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Everything posted by LikeItHot

  1. Do your own research. I don't work for you. If you want to stay uninformed don't blame anyone but yourself.
  2. Semantics anger me. There is no difference between the phrase colored people and people of color. The new rules are arbitrary and designed to make you the oddball. You can never be woke enough. The "freedoms" some people want involve your children so be careful before you just accept the will of everyone else.
  3. Last week drove to Makro no mask went inside they demanded a mask This week drove to Makro no mask went inside they demanded a mask. Wow. What a difference.
  4. I can't compare the US and Thailand in any way really. The US taxes everything and still have the world's greatest debt so I wouldn't jump to follow their model. Banks are still refusing to deal with growers and supplies because of the federal pressure too so that is raising new problems of its own. Taxing farmers out of existence in Thailand would probably not be the best thing for them. Income tax exists in Thailand. I don't see the difference between what the products are. It requires thought but at the end of the day any taxes generated would be sucked up by corruption anyway. Their not building schools and roads and funding libraries and police here at least not before filling their pockets.
  5. Being serious, do they tax bananas and pineapples in the way you had hoped marijuana should be taxed?
  6. Ok we believe you. You have personal knowledge of a tiny Pinas in France. Enjoy.
  7. Really? I remember seeing a ton of car wrecks and pedestrians and motorcyclists flying on that video.
  8. Many people, especially Thais, fail to realize then when a truck and bicycle or motorcycle or a pedestrian disagree the truck always wins. This is why there are weight classes in boxing. Slow down. Always give way to an exposed person on the road.
  9. I used my BKK app to wire to my lawyer in Italy recently when Wise refused to send to him specifically (they refused to specify why). Presumably a US transfer would be as smooth. Fee was about 1000 baht same as in person at the bank.
  10. Another rule by another moron who fails to realize there is more than one way to exit a country.
  11. 7 days in Samui or at least that's what they said last year. Side note BKK bank told me the new option to download a 12 month bank statement for Immigration would be accepted by Immigration. Naturally it was refused and they insisted I order an official copy. Caused a two week delay in processing my application which technically put me on overstay which is why I think their 7 days in advance rule is a problem. But as always they know what's best...
  12. "Goddammit Jim! Don't they know viruses have tiny wristwatches?!"
  13. After more than two years of mask mandates worldwide there must have been massive reductions in all airborne illnesses. Right?
  14. In another thread I pointed out how corruption was our greatest problem here and when it us us against a Thai we always lose and we can be victimized any day by anyone without reprecussion The bar stool warriors said I was crazy. Didn't take long to prove my point.
  15. Believe that any time you have a negative contact with a Thai you will be a victim of corruption. That is an ever present daily fact. Treating foreigners as second class and good sources of shakedowns happens every day. And no it is not this way in every country on the planet. You are a victim of it I am sure although you fail to recognize it as such.
  16. Dummy rounds are typically orange plastic and they are used to train for misfires. Sounds like you don't know as much as you think you know.
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