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Everything posted by BE88

  1. And progress does not stop now as in the West they are looking for young, beautiful and rich man. Better now treat our girlfriend or wife carefully.
  2. It's not me who says it but it's written in the PO Thai Examiner.com so using logic I assume that it will be an extra request to get your Visa renewal like your bank deposit, but if you think it's exempt you're free to think so.
  3. As in your country, being ignorant of the law does not exclude you from your duties and penalize you, so what Thai immigration will do remains to be discovered.
  4. What are you talking about ? Please use a translator
  5. When you show up for your visa renewal they will ask you for proof of your visa declaration if you have lived in Thailand for more 180 days. So I assume everyone will have to have filed their taxes next year if you want to stay in Thailand, excluded LRT
  6. The problem you raise is how should you behave if you want to invest in Thailand if you don't have any documents proving that you are not a criminal but that your money is your savings? Therefore I find it extremely risky to import capital into Thailand from now on.
  7. However, my tax will be 3.OO0 B. acceptable without problems. Making an investment here now in Thailand will be another question that I won't ask myself for now because I won't do it.
  8. Now it is clear that all foreign residents in Thailand will have to pay taxes for those who reside beyond 180 days
  9. Yes, I understand your situation perfectly because I went through the same phases so much so that I promised myself not to get a dog in Thailand again but only to feed the street dogs that I find in the morning when I go out for my morning walk.
  10. A month ago I gave her 50 Valium tablets and she didn't even fall asleep so Valium is of no use on dogs. Very difficult situation not being able to do anything in Thailand.
  11. I think you still haven't realized that you live in Thailand, this is your problem from the beginning
  12. Yes, I understand that you don't have a lot of money to throw away but I understand that you are aware that you have a Thai wife and therefore everything goes together with the Thai culture which asks for a dowry at marriage. And this is the reason that they have given their agreement to their daughter to marry you, and if you don't respect it your wife might change his mind about your marriage.
  13. I see no difference between our two worlds when debt reaches these levels and just to keep politicians in government
  14. The problem is that the most famous economists don't understand that printing more money brings inflation in the West, so Thailand copies them. Prawit he only slept for ten years
  15. What troublesome you have fond to Glary ?
  16. This is the last news today https://asia.nikkei.com/Economy/Natural-disasters/Japan-quake-toll-nears-50-as-rescuers-battle-to-find-survivors
  17. Now I am waiting for an answer if pensions for expats will be taxed or not in 2024, since this must be declared in 2015 there is still a whole year to wait for the news so we will be busy for the next........ 365 days.
  18. If everyone is happy everything goes well and there is no problem, if then the man has a problem with his bank account, well everything is paid for right
  19. The journalist was sure it was Indian only because he beat with a long stick normally used in India but not only on this country ????
  20. For this time I agree with Elon Musk.
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