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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. I do like the idea of a portable one. Mixing water with a mains electricity connection, in Thailand, doesn't sound like a bright idea to me, so portable sounds good. . Thanks for the info..
  2. Reviews said that the battery is a problem, runs hot and doesn't last long?
  3. Looks a bit fat to me, get a newer slim line version, you'll be surprised at the immediate improvement. It's called 'The Novel Rat Syndrome'. Works for cars too.
  4. That looks incredibly cheap, does it really work efficiently. high pressure, continuous stream, just like my pee when I was a lot younger?
  5. No they don't work. The birds get used to them. I have reconciled myself to a continuous cleaning regime and I just have to accept that it's their home too. . I have the only fresh water swimming pool around, which of course they take advantage of. It's like living with a load of anti social teenagers
  6. I have the same problem with pigeons on my roof and the veranda. Problem is, young birds tend to return to breed, where they themselves were born, as do Mum and Dad when they want to roost. Netting is the only sure solution, bar shooting them, which is illegal.
  7. I'd rather have cheaper tickets, not add-ons I don't need. Tell your wife to put 'Flight Aware' App on her phone, then she can check for herself.
  8. It's a rather serious indictment of society if people can't put up with a few hours of no internet. What ever happened to books? Aircraft entertainment systems are more than adequate to entertain the most bored of air passengers, even kids. Not one person on this Earth is so important that they have to be internet connected 24/7/365, with the possible exceptions of the US President and the Military.
  9. and Monks, those parasites on society.
  10. Nothing much to do with Airbus, the aircraft has the systems fitted, its all about what the airline want to charge for..
  11. Typical reaction on this forum, nothing about the A350 itself, just a load of snide comments, typical and pathetic.
  12. Hope you have the right Licence?
  13. Sorry, but whats 'shocking' about it? From what can be seen, they deserved what they got. Some farangs will just never learn.
  14. All religions have killed and still kill today. Religions of all kinds are in no position to preach about right and wrong, or any other moral; issues. They all have too much blood on their hands. They are the problem, not the solution.
  15. Such weapons keep the general World peace. In order to demonstrate their potency, the two dropped were a necessary showcase. Japan was the recipient and they were justified.
  16. No; most farangs on this forum are miserable, always/sometimes.
  17. IF I recall correctly after all this time, they weren't marriage material, at least not for me. Come to think of it, neither was I at that time.
  18. Really?? I would say that I have had, and are having, a fairly average life sexually, and I passed that number in my first 3 or 4 years of becoming sextually active. Seems very low to me.
  19. living that long.
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