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Posts posted by way2muchcoffee

  1. Spot on! and the last i read the US with all it's rules, still allows more immigrants than any other country in the world. Hmm go figure......


    from the chart it looks like they are doing some screening but still lead the world in letting people in, with the EU falling far behind so it seems the facts do not support an attitude that immigration to America is an unfair process.

    Your assertion is flawed. Simple numbers of immigrants has little bearing on the fairness of the immigration process. A more accurate way of determining immigration fairness would be done in either one of two ways.

    1) Number of Immigrants divided by the the population of the country. This would account for the fact that larger more populous countries can 'carry' more immigrants.

    2) Number of Visa Applications accepted divided by number of Visa Applications denied. This would point directly to the fairness question.

  2. If used properly (and that's a big if here) there is a need for Tourist Police assistants in popular tourist destinations who speak English and other languages fluently. It should be a requirement that these assistants also speak Thai fluently. So many problems are caused by misunderstanding and miscommunication. Ideally these assistants or officers would be paid employees and not necessarily foreigners.

  3. So long as I can have an enjoyable and meaningful career that helps people, provide for myself and my family, enjoy my leisure time in activities of my choosing, afford certain luxury items, and eventually retire, then that is enough for me.

  4. I believe governments should not be in the business of separating families. All countries should grant immigration and Visa rights in either country to any legally married couple. There should be some kind of litmus test to prove that the marriage is legitimate, but once passed the right of entry, securing income, purchasing land, and remaining in either country should be automatic. Anything less is immoral.

  5. I'm also sketical of the number of millionaires here, but who cares. If people want to lie on an anonymous poll I hope it makes them feel better.

    I would also agree with the posters that state that to have an upper middle class lifestyle here is actually more expensive than in the west and the quality is often lower.

    It is possible to live cheaply here, millions of Thais do it. But if you want a western standard of living with western quality goods and services you pay more than in the Europe and way more than in the US.

    Many things are cheaper in Thailand because they are far lower quality. When you want western quality, that means western brand names, which is usually more expensive.

    The main things that are cheaper are personal services (of ALL kinds!) because Thai people are cheap. Having a maid and driver are luxuries in the west, whereas BMW sells more 3 series cars in the UK than Ford sells Mondeos so having a BMW is no longer a luxury. Electronic goods are more expensive at anything above the lower end.

    Clothes aren't any cheaper if you buy genuine western brands. If you don't, then the quality is generally poor.

    Food is cheaper and restaurants are cheaper, but the quality is very variable and health and sanitation is so terrifying you can't even start to think about it compared to a western restaurant.

    Accomodation is somewhat cheaper unless you decide you want western standard accomodation, when its no longer cheaper. A 150 Sqm apartment to western standards of construction, fitting, fixtures and finish is $5k a month in a good area of bangkok, and probably $4k a month in a good area of Los Angeles for example. And even then the actual quality of "luxury" property is often poor with bizarre pennypinching and lack of attention to detail and lack of trained fitting and installation. Electrical and plumbing systems here are a joke, no matter how much you pay.

    Cars are so much more highly priced you end up driving something a trailer park resident in the US would reject or you tie up a large amount of capital in a non-productive "asset"

    Other services such as TV channels, internet, mobile phones, etc. are all vastly inferior AND more expensive!

    Many goods and products are simply unavailable. I'd love to have the new Amazon Kindling for example. Impossible here.

    You need to make a LOT of money here to match the lifestyle you would have in the West. People who say its cheap to live here are finding it cheap because they've willingly downgraded their standard of living to include mostly those things that are cheap in Thailand while abandoning many of the things that aren't.

    I could say it was cheap to live in the US if I lived in a rural trailer park, ate Costco food and drove a ten year old pickup.

    The thing is that because housing, medical and insurance costs, transportation, food, travel, and entertainment costs are so low, a person on a reasonable salary can have a much higher standard of living here than in the West because they have much more disposable income.

  6. There are also programs in the wealthier private schools where students do military training during school hours once a week in M4, M5, and M6. There are also two, week-long intensive training camps that they must attend. The do the military training in lieu of the Boy Scout business. By the time they finish high school they have satisfied the conscription requirements and don't participate in the lottery.

  7. To be fair, probably every person he asked advice from at the time - his wife, the wife's family, friend's wife, friend, etc - probably told him to do exactly what he did. I work in schools and I have seen this kind of thing before many, many times with parents, students, teachers, and administrators. Innocent children are often made to kow tow and apologize, even when they did nothing wrong.

  8. I was with my wife for 6 years before we got married and i know everything about her.

    I still cant figure out why guys get married within a year

    Yep, same for me. Perhaps I waited an overly long time, but in truth it took that long for us to fully understand each other and determine whether we are compatible as lifelong partners. Differences in culture and language are huge obstacles.

  9. JD - this is the second time you have made implied slurs about me or anyone who may take offense to the use of the word 'farang'. I think it is you who is mistaken about the frequency, location, and numbers of people who are annoyed by this. To suggest that there is some link between being a sexpat and taking offense to the word 'farang' is ridiculous and highly offensive. Shame on you.

  10. I know ThNiner. And really, I do appreciate your efforts to help us understand. Not joking here. So many problems in the world revolve around miscommunication and misunderstanding.

    I would encourage you to stop using the word 'farang' because now you know that many, probably most, Westerners find this offensive. If you could explain to your friends how it makes us feel and encourage them to stop using the word, it would show a sincere desire to make foreigners feel welcome and comfortable during their stay in your country.

    I have lived here for 6 years and am no longer bothered very much when I hear the word 'farang'. Sometimes though it is upsetting. I will try to remember your words at those times, ThNiner, so that I don't take offense and can let it go.

  11. I understand what you are saying ThNiner. But the only thing that does matter in this case is whether the term is offensive to Westerners. If it is offensive TO THE GROUP BEING LABELLED, it is racist, and should not be used.

    It would be much more appropriate to use Pee and Nong when dealing with foreigners as these words do not offend. The reason they do not offend is because the westerner is not being singled out and referred to on the basis of skin color.

  12. I appreciate the fact that a few Thai people have taken the time to respond and note that their tone is sincere. Thank you for your comments. This board needs more input from Thai people in my opinion.

    The problem is that the word 'farang', when used as a label for white foreigners, offends many many westerners. The fact that many find this offensive make the use of the word racist. It has nothing to do with the the state of mind of the person using the word.

    For example, I have nothing against black people, but if I refer to a black person as a nigger, it is considered racist.

  13. It’s the same rule for every thing on sale and has nothing to do with your being a falang, the seller sees a white face and thinks he can increase his profit, its simple business 101

    Caveat emptor

    And that's why I decided to use my brain to learn intellectually demanding subjects (physics and mathematics) and share this knowledge to earn a modest living. I am not interested in exploiting others.

    Wow, now I feel so ashamed for earning above "modest." If only I could give it all back.... But, I would want my taxes back too.... Do you think the IRS would agree?

    I'm afraid your only avenue is to donate all of your dishonest monies to charity, followed by immediate self-immolation. :o

    You assume all those that earn above modest do so in a dishonest manner?

    Nah, I was only trying to make a joke. Sometimes they don't read so well on the internet. No offense intended.

  14. It’s the same rule for every thing on sale and has nothing to do with your being a falang, the seller sees a white face and thinks he can increase his profit, its simple business 101

    Caveat emptor

    And that's why I decided to use my brain to learn intellectually demanding subjects (physics and mathematics) and share this knowledge to earn a modest living. I am not interested in exploiting others.

    Wow, now I feel so ashamed for earning above "modest." If only I could give it all back.... But, I would want my taxes back too.... Do you think the IRS would agree?

    I'm afraid your only avenue is to donate all of your dishonest monies to charity, followed by immediate self-immolation. :o

  15. It’s the same rule for every thing on sale and has nothing to do with your being a falang, the seller sees a white face and thinks he can increase his profit, its simple business 101

    Caveat emptor

    And that's why I decided to use my brain to learn intellectually demanding subjects (physics and mathematics) and share this knowledge to earn a modest living. I am not interested in exploiting others.

  16. The folks who would knowingly charge a large premium to another foreigner or wealthy Thai really disappoint me. It speaks volumes about the character of some of the people here.

    To sell something below market to a family member, or to a charity case is fine, but to add a 'perceived wealth' surcharge is opportunistic and disgusting.

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