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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. Or a hooker
  2. No no no
  3. Mine too. I don't see what the issue is. Just buy a cheap phone here are stick the sim in it.
  4. I ditched Apple products 8 years ago. I have a Samsung A Tab, an HP Computer and my phone is a 8,000 Baht Oppo 37. All of which can do precisely all of things that an Apple product can do, at a fraction of the price. Price does not always, or even often, guarantee quality. You only have to look at the World of high fashion, high dining, or high end hookers, to see the truth of that statement. Good luck to you if you are happy with their products. Personally, before my change to android, I had 3 iPhones break on me and 1 iPad.
  5. Idiotic. You need your head examining and one day, maybe sooner than you think, the doctors will have open access to your brain.
  6. How do you think the makers of books and movies get paid? Safety features are there to save idiot people from themselves, obviously. Yours is a rather silly set of questions, more akin to the musings of an immature teenager. I hope its made in jest
  7. Yep, that sticker is worth all of the extra 20,000 Baht you pay for it, over a good android product.
  8. I have all of the features you mention on my HP Computer, Samsung Tablet and Samsung phone, at a fraction of the cost of Apple products. Up to the individual what they buy, but I see no point in the rush for any Apple products, when cheaper options are available and as as good.
  9. WTF, do you actually believe that nonsense?
  10. and there we go
  11. What features?
  12. Instead of posting a dumb, irrelevant response, which admittedly is your usual response to most things, how about informing us all why this iPhone is any better than those before it, or better than say a bog standard Oppo 37 at 8,000. Come on genius, let's hear your informed view.
  13. Count yourself lucky
  14. Anyone who still goes out to buy the new scam iPhone needs their head examining. So many new Android phones are just as good, if not superior, at a fraction of the cost. This latest rip off, at what, 33,000 Baht is a prime example. People with more money than sense will still get ripped off by Apple until they all come to their senses, or unless they are 15 year old Japanese/Korean girls', who never learn anything useful.
  15. Big deal
  16. Isn't a hat for a cock a condom?
  17. It is as easy to avoid sugar here as anywhere else. Beef steaks are not covered in sugar, neither are plain chicken or pork dishes. You can ask for no sugar in your drinks , or just cook and eat at home. I have no problem avoiding sugar here.
  18. BS is it; so your so called company DID NOT follow the BOI rules? How did that work then?
  19. I suspect that, depending on their services or products, they will locate to other Countries rather than here, Malaysia comes to mind as does Indonesia, that are much more welcoming to inward investment, special visas etc.
  20. and I would bet a good deal of money that the company was in a some kind of partnership arrangement with a Thai company and following Thai employment and investment rules. I say again, it is not legally possible for a wholly owned foreign based company to operate in Thailand without following the BOI restrictions, requirements and criteria. Thailand is far from an open house to foreign investment and it never will be. This is self evidently true and what I was saying in my first post .
  21. Have you actually bothered to read this link? It s full of restrictions, requirements and criteria for business investment in Thailand, just as I stated. At least read it yourself before [putting it forward as evidence of your clearly wrong views.
  22. Really? Then why hasn't it happened already? There are not 'loads of international wholly owned companies' in Thailand because the Law doesnt allow whole foreign ownership operation. They are all partnerships in one form or another. Even giants like international Law firms and accountancy firms have to abide by employment quotas and restrictive practices, which is why many don't stay, Tesco being one, Carrefour's another. Guess why Toyota assemble cars here, under partnership?
  23. This is laughable. For this to succeed they will have to loosen so many restrictive laws on employment, investment and ownership. This will never happen.
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