrap it . They need to think things through before making new rules/laws
  24. Yet another Country using the law to silence Politicians who have a different view to those in power . Are there any Countries left in the World that adhere to democratic ideals where they don't use the law to silence the opposition ?
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