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Everything posted by LikeItHot

  1. The only thing I want to hear from China is when I am getting my COVID reparations.
  2. I will eventually. He's number 5 on the list I'm waiting for evidence for behind unicorns, leaprachauns, Santa Claus and a Thai woman who isn't a liar.
  3. There's a 7-11 not far from me. I have walked there many times. I decided to test the delivery service for fun and ordered two identical items. They called me two hours after the order and told me they didn't have what I wanted but offered a replacement that I accepted. They arrived 4 hours after the original order with only one item. The test results were exactly what I expected.
  4. Find out what the biggest trophy is then go have one made double the size. When no one Is looking pull it out and run around holding it high above your head shouting "FARANGS ARE THE BEST!"
  5. Try that raw pork in blood covered in flies like they serve in Isaan. Let us know how it works out.
  6. You didn't say what you want them for or for what country if any other than Thailand. I use James Martin <james AT mericanasiatax.com> for US taxes
  7. I avoid them like the plague. I have no desire to answer the identical questions over and over again. If I sat down in a bar where I came from and was inundated with "where are you from, what do you do, how long have you been here, where do you live and who are you with?" the interviewer would leave with less teeth than he arrived with. After ten years it gets extremely tiresome.
  8. I can't see if they are shaved from these photos
  9. First Potus to avoid war since Jimmy Carter. If he's a "maniac" he's sure doing a poor job of it. Why don't you provide a list of all the maniacal things you believe he did in your mind? Full context references and actual convictions only please. Obama killed 3 US Citizens with a drone strike without due process. Joe Biden killed ten civilians in Kabul seven of whom where children with a drone strike. Make sure your list has juicy maniac stuff like that. Mean tweets doesn't count.
  10. The term "early Alzheimer's" is reserved for.people 65 or less. Joe's Alzheimer's is called "right in time Alzheimer's".
  11. Multiple times?! Why didn't you learn your lesson after the first time?
  12. Definitely a Koel. Thais call it Nok GaWOW because that's the horrible noise it makes. Brood parasites and when the young hatch despite being able to fly a get their own food they work their adoptive mother to the bone screaming at her to bring them food all day. I found one with one eye once and took care of him for two years. He hated me the whole time but he did love playing with my dogs. I was in the pool the other day and one of them finally made me go inside with his constant screaming. Annoying AF.
  13. Hold your breath for an hour. You will solve your problem and ours.
  14. I never said it would be taxed at "source". The transfers will be taxed here. The transfers are mandatory. Therefore the tax is mandatory and at a level set by them not your actual monthly needs. Obviously that's a baseline for those on retirement extensions. OBVIOUSLY it will increase from there depending on individual transfers people make. Don't be obtuse and then make obvious statements. It wastes everyone's time.
  15. For retirement extensions if they want to tax transfers that's fine but to have a mandatory monthly transfer and then taxing it is a scam. It's a matter of minutes before they realize that raising this minimum will increase their revenue. Get your exit plan sorted. It would be the same as your home country telling you you will be taxed a certain percent your income and you must make the level of income they decide for you. It's basically government extortion. And furthermore if a Thai doesn't pay maybe they will get a fine but we all know what happens if a foreigner doesn't pay. They will attach it to your immigration status so the stakes are higher. Tax Thais earning abroad, tax foreigners earning in Thailand and if you must, slap a 100000 baht fee on non-o extensions do it but let's stop the lie that says this law was designed to catch rich Thais earning abroad and call it what it is. A new way to dig into rich white pockets. Everyone knows rich Thais don't have to follow laws.
  16. Thanks for the reminder to stock up on everything I need to stay home for three weeks.
  17. People eventually tire of other people constantly claiming they are victims on slim or antiquated evidence.
  18. This is outdated information as of April 2023. The letter is no longer provided. There is only a form provided by the US Embassy that you can hand to Thai Immigration explaining this. This is the form. https://th.usembassy.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/90/Notification-of-cessation-of-linkage-letters.pdf
  19. They can't read between lines. It doesn't matter how harshly you criticize them as long as you do it with a smile on your face and end it with a hearty sarcastic "THANK YOU VERY MUCH", that's all they hear and always say "Welcome" in return thinking you just complimented them. Their fragile little egos are only overshadowed by the dimwittedness.
  20. Thais have no idea what sarcasm is. My review would have said " These tenants were number 1 for giving our cleaning staff the greatest challenge of their careers. We want to thank them for putting their skills to the ultimate test. The filthy bathrooms and kitchen were a welcomed but nearly insurmountable challenge. They get the trophy for being the BEST of the WORST! CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎉🎉 and THANK YOU for reminding us that people like you are out there!". He would have sent you a thank you note.
  21. Notarized and apostilled docs are two different things. You are conflating them.
  22. Get a home tester and if you want more meds get them online. Always cheaper than local.
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