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Everything posted by LikeItHot

  1. I'm not gonna read all the comments but I hope all the guys who often advocate for dual pricing at public parks etc who mocked me for pointing out it was a slippery racist slope are here to enjoy a fat slice of humble pie.
  2. A little bit of applied logic might have saved you from public embarrassed. Deep deep down did you really believe the card had a two day lifespan? If so, you should never cross a street without consulting a second independent source.
  3. Lots of ways to defeat them. YouTube it.
  4. My Thai neighbors dog has been barking all hours of the day and night for hours on end at times for more than two years. The police have been notified more than a dozen times by multiple neighbors. Nothing is ever done. Complaints have been filed against the police for not doing anything and nothing has been done. I am happy to know I will have your full support when I murder the family and their dog.
  5. Another example of police not doing their job resulting in murder. Barking dogs and misplaced garbage can drive a situation to extremes when not remedied appropriately early to prevent escalation.
  6. There's always one clown that doesn't get sarcasm.
  7. There are no limits on how much cash you can carry into a country. There are only declaration limit requirements.
  8. You visa extension dies on its end date. You bank accounts will die if you leave them empty for a year.
  9. It's a culmination of corruption, bureaucracy, lack of knowledge, opportunity and laziness. What often happens is a family member gets a job at a government facility then extends that authority to their family and friends to become agents. I can't say it hasn't helped me in the past though. Last year I needed Thai international driving permits and Samui doesn't process those. One must go all the way to Surat Thani and possibly for multiple trips to accomplish this. Hotel stays, ferry rides, dog sitters etc etc. one of the DLT staff offered to take care of it all for me. It was worth every baht. My motorbike license plate disappeared last week and since my blue book is from Phuket the DLT wanted me to go to Phuket to get a new plate. I said no way. Then they said Surat could do it. Same logistical nightmare. I couldn't get the same guy to help but there is a reputable agent in town that can get the new blue book, new license plate and renew my regular motorbike license and international drivers permit both expiring next month all in one go in Surat for me. It's a no-brainer and to be honest, a blessing.
  10. That was a mistake. Never get loud with Thais firstly. While the insurance hustle is not a good business practice it's a very small price to pay for having a Thai bank account.
  11. You must sign nearly a dozen documents to open a bank account. I've never heard of an agent who can facilitate this but as the first thing you would give them is a power of attorney form I can not more strongly recommend you do not do this with something like a bank account. Not only could you loose any money in the account you could be held liable for any credit taken out by a third party and have zero recourse a you gave them the authority of your finances.
  12. My dog suffered terribly with aggressive cancer. The vet's in Samui had no sympathy because of their beliefs. I found a local mobile Russian vet who kindly came to my home and helped my baby boy to sleep. Thank God for her. Obviously she's too far from you but I found her on a local FB pets group. Maybe hopefully there is someone like her near you. Good luck.
  13. I got both my DLs in Phuket. Renewed in Samui. No problem. Doctor note. Immigration address check (as I'm writing this I understand your concern) and watch the horror videos in the DLT app and bring them your QR code. Then brake and color test. Done.
  14. I have a rule. No watching men's bags. If a Thai "lady" asks you to watch her bag, see rule number 1.
  15. Dull or burning pain is nerve pinch or damage possibly originating in your cervical vertebrae. I think between 6 and 7 is the nerves that run down your arm. An MRI on your neck should show a pinch.
  16. I always liked the Andaman Club. Hit the casino have a few drinks it's great till you come back. The IO asked me why I didn't do my border run in Phuket. I told him Phuket is an island and doesn't border any other countries. When his head stopped spinning he stamped me in.
  17. She wants money. This answer suits all questions to what a Thai lady wants.
  18. How do you know the victim wasn't French Belgian? The police have a few questions for you.
  19. So you're saying being a master craftsman doesn't pay the bills?
  20. I've never heard of a murder suicide that involved only one person.
  21. They won't give you an unsecured (prepaid) credit card anyway. Asked many years it's always the same. I am sure someone will chime in and say they got one no problem but the banks all make their own rules so we won't all have the same experiences. I've been banking with BKK for ten years and more or less for fun I tried with them to no avail. Truth be told I wouldn't trust their security or the police to do anything if my card was used without authorization. I'm much happier carrying debit cards with controlled limits balances and sms notifications. My KTB debit card is VISA branded so works everywhere. I recently noticed some fraud attempts on my Wise card and since I keep the currency balances empty until just before a purchase I had no fears at all. Sorry for the derail. As you were.
  22. I have had bank accounts at BKK and KTB for 10 years first on a Tourist visa then B Visa then Marriage then Non O Retirement. Never been asked for a tabien bahn. Go to a different bank.
  23. Maybe he's hung like a reptile. Two knobs for double the fun.
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